Sentences with phrase «feeling crappy»

Talk about feeling crappy.
The full report is here if you'd like to spend your whole weekend feeling crappy about this news (maybe you'd like to discuss it with some people at #NoKXL or #Keystone).
I'd also noticed that a lot more of the unhealthy stuff that left me feeling crappy had made its way back into our diets.
Despite waking up Friday with the tell tale signs of a cold (headache, congestion, generally feeling crappy), I insisted on going for a 5 mile run.
He tested positive for that twice, which wasn't necessarily why he was feeling so crappy tho — he was feeling crappy cos he had a tickborne ilness (which cats basically NEVER get), which he was only more susceptible too BECAUSE of the FIV.
They're the ones that leave us feeling crappy about how we handled a given situation, and wishing we could take something back.
I hear ya... I actually went to the drs last week to say «I am just not me... tired, no motivation, just UGH» And I hate going to the drs so it took me 6 months of feeling crappy to finally get me there.
When you're feeling crappy, open your happy book up to a random page for an instant boost.
My wife's complained of feeling crappy ever since her teenage years (when she crash dieted to lose a lot of weight).
These new vegan snacks are mostly healthy in just that way, so you can snack away without feeling crappy after.
That one night can quickly become two days in a row, then a week, and then you've found yourself back in a place where you're eating crappy food and feeling crappy about yourself.
There's nothing «normal» about feeling crappy.
It's the new boogie man behind feeling crappy: «I've got a headache — it's got ta be that croissant I ate earlier!»
You may have already chalked 4th of July up to being a «cheat day,» but let me tell you, you can have just as much fun eating and celebrating as you would have, without feeling crappy and bloated the next day.
Are you feeling crappy, crampy, dizzy, fatigue, nausea, headaches, panic attacks, heart palpitations, unquenchable thirst, cravings?
Don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling crappy and fighting a headache for a few days.
Dandelion is awesome when you're feeling crappy because it helps detox the liver.
So when we're feeling crappy, we need to pay attention to what we're thinking, accept (with some self - compassion) that we're choosing to think it, and decide whether we want to keep thinking it.
One of my fantasies is that my partner wouldn't mind — dare I say enjoy — pampering me just a little when I'm sick as I so willingly do when he's feeling crappy.
We usually stop spending time on our routines, let stress take over and end up feeling crappy.
Sorry to hear that you're feeling crappy right now Sending happy positive vibes to feel wonderful again!
Despite feeling crappy, I managed to make these so I could least share a cool recipe =) And Miss Robin suggested we have a Nightmare Before Christmas party in December
It better make you feel crappy.
I always think it's going to be so nice to lay in bed when the reality is you feel crappy and just want to be better.
perfect for a sick day in the house where i felt crappy enough to not go outside but needed something fun and easy to do and something delicious to feed me.
I keep making things — «maybe THIS time...» — and usually spit out the first bite, or I choke down a few bites and feel crappy, it languishes in the fridge a while and then goes in the trash when I need fridge space (I live alone).
i could eat tons of it too which is prob why i always felt crappy afterwards (oh hey gluten, you wreck my guts).
So while I normally feel crappy after eating a dairy product, this one really hit home for me.
I'll never win, he'll always be older and always feel crappier
Ya, t.v. and movies do tend to perpetuate this, but I can feel crappy enough on my own.
I feel crappy when we use occasional disposables because I am such a cloth diaper enthusiast!
I feel crappy when I let me kids watch the Simpsons, and I feel crappy lots of other times too.
And she works with companies such as the Gap and Stride Rite to offer «Mommy IQs,» empowering video tidbits on Twitter, Instagram and Stride Rite's website that, she said, «don't make you feel crappy about yourself.»
Stop going out and drinking every weekend if it makes you feel crappy, tired, and broke.
When we feel crappy after dealing with a situation or person, that's a sign we've reacted rather than responded.
You'll find 28 % of the population, once we're exposed, every time we're re-exposed, it's like we walked into a wall and feel crappy anywhere from a couple hours to a couple months.
Do you believe, this is what I believe and I could be wrong and you have more experience in this than I do so I'm testing my hypothesis with an expert, that as you add these toxins, like if you were to say on an average day someone with no toxins doesn't ever drop a word for their memory but on a day or a week or when their mercury levels hit one out of 10, maybe they drop one word today, and when they're five out of 10, they drop four words a day, there's a gradual decline in cognitive performance or physical performance before we hit the «Oh my god I feel crappy all the time, I have chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and I'm a zombie?»
Your average diet doesn't make you feel better because you may feel crappy all the way through it and you never get to have that «aha» moment of «this food really makes me feel like crud».
If you feel crappy, it also carries out into pretty much every aspect of your life as well.
I don't wan na feel crappy.
Please understand, your body is going to transition and it might feel crappy at first (this is a big change).
If a low carb diet makes you feel crappy and perform less than your best, don't tie yourself to this method for fat loss.
It's never fun to feel crappy while flying.
that this encourages — true wellness isn't about forcing yourself to do things that feel crappy in your body, but rather finding what feels
I have looked at someone's account on social media, admired her commitment to training and eating well, her resulting toned arms, and felt crappy.
Personally I can't say that I've really felt the mental clarity... but you have to realize that my situation is different in that I'm a shift worker and pretty much feel crappy a lot of the time.
They've problems to concentrate, and generally feel crappy.
If you don't feel crappy, then it is a viable option.
Doesn't she feel crappy at night, like me?
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