Sentences with phrase «feeling of failure»

There are feelings of failure when you wonder why you couldn't just push through and try a bit harder at breastfeeding the «real way».
The deep feeling of failure that accompanies child loss can be heart, mind and soul crippling.
«[That] can set in feelings of failure and depression,» she says.
Divorce can also be accompanied by feelings of failure and worries about what the future may hold.
In fact, when people approach it from an «all or nothing» standpoint, that's when expectations fall short and feelings of failure set in.
She is too disturbed by the destructive emotional tornado in which she is living, and too threatened by awful feelings of failure, to look deeply within herself.
A mom often faces issues such as postpartum depression, loneliness, or even feelings of failure.
«The diagnosis [and subsequent hospitalization and treatment] left me with a very difficult feeling of failure,» he recalls.
In thinking that I would be the same person before and after birth, I set myself up for patterns of harsh self - criticism and frequent feelings of failure.
A sense of understanding and acceptance — teacher - to - student and among students themselves — helps relieve feelings of failure or negativity from earlier school experiences.
How can you deal with the potential feelings of failure and rejection?
Those close to me were shocked and I found myself fighting feelings of failure.
Fortunately, the