Sentences with phrase «feel this pain over»

«We feel their pain over the Cuomo nomination,» he said.
If you're feeling pain over your kneecap or on the inner side of your knee below the joint, you may be dealing with knee bursitis, an inflammation of a bursa located near your knee joint.

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In recent times I feel this has been glossed over due to the mining industry particularly in Perth attracting huge dollars relatively speaking and not feeling the same level of pain as us in IT startups.
«They felt the pain of delivering something over the Internet.»
As broad market conditions have been eroding over the past month, subscribers of The Wagner Daily newsletter who have been following the signals of our market timing system should be quite happy now because they would have been out of all long positions of individual stocks just a few days before last Friday's (October 19) big decline, thereby avoiding substantial losses and the pain that is now being felt by traditional «buy and hold» investors right now.
Bulls feeling some pain as the market has fallen $ 55 in 3 weeks, just when some thought gold was ripe for an upside breakout over $ 1375.
As mentioned above, cryptocurrencies across the board have been feeling some serious pain over the past month as regulatory concerns hit the market.
One thing that surprised me, is that most people who still have their wits at the end are very angry with their palliative care providers as they see the pain killers as fogging over that ability to feel and recognize and come to grips with those feelings, especially when they are trying to interact with another.
Having worked as a firefighter for over thirty years, having worked as a grief counselor for over five years, having experienced lots of pain, suffering and sorrow as a hypnotherapist, to allow those in grieve, to be able to share their feelings and emotions in a non-judgmental atmosphere is huge.
Shattered and grieving, David feels almost unbearable pain over his sin and its punishment.
You go «eliminate» some cell clumps... but if it was just «cell clumps», why has every woman I've ever met who's had an abortion express great pain and sorrow and lament over killing their unborn baby rather than feeling like they just clipped their nails?
Feelings oozed out of people like oil, over everyone and everything they touched, but the pain remained and the soul stayed dry.
The feeling had something of the quality of a very large tearing vital pain spreading chiefly over the chest, but within the organism — and yet the feeling was not pain so much as abhorrence.
I wish I could communicate to you the pain that many Mormons feel when we hear our beliefs mocked, from people saying we wear «magic underwear» to people claiming that Mormons are plotting to take over the government of the United States.
I feel terrible for all the tears you guys have shed over the pain of my words.
I'm definitely feeling your pain with the weather though, I live in the far north of Scandinavia and its very cold and dark over winter!
But the Australian wine industry has felt a lot of pain over the past few years.
As I took a bite, anticipating the sweet, luscious goo from the marshmallow pockets, I was instantly greeted with a terrible punch in the taste buds that contorted my face into the most hideous expression imaginable that mimicked the pain I was feeling all over.
That's different from «feeling delight» over an injury because it makes someone else feel pain and then trying to justify it by a broad claim of them having it coming.
Trice rode the train back to Ames in pain, settled on a straw mattress, and endured the final 12 miles to campus on a jolting bus ride, probably gritting his teeth or moaning, each bump making his insides feel like they were being trampled all over again.
Hey SoOpa AeoN you got a cool but yoy don't talk cool at all along with rkw.I didn't like the way Chicarito's name was rubbed in the mad and what pains me is that you all think Giroud is better.The fact that you are a team reject does not mean you aren't good enough or can't be world class.Do you want me to name a few rejects who have become world class or have come back to haunt their teams.If I was to choose between sticking with Giroud or Chicarito for thousand years we all know who people would go for.The over hyped average players in our club is unbelievable and it's just sad.The club is also over hyped at times and we feel like we are so so big.It's a shame.The mentality of this club is so so bad and trust me with this characters success will be far away for centuries to come.
Ah yes CBJ, feel the anguish that the Caps fans have felt and then they will then feel a portion of our pain over the years
Wake up to the real world, There's too much pain and misery going on to worry about some over paid footballers feelings when getting slatted for playing?!!!
«He says he was feeling good, and he was feeling great, and he was able to stand over a putt and chip now without having any leg pain and so forth.
My former manager may be feeling pain and relief over his decision to step down but should be remembered for...
My former manager may be feeling pain and relief over his decision to step down but should be remembered for rewriting the modern managerial handbook I w...
