Sentences with phrase «feel the way you did about»

---------- I am so sorry you feel the way you do about modern - day fathers.
For me, and I believe many others, that is why I feel the way I do about the team at the moment.
She apparently doesn't think it matters why someone feels the way they do about sex.
It feels great to know that there are other women who feel the way I do about their birth plans not going as they imagined and I'm not the only one.
Now, to be fair, there are those out there who will tell you that you have every right to feel the way you do about yourself and will say that it is not your fault you can't achieve anything of significance.
I get pretty excited about cooking, but my kids don't always feel the way I do about the final creations!
What I love most about Adam Driver is that he may feel the way I do about that famewhore, the Kardashian of droids, BB - 8... which is DISDAIN.
It's against the rules to feel the way I do about him, but I can't help myself.
I have a sneaking feeling I'm not the only one who felt the way I did about my first credit card.
It's also a good idea to bear in mind that not everyone understands the Rottweiler, or feels the way you do about this breed.
I feel the way do about the conditions under which most of us are under.
Identifying their dreams allowed them to discuss why they each felt the way they did about Luanne's horse.
You have a right to feel the way you do about your adoption journey.

Not exact matches

The paper suggests that reframing the way you think about what you're doing while networking can help you feel «cleaner.»
That way they feel bought into the topics when you meet and if they DO have a burning topic on their mind (let's say their upset about something)-- you get a chance to learn about it in advance and come more prepared.
People love to feel like they have the best thing, no matter what that thing is, and they'll do way more than talk about it if they really feel like it's the best.
This doesn't mean having company parties every week but rather about finding ways to help all employees feel included.
If any publishers are at all concerned about the way were using Readability to get the content, or if they feel were showing too much content, it's very easy for us in a server file to dial that down and do something that they're more comfortable with.
When you actually listen to what they have to say and give their concerns appropriate consideration (especially when they're suggesting a new way of doing things), they'll leave each meeting feeling like you value their contributions and care about their well - being.
«People don't feel this way about companies, and they definitely don't feel this way about their work tools,» says Ali Rayl, Slack's head of customer support.
The best thing to do is identity what you're feeling awkward about and find other people feeling the same way
Canadian CEOs agree that natural resource companies should stay in Canadian hands, although they don't feel the same way about companies in other industries.
As Contagious defined it way back in 2008, it's «advertising that doesn't feel like advertising, no longer about reach and frequency, nor about immediate return.»
Sixty percent of Millennials say they either have no interest in buying a car or don't feel strongly about the idea one way or another.
What I do is I write mainly about very personal and rather lonely feelings, and I explore them in a different way each time.
It's a way out for them to get out of social situations they don't feel comfortable in, while allowing them to not have to suffer consequences or answer a million questions about where they were or what was going on.
The best way to approach this is to send out an e-mail after the board meeting saying something like «After reflecting on our discussion at the board meeting about (topic X), I don't feel I clearly understand each of your positions.
But what's amazing about the partnership is it almost doesn't feel that way.
Swift, the subject of the magazine's latest cover story, admitted coming to a revelation about Spotify that she simply «didn't like the way it felt» having her music so readily available at such a low price point.
If it holds up that the majority of users do feel the same way, that's when you can start digging in deeper to find out why they want this particular feature and howyou can solve that problem for them (it's about the friction, not the feature).
«Clothes do make you feel a certain way,» says Welch, «and during an interview, you should feel good about yourself.»
If we had the ability to re-wire ourselves to feel the same way about failure as we do success, we would lose our fear of failure.
He did not endorse gay marriage, but he said he did not feel strongly about it one way or another.
If you don't feel the same way about industry events, I encourage you to start looking at them from a different perspective.
Don't feel guilty about this 10 % leeway and don't try to make up for it in extreme ways.
She says one of the biggest lessons she learned as a leader is to be open and honest about disappointment, failure, or sadness — not to smooth it over, or in any way feel like you don't face it directly.
It also provides Clearwater's sales force with a environmentally positive marketing story: Their company doesn't just offer high quality seafood, but does so in ways that eco-conscious consumers can feel good about.
Only about a third of people felt that way when Gallup did the same poll in 2002.
That way, when you do decide you've had enough, you don't feel so bad about extricating yourself!
I remember my Catholic grade school years and feeling the same way, like what if I didn't like hanging out with those people in robes and their sheep and those clouds... Fortunately I was able to see through the whole scam at about 8 years old.
I do, however, feel it is moot to try and state either way how he personally felt about gays.
Suddenly, she didn't feel pressured to «feel» a certain way as she approached God, but instead was encouraged to sing about the Gospel and God's love for her.
Don't worry, I'm sure many atheists feel the same way about religious chaplains spewing fictional nonsense in their dying days.
Somehow instead of doing this liberals want government to be more involved in helping the poor that way they can feel good about themselves without doing anything.
Do you feel this way about individuals rights too?
I do not feel this way about faith â $ «I think there is room for dissension â $ «maybe I am taking my cues from Judaic circles â $ «but some diversity is healthy and normal.
It likely will not change you mind about me, but at least if gives you a more deatiled look at why I feel the way I do.
I think this comes from a notion of entitlement that Americans are raised with, and when things don't go our way or we feel a bit of discomfort and stress, we have a right to complain about it.
It's as though they are looking for a way to avoid having to give their money to help the poor, and to avoid feeling guilty about not doing it either.
Either way, an agnostic (coined by Thomas Huxley in 1869 from the Greek word agnostos meaning «unknown») feels that maybe God does not care or they don't care about God.
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