Sentences with phrase «feeling lousy because»

Don't waste another day feeling lousy because you're trapped in outdated standards of health care.
For the next 18 months she bravely soldiered on, talking to clients and running the business despite feeling lousy because of the cancer treatments.

Not exact matches

I'm sure we all deprecate the old principle of caveat emptor in buyer - seller relations, but let's be fair, if a man buys a lousy dog for an outrageous price because he's a wise guy and refuses to seek or listen to competent counsel, I can not feel sorry for him.
I was feeling cranky Primary night because all I had was my lousy local news (fires murders stupid weather stories) and everybody else in the state was watching Liz (they were probably all at her house or something).
These medications can have side effects, like any drug, and their effectiveness is questionable at best, but we're willing to stomach them because not sleeping is more harmful than simply feeling lousy the next day.
I'm restricting carbs and «focussing on protein» but baffled because weight is increasing and I'm tired, moody, and feel lousy.
I like sex, but the majority of those I've been with were lousy in bed and I would fake it just to get them off me because it was just so irritating being used to please them when they never did anything that felt good to me.
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