Sentences with phrase «feeling of connection when»

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In essence, the awe - filled feeling you get when you see our planet glowing below expands your sense of humanity, giving you a stronger sense of connection to your fellow earthlings.
In contrast, when a person feels the attributes of something that piques their interest but doesn't take it all the way to connection, the brain region known as the putamen lights up.
When a consumer hears the story of how your company was born, he or she can feel an immediate emotional connection with you.
For the same reasons regular people feel emotional connections to certain movies, songs, and television shows, moguls have a track record of becoming enamored with «content,» even when that leads them to make bad financial decisions.
San Martin of the alt - meat lab offered that he feels horrible whenever he sees any information on the mistreatment of animals, «but when I go to the supermarket and eat ham, I don't see the connection.
Use these targeted messages to create a feeling of trust and top - of - mind awareness, so that when your connections need you (or hear of someone who does) they will think of you!
Nothing makes a person feel more powerless than when they feel like they don't have the tools, knowledge, or connections within the company to do even the most basic parts of their jobs.
There is the magic of mysterious connection with the enchanted distant — something felt by youngsters in the 1920's (like young Richard Feynman in Brooklyn) who manipulated the old crystal sets under the blankets when they were supposed to be asleep, pulling in signals from ships at sea and from dance bands in Cleveland.
I've always felt the strongest connection to Jesus» first disciples when I read about their various responses to the events of Passion Week — the confidence following Jesus» triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the fear after his arrest, the doubt and despair in the shadow of the cross, the surprising joy of meeting the resurrected Lord.
It's the only time of year when I feel a strong, palpable connection to all of them at the same time.
I feel since this has happened, I feel more in need of Jesus, I'm more aware of sin now, i feel more of a connection when praying and i just want Jesus.
But this historically necessary connection and condition has led many in our own day to feel that the gospel of Christ is exhaustively and completely stated when it has been phrased thus in the language of the Bible.
When Pope Paul appointed St. Therese to be a «doctor» of the church, he felt obliged specifically to disavow any connection with Women's...
«Because when I think about the aim, the purpose of religion, I think it becomes — when you put aside the social institutions that spring up around religions in all their strains and various forms of strands — I believe that the purpose of religion is love and connection, to feel connected to one another and to feel at ease with who we are... a kind of oneness, a kind of wholeness.
When Pope Paul appointed St. Therese to be a «doctor» of the church, he felt obliged specifically to disavow any connection with Women's Lib.
A break in one connection, such as attachment to a stable community, puts pressure on other connections: marriage, the relationship between parents and children, religious affiliation, a feeling of connection with the past, even citizenship, that sense of membership in a large community which grows best when it is grounded in membership in a small one.
Only in this connection can we understand how a society that seems, if one considers its articulate and self - conscious classes, so intensely ideological can show such low rates of political and ideological knowledge and involvement when compared with other modern societies.15 The gap between intellectuals and masses, between conscious ideology and popular feeling, is probably greater than in most Western countries.
When we spoke, he explained that this feeling of connection is rooted in his own childhood, growing up along with four siblings in a chaotic and unstable family.
When you look at the youth development model, connection to positive caring adults and feeling as though they are valued in their community is an important aspect of adolescent development.
This was a sure sign she still had some energy ready from the rest of the day, need for fun play and connection go with the play, let her laugh and play (and factor in time for that in the bedtime routine, was a sure fire way to help her sleep more deeply (laughter releases melatonin the hormone responsible for sleep), and children sleep better when they feel closely connected to us.
When I left, I felt such a sense of relief — this connection with others who were going through the same things is what helped most of all.
Ideally, when you get that annoyed or irritated feeling, you will see it as a sign of your child's lack of connection and will strive to find a way to connect even as you continue with your task.
When the feelings of disappointment or rejection go on long enough, the love and intimate connection dies off.
When kids get that message, not only does it make them feel much more a sense of connection, engagement, and excitement in the short term, it also give them a new psychological frame for the future.
They can start making the connection that when their bladder feels full and they pee, their training pants are wet and this is also a motivator to use the bathroom instead of going in their training pants and feeling uncomfortable.
If your child feels disconnected, or if upset feelings are getting in the way of her feeling a warm connection with you even when you are right there with her, then her brain goes a bit haywire.
