Sentences with phrase «feel the tone of»

That it is always the same feeling and a different one from the feeling tones of other colors, I do not clearly experience.
I also feel that I owe you a small apology since I don't feel the tone of my post was what I intended.
So when I looked at the cover, I felt the tone of the book, but the yellow is so bright against the black, my eye was drawn only to inside the yellow, and I couldn't tell what the image was.

Not exact matches

Meanwhile, as various pundits and historians across the globe debate if and how Trump's surprising political ascendancy will shift the overall tone of U.S. politics going forward, the candidate himself feels like only a win in November will make a difference.
The employees involved feel a lack of trust from their managers, which sets a negative tone through the workplace and puts unnecessary pressure on staff.
However, given the ongoing tone of the discussion, I no longer feel that this Council can accomplish these goals.
To feel good, you have to look good, but for a lot of individuals finding the proper attire for their body type, skin tone, etc., is a struggle.
The look, tone, and feel of a brand is critical if you want it to be followed on social media as much as top celebrities are.
So, you've coupled what you want them to do, with the three things you want them to know, and when you add in the overall feeling — let's say, motivated — you'll know what kind of tone you want to use as well.
Start by brainstorming common words and build from those, pushing farther out to the fringes of the English language to uncover uncommon words that evoke the feeling and tone that you're striving for.
At the end of the two weeks, I'm happy to say that I do feel like my butt is more lifted and toned.
Second, the good teams all had high «average social sensitivity» — a fancy way of saying they were skilled at intuiting how others felt based on their tone of voice, their expressions and other nonverbal cues.
«However, given the ongoing tone of the discussion, I no longer feel that this council can accomplish these goals.»
Everyone — regardless of age, gender, or previous experience — looks and feels better when their body is stronger, leaner, and more toned.
I, as a member of Mars Hill Church, have NEVER felt bullied or even heard tones of bullying during service.
The first description points to a level of mental functioning in which bodily experience is merely registered without much enhancement of the mental pole in the occasions other than perhaps a general feeling tone; the second points to an habitual form of bodily unity; and only the third suggests a flight from environmental obligations in the interest of greater depth of experience.
Some of the points raised by the numbered critique are excellent, but true the tone becomes less useful and condescending with some of the points (and I love that Hayward raises the point that this is no doubt the way the author feels he has been treated).
you don't know if you are messing up something for the host, you feel like you have to stay an acceptable length of time in order to not be rude, and the personality of the host will set the tone for the group.
I came to see that it is often not the explicit message or the rationalistic arguments that are most important in communicating faith, but the deeper tones of feeling and background....
Since the quality of the marriage sets the feeling tone for the family, parents should look at their own relationship when they are considering whether something is wrong with their child.
But the description of man as a rational or intellectual animal, familiar in the Middle Ages, is dangerous unless full recognition is also given to the feeling - tones which are as much a part of human existence as is human rationality.
If one's tone of voice communicates that one already knows how another feels, it might be heard as an accusation or an imposition.
I think one of the funniest things about this exchange is that, based on the tone of her posts, Heavensent signing off with «amen» always feels a lot more like»... so fck you.»
Like the show, the stories are hit or miss, and if you like Keillor, or the man Keillor is in many of his stories (whether in print or on the air), you'll appreciate even the misses, because even when the right word doesn't quite come, or when the timing is just a shade off, the tone usually survives — something lingers in the air, making us feel at home, comfortable, happy to be here.
Israel was not particularly close to my heart then, but the tone of hatred felt like a personal attack nonetheless.
Even more disastrously, it may mean that the central function of ministry is felt to be a discourse on Sunday morning, containing a lead, three points, and a thought for next week, not to exceed twenty - five minutes in length, set forth in a tone any self - respecting human being would reject if approached privately.
Not every way of communication honors the truth: sometimes the manner in which something gets conveyed subverts reality, as when a preacher says all the right words about God's love but in a tone of voice and with a concluding string of «oughts» (therefore we ought to do this and we ought to do that) that makes you feel guiltier than ever.
We have seen that we can account for the type of situation where a general feeling tone persists in consciousness as a background for a focal point of attention.
The feeling tone which is sometimes communicated is like the mood of a cartoon showing a tired, bedraggled couple on a vacation.
Beardslee sets the tone of the issue when he speaks of «reading of a text through a theory of propositions» (p. 35, see also p. 65); and Woodbridge summarizes the group's contention «that a text is a configuration of various linguistic symbols which tend to elicit «lures for feeling» technically called «propositional feelings»...» (pp.122 - 23).
These comparisons of races are always open to exception, but undoubtedly the northern tone in religion has inclined to the more intimately pessimistic persuasion, and this way of feeling, being the more extreme, we shall find by far the more instructive for our study.
The satisfaction of all feeding, copulating and cleaning drives in animals is probably guided by such feeling tones.
Now the subjective form of a feeling receives its characteristic tone from the subject which privately entertains that feeling.
The eyes are a direct pathway to the inner being of a person; their messages therefore are revealing, (b) Let one person say the other's name repeatedly, changing the tone and intensity, until that person senses that it «feels good» or affirms him.
What is to be observed in that statement is the choice of the term care to designate the feeling - tone that pervades a man as he stands at the evanescent borderline between the «not yet» and the «no longer.»
This physiological response sets up affective tones or bodily feelings which constitute the subjective forms of the energetic processes transmitted to us from our environment.
For the most part the emotional tone of its feeling conforms to the world that it feels.
The warm feeling - tone of the minister's manner, his contact with his audience, his awareness of the tangled complexities of ordinary life, and his attitude toward his own weaknesses are all key factors.
This transference of affective tone, or subjective form, is «the most primitive form of the feeling of causal efficacy.
What is inherited is feeling - tone with evidence of its origin: in other words, vector feeling - tone.
Thus perception, in this primary sense, is perception of the settled world in the past as constituted by its feeling - tones, and as efficacious by reason of those feeling - tones (PR 182, 184).
This last has been forgotten in a good deal of traditional analysis of human life, and failure to see that we have those «feeling - tones» is bound to produce a sadly distorted idea of personality.
Accordingly, Whitehead attributes to all actual entities this feeling of the emotional tone of other actual entities.
This reception of emotional tone is combined with the vector - character of prehensions or feelings in order more fully to describe the primary phase of a moment of experience:
Above all, each of us has deep feeling - tones.
Indeed one might say that liturgical worship by and large speaks not so much to the conscious attention of its participants as to those profound and almost unconsciously experienced areas of human life where men live in terms of feeling - tone, of unutterable emotion, and of profound subconscious relationships, with an almost intuitive awareness of the «more» which is deep down in the structure of reality.
They think of passionate love, perhaps after the fashion suggested by Dr. Anders Nygren in his well - known book Agape and Eros, as selfish in desiring a response and damaging in its feeling - tones of high intensity.
Specifically, monadic relations consist in quality of feeling or the relation of some feeling - tone to itself, dyadic relations consist in sense of reaction or the relation of some feeling to what it feels, and triadic relations consist in mediation, habit or, in cognitive individuals, thought or the relation of one feeling to another through a third.
Holmer, obviously irritated by what he took to be a tone of intellectual flabbiness, said, «You get the feeling we're all a lot of hothouse plants just crying for attention.
He insists on the importance of the «feeling - tones», the aesthetic element in all experience, and the reality of human experiences of value.
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