Sentences with phrase «feel themselves vulnerable in»

The discourses describing consumer experiences of maternity care in public and private hospitals: «next please, feeling depersonalised in the queue»; «feeling vulnerable in the care of a parade of strangers»; «expected to place blind trust in those who know nothing about me and still feel safe» captures the consumer experience of a fragmented maternity service care and subsequent distress associated with finding themselves in territory they never dreamed possible [45].
We would, however, feel vulnerable in our own four walls if strangers suddenly started switching the lights in our homes on and off.
An innovative campaign enabling those who feel vulnerable in pubs and clubs to discreetly approach staff and request assistance is being rolled out across the capital following a successful pilot in a south London borough.
The game felt satisfying and you truly felt vulnerable in a world filled with games that lack true challenge.
Ronan also said bonded with Robbie during the shoot, adding, «It made us feel vulnerable in a great way.»
Ultimately, despite feeling vulnerable in presenting her recommendations, El Nashar feels positive about her experience at the conference.
Middle grades English language learners and especially new immigrants can feel vulnerable in the classroom.
I also liked that there are times were you really feel vulnerable in some combat sequences and not just like some overpowered character who can kill everyone with ease.
That balance, and to feel vulnerable in our placement in that, it feels correct to me.
How would this square with the fact that most of us feel vulnerable in one way, but at the same time powerful and secure in other ways?

Not exact matches

«Creating a space in which people can feel vulnerable means a person can walk into their boss's office to admit a mistake without fear of losing their job.
Both reports come as companies are feeling particularly vulnerable: In December's high - profile Operation Aurora, hackers targeted employees (and their social networks) from Google, Adobe Systems, and two dozen others, hunting for ways to infiltrate the companies» computer systems.
The United States» joint bid with Canada and Mexico once felt like a lock but it is looking more vulnerable by the day thanks in no small part to the US president

Thirteen months ago when the United States launched a joint bid to host the World Cup with Mexico and Canada at a news conference on the...

