Sentences with phrase «feel superior no»

You may feel superior in the situation; nevertheless, this is the person that you chose to be your child's parent.
Abusers typically want to feel superior, to control and dominate.
They hate rules and feel superior to them.
In contrast, people with high self - esteem naturally feel good about themselves but do not feel superior to others.
Not only will NOT divorcing you keep your spouse from breaking ranks with her family or religious community, but it will also likely make your spouse feel superior, while making you feel guilty as sin.
Some people may think that if a child feels too good about himself, or has very high self - esteem, he will be over-confident and as a result not make efforts to achieve good things, or he will become arrogant and feel superior to others.
Do you feel superior, or inferior?
Does it help you feel superior?
As an accomplished Senior Level Sales / Operations professional with 10 + years of success leading financial management and sales development in diverse industries, I feel my superior ability to analyze and implement operational process improvements would be an asset to your organization.
You will feel superior comfort and wouldn't like to remove the watch.
How else can they sit in their government paid / subsidized offices, earning their government paid / subsidized livelihoods, and still feel superior to all those other lesser peoples out there actually creating wealth?
(The benefit being they now get to feel superior to even more people.)
On the contrary, if you'd like to feel superior in your maximum temperature experiences and look down on your ancestors, you should trust the story told by the respectable long - lived trees (the green graph).
I'm glad I've provided entertainment for so many, as well as the opportunity to feel superior!
But at least it makes the person handing them the advice feel superior — and it doesn't require any effort on their part.
Looking to Machiavelli for a way to put some martial arts move on the West, and flip it into dense urban housing, bicycle commuting, and radical decreases in energy consumption may allow the green elite to feel superior.
This allowed the English to feel superior without actually damaging international relations.
This person probably started out as a console gamer and saw how high and mighty other like - minded PC gamers were and wanted to feel superior to «the peasants.»
The game, arguably the best Mario sports title in existence, brimmed with features, characters, and an RPG feel superior to what had been on the Game Boy.
It's hard not to pine just a little bit for some fresh ideas, but the improved design and greater respect for the player goes a long way to making this game feel superior and fresh over its predecessors.
You get to feel superior to this other creature and make fun of them without penalty.
After all, the consumer - driven task of the critic is to make readers feel superior about the topic at hand — not indict them as part of the problem.
You've probably already noticed that most of these dogs are small, maybe since people seem to feel superior having an ugly little dog about the house.
They sometimes feel superior to other people or dogs.
For example, they might feel superior reading literary works, and thus denounce everything else as dreck.
Some readers want to feel superior in terms of what they are reading.
PediaPress may have just touched on a brilliant marketing ploy that lets us feel superior as we mock their ideas, while still spreading the news about their much more limited service.
The moment you feel entitled is the moment you feel superior and distance yourself from a humble heart that believes God knows what he is doing.
It's just so important to be right, or to feel like you are, just as humankind struggles to feel superior in any way, shape or form they can.
Do we perhaps want to feel superior, or at least equal?
Anger burns in my chest at your elitist attitude, when you clearly have NO reason to feel superior, as you constantly fail to demonstrate why you think you're entitled to ANYTHING.
You feel the superior engineering in how the car responds to inputs both internal and external.
Bullying is so prevalent, in my opinion, because teens want to feel superior in that bubble of their school.
Director James McTeigue («V for Vendetta») at least allows viewers to feel superior to the characters; he has fashioned a film where seemingly anything yelled by the audience has more thought behind it than what is happening on screen.
It's hard not to pine just a little bit for some fresh ideas, but the improved design and greater respect for the player goes a long way to making this game feel superior and fresh over its predecessors.
Neither Dolmaire nor Roy - Lecollinet looks much like his / her older counterpart, but Paul's witty self - deprecation is a constant — he talks his way into a college course by suggesting that the other students need a doofus like him to whom they can feel superior — and Esther is still maddeningly mercurial.
The audiences in the midnight shows are there to jeer and feel superior.
We may watch expecting to laugh and feel superior, but the prismatic approach, with characters speaking to us to explain their perspectives (or try to put the blame on each other) is surprisingly sympathetic, grounded, and insightful.
The absence of the slaves in this film reveals the consequences of racial and cultural arrogance in the South, and how they don't know who they are or what to do with themselves if they can't feel superior to someone.
Now I like dumb comedy as much as the next dimwit, but not when the filmmakers condescend to their characters in order to make the audience feel superior.
It's too easy to feel superior to these two people and their marriage in hell for the sake of some easy (or even uneasy) laughter.
Men should treat women well and let women feel superior than men and it is healthy relationships and arrangement.
I always feel superior and healthy when I have one.
There is no reason to feel superior to someone else, yet we continue to do it on a daily basis.
This «rebel» mentality just seems like a way for socially awkward dudes to feel superior by being part of something larger, like teens and the insane clown posse.
I hate the religious overtones sometimes associated with good health practices, causing some to feel superior while others are shamed.
It has probed what we thought for years: many countries do not just feel superior to less powerful bodies, they show a ridiculous arrogance regarding smaller, less developed countries.
I didn't go to feel superior to anyone else.
Picking on «weaker» kids gives them a charge and makes them feel superior.
Do what you think is best, but don't use it as a way to feel superior over other mothers.
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