Now we know it is just brain science: children learn (grow, feel safe, thrive) best when they feel connection — or as Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs taught us, «a sense of belonging and significance».
It may be that some women do have greater piece of mind and feel a greater connection with their baby when using the device.
Because I'd invested time with her, she continued to feel a sense of connection, even when that time ended.
They tell stories of deep and meaningful connections, and talk about how they felt like they and their baby were «one» when they would breastfeed.
When children have meaningful connections with birth parents that are supported and genuinely respected by adoptive parents, they can feel safe in creating and nurturing their own sense of understanding about who they are.
The doctor gave him back to us, and we quickly became traditional first - time parents, wrapped in a woozy cocoon of joy and exhaustion, taking a genuine intellectual interest in poop, marveling at the thrill we felt, the connection, when our son's tiny hand squeezed our fingers.
Creating a connection before we correct our kids allows them to feel a sense of belonging and significance even when they've messed up.
Deborah Hughes, executive director of at the Susan B. Anthony House and Museum, says in a year when two women are on the presidential ballot in most states, many people feel a very real emotional connection to the work of the suffragist leader.
The more we rely on our smart phones being connected to the Internet, the greater the anxiety we feel if we lose that connection when travelling, according to new research published in the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology.
Among my New England tribe of farmers, activists, yogis, artists, and poets I felt a communal appreciation for the sense of abundance we felt in one another's presence, the sense of adventure and connection and always - enough when we gathered together to sing songs around campfires, share potluck meals, and open up our homes and hearts to each other.
They helped me when I felt isolated and increased the depth of our connection, too:
When emotions are expressed and received with empathy, relief is often the end result sprinkled with feelings of dignity, respect, connection, and well - being.
It may be hard to disconnect when everything seems to be urgent, but the more you let go of your tech connections the more you will feel connected to yourself and others.
That's why, when you eat chocolate, you feel like there's a heart connection, and that's why it's so associated with love, with Valentine's Day traditions and all of that.»
At first, this might make you feel discouraged or overwhelmed, but this isn't bad news, and here's why: The inextricable connections among all the cells of your body mean that simple lifestyle changes can be prolific, making an enormous difference when it comes to getting healthy.
When combined with an understanding of authentic yoga philosophy, dedication to practice and the connection to a great teacher or yogic role model, you will begin to feel the goal of yoga is finally possible.
If you remember some common English language expressions such as «gut feeling», «butterflies in my stomach» or a sensation of digestive distress when experiencing stress and anxiety, then understanding thegut - brain connection becomes very clear.
Book Resources Wild Feminine Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body by Tami Lynn Kent Energy Medicine for Women: Aligning Your Body's Energies to Boost Your Health and Vitality Somatics: Reawakening The Mind's Control Of Movement, Flexibility, And Health The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can: A Total Self - Healing Approach for Mind, Body, and Spirit Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90 - Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress - Disease Connection Dr. Howard Schubiner Mind BoOf Movement, Flexibility, And Health The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can: A Total Self - Healing Approach for Mind, Body, and Spirit Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90 - Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress - Disease Connection Dr. Howard Schubiner Mind Boof Trauma Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can: A Total Self - Healing Approach for Mind, Body, and Spirit Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90 - Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress - Disease Connection Dr. Howard Schubiner Mind Boof Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90 - Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress - Disease Connection Dr. Howard Schubiner Mind Body
This is often a time when feelings of isolation and loneliness can seem overwhelming, despite the number of online friends or virtual connections one might have.
When this flow is blocked, one can experience feelings of fear, restriction, lack of connection and numbness.
It is especially powerful when it comes to healing this chakra in particular because it strengthens your understanding and your feeling of connectedness to yourself, which in turn increases your connection to the people and the world around you.
Recollection: Think of a time when you experienced love or a profound feeling of connection with another person or group of people.
JACKET: Loft / PLAID BUTTON DOWN: Madewell / DENIM: French Connection / HANDBAG: Henri Bendel / SHOES: Chanel (similar from Ann Taylor) I feel like Fall is the time of year when I put away the free spirit fashion (just a little bit), and start to be a little more classic in my clothing options... Case Read More
I feel that when there's a personal connection behind the drive and heart of the business, you get better quality and service from the brand.
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