when Facebook market research in Australia engaged in sentiment analysis of more than 6.4 million Australian youth, including 1.9 million high schoolers as young as 14 years old, to estimate when those children were at their most vulnerable, experiencing feelings of being «worthless» or a «failure» as part of research conducted for marketers.
There have been lapses in this program, most notably last year when Facebook market research in Australia engaged in sentiment analysis of more than 6.4 million Australian youth, including 1.9 million high schoolers as young as 14 years old, to estimate when those children were at their most vulnerable, experiencing feelings of being «worthless» or a «failure» as part of research conducted for marketers.
I feel like he is trying to frame the issue to make himself appear that he is on the side of the teachers, when in reality, many support this bill because it supports the mental health of some of our most vulnerable students.
This is especially true when it comes to virtual products promoted in virtual spaces, where many buyers feel vulnerable.
KS), which make up the Hyundai Motor Group, have not been directly criticized by Trump but they may have felt vulnerable because among major brands, they have one of the lowest ratios of cars built in the United States to cars sold.
May all of us who feel vulnerable, for one reason or another, be reminded this week that we have an Advocate and Comforter, and that sometimes the hardest, most liberating thing to do is to listen, to obey, and to actually believe He's in our corner.
Today in our multi-cultural world, in our interdependent economy, in an era with black holes, quantum physics, string theories and quarks, when we are told there is no time or space, we can feel very vulnerable.
Junior staff and nurses are also vulnerable in terms of their careers and may find it more difficult to voice ethical concerns they feel.
It really helped us realize the real - world implications for how we read each other's texts, and how vulnerable we feel when others are interpreting our scriptures in certain ways.
It's startling to think that the very ones in the front of this crowd, barreling toward Jericho like storm clouds rolling across the sky, felt perfectly justified in condemning the vulnerable and needy, all because they were on, what they thought was, a mission with Jesus.
We can bully ourselves, throw metal folding chairs at those vulnerable, human parts of us, and we may feel better, more in control, for a time.
My Name Is Toxic Shame I was there at your conception In the epinephrine of your mother's shame You felt me in the fluid of your mother's womb I came upon you before you could speak Before you understood Before you had any way of knowing I came upon you when you were learning to walk When you were unprotected and exposed When you were vulnerable and needy Before you had any boundaries MY NAME IS TOXIC SHAME I came upon you when you were magical Before you could know I was there I severed your soul I pierced you to the core I brought you feelings of being flawed and defective I brought you feelings of distrust, ugliness, stupidity, douIn the epinephrine of your mother's shame You felt me in the fluid of your mother's womb I came upon you before you could speak Before you understood Before you had any way of knowing I came upon you when you were learning to walk When you were unprotected and exposed When you were vulnerable and needy Before you had any boundaries MY NAME IS TOXIC SHAME I came upon you when you were magical Before you could know I was there I severed your soul I pierced you to the core I brought you feelings of being flawed and defective I brought you feelings of distrust, ugliness, stupidity, douin the fluid of your mother's womb I came upon you before you could speak Before you understood Before you had any way of knowing I came upon you when you were learning to walk When you were unprotected and exposed When you were vulnerable and needy Before you had any boundaries MY NAME IS TOXIC SHAME I came upon you when you were magical Before you could know I was there I severed your soul I pierced you to the core I brought you feelings of being flawed and defective I brought you feelings of distrust, ugliness, stupidity, doubt
My taking the risk in being vulnerable and sharing that I have felt unwelcome by you and not listened to was not an issue of not having a thick skin.
But in this case, in this essay, I really walked through what I felt like was a bit of a vulnerable discussion of my struggle with the concept: What I am prepared to say I think I understand and what I am prepared to say I will never understand.
Why should peaceful, law abiding Americans be made to feel unwelcome or vulnerable in their own country?
What law abiding American should be made to feel unwelcome or vulnerable in this country?
It is both revealing and unfortunate that the one place we * ought * to be able to let our guards down, be transparent and vulnerable with other people, be encouraged and loved «warts and all» is the very place we feel the least comfortable exposing ourselves in such a way.
Most Beautifully Vulnerable (nominated by Sarah Sweatt Orsborn): Mary Evelyn Smith with «A leak in the system: when a little girl felt sorry for my son»
And in the middle of all that doubt and pain and exhaustion, right when I felt most vulnerable, Christians delivered some swift and focused kicks to my gut.
The best place and time to witness to someone involved in this is after the high is over and when the consequence of sin kicks in - because thats when a person feels the most vulnerable.
Speaking to Premier, Archbishop Angaelos said he is: «certainly concerned, there's a much greater police and security presence in the streets and around the churches... people shouldn't feel vulnerable when they're going to church.
However, Nussbaum's strongly felt and stimulating book deepens rather than answers the question: How did India's democracy, commonly described as the biggest in the world, become so vulnerable to religious extremism?
In mid-19th century Travancore, the high caste landlords were already feeling vulnerable and their sense of confidence was beginning to wane.
Tryon enrolled in a Christian college in Portland, determined to turn her life around, but still felt vulnerable.
At some point virtually everyone involved in the enterprise feels the pinch of a misfit between yearnings and expectations that are important (and vulnerable) parts of one's personal identity, on one side, and on the other a set of unexpected, often unintelligible, frequently frustrating «givens» that appear to be important (and invulnerable?)
But in a sign of how vulnerable the live export sector feels right now, the Australian Live Exporters Council (ALEC) chairman Simon Crean has sent a letter to Agriculture Minister David Littleproud, telling him the industry would discuss the proposal.
For donkeys years now we have done the approximately same things: 1) We have a poor start 2) We pick up in September and we all think we are going to have a good year 3) Once the weather gets cold we lose games against all sorts and drop like a stone 4) Towards the end of March when the weather gets better we start winning again and we qualify for the Champions League (apart from last year) I have a feeling it will be broadly the same this year except Spuds and Liverpool are better for the last couple of years that they used to be and none of the big money three look vulnerable so we won't finish above them..
For some time this season I have felt that Chelsea, though they may have so dramatically and unexpectedly won the European Champions Cup last season, looked vulnerable before a ball was kicked in major competition.
England reached the World Cup semi-finals, everyone fell in love with Paul Gascoigne and it felt completely natural to align yourself with Bobby Robson's valiant but vulnerable team.
Defensively I feel this side is pretty vulnerable but a lack of options in holding midfield and centre - back mean that's what Wenger will have to go with what he's got.
I've never felt more betrayed in my life — especially at a time when I was so very vulnerable.
When I witness someone suffering, including myself, I realize that we are either too afraid to share our pain, we allow ourselves to be honest and vulnerable and we are then judged, misunderstood or dismissed, or we really don't have anyone we feel connected to and trust in such a way to provide the necessary space we need for the disclosure.
That said, it is in times of distress and tribulation when we are most aware and most vulnerable to receive the lessons we are meant to, if we allow ourselves to feel and experience all of it.
Our young thrive and grow optimally when they feel safe — in close proximity to familiar, nurturing caregivers — especially during sleep, when they are most vulnerable.
I imagine that all of you reading this know what it feels like to be vulnerable and that most of you are working very, very hard to run in the opposite direction.
Hospitals aren't luxury resorts, nurses aren't servants and there will be a line, but I feel that it's important to be mindful of the fact that, even in the absence of complications or the need for intervention, birth can be a frightening, overwhelming and emotional experience, and is an extremely vulnerable time for many women.
The same vibration it took to get the baby in (the intimate, sensual, vulnerable and safe feelings involved in making love), is the same vibration needed to get the baby out.
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