Experiencing contractions for the first time was, without a doubt, the most pain I've ever been in, and I hated feeling a lack of control over my body when they hit.
We've talked (and continue to talk) about situations where pretty much everyone cries - physical injury & pain being one, and yes, it's OK to cry when your feelings are hurt, but when it's all the time, every day, it seems a little over the top, like a cry for attention and nothing more.
I see everyone freaking out over 3 days and wanting to try something but I feel as long as he does nt seem in pain I will wait it out he is a happy baby but i will see what the doctor sais about this but I have seen people mess their kids up by starting treatment laxitives and such before even having it checked out I do nt want to give my baby anything but breast milk really and like i said when he goes he goes like i do I cant even believe the big amount that comes out when I go its not painful either for me i just do nt go very often but I do feel this must concern alot of people so know I do nt feel normal.....
Women recovering from c - sections will also feel pain when they try to sit up in bed or roll over.
Compression over your incision will help reduce the pain that many women feel when they laugh, cry, or even roll over in bed.
Most women who choose to have a natural birth feel they have greater control over their labour; they choose whether or not they want pain relief, for example.
I hurt all over, a pain that I'd never known or felt before.
The cramping shouldn't be severe, though, so contact your doctor if you're doubled over in pain, if you feel intense pain on only one side, or if you're experiencing simultaneous bleeding and cramping (outside of your menstrual period, of course).
If your baby feels very hot, you should check their body temperature using a thermometer; their temperature should be around 37 degrees (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit); if their temperature is more than 2 degrees Fahrenheit more than this, you should give them some over the counter pain relief (ibuprofen or paracetamol); check with your pharmacist or GP first; if symptoms persist, arrange to see your GP.
Particularly when you are trying to do something and then you are double over in pain because your baby just felt like punching you as hard as he could at that very moment.
There have been lot of debates over the pain women actually feel during labor but Johnny Depp hits the nail on the head with his quote about how men couldn't do what women do.
The incredible unstoppable power and wretched pain of a posterior baby for 26 hours of unmedicated terror took its toll and it was quite a long time until I felt I had gotten over the fact that anyone would be happier to see the anesthesiologist than their own child!
However, with a toddler to chase and life still in full swing, I've definitely felt more pain and twinges all over the place, with little extra time to rest, or heal super calmly.
As it was, I was lucky in that there were no medical problems, but my home birth midwives weren't very nice and the pain was so bad and so overwhelming that I ended up feeling kind of shell - shocked when it was all over.
With my older boy I used a food processor and the clean up was a pain, but I stuck with it because it was cheaper and I felt I had more control over what he was eating.
I felt guilty at the thought of quitting but I also couldn't stand the pain — the burning, the shooting - knives into my chest, the pain of rolling over in bed, hugging my son, or simply wearing clothing as my breasts were too tender to stand a mere layer of cotton.
Tell your partner if you're sore or frightened about pain during sexual activity — talking it over can help both of you to feel less anxious and more secure about resuming your sex life.
This is hard to do when hormones are all over the place and you are being taken over by the two demons that are exhaustion and pain right after the birth of your baby (or babies), but gathering your emotions is something that many mothers feel the need to do soon as the baby is born.
It made me feel like I had some measure of control over the pain, and like I was getting somewhere with all of this.
The pain is over, and as he or she is put in your arms for the first time you will be almost overwhelmed with feelings of love with this tiny scrap of humanity.
Paterson said both he and Dolan are «chagrined and are feeling a great deal of pain over what we see is a continually smoldering issue that is setting New Yorkers against each other.»
Conversely, those people who have a positive view of back pain and who feel in control of their condition experience less back - related disability over the course of acupuncture treatment.
In particular, they experienced less disability over the course of treatment when they came to see their back pain as more controllable, when they felt they had better understanding of their back pain, when they felt better able to cope with it, were less emotional about it, and when they felt their back pain was going to have less of an impact on their lives.»
As to why the man's pain disappeared completely over the long term, the authors suggest that his reduced mobility might have helped maintain the pain; the pain relief he felt in the water would have enabled him to move freely, so breaking that cycle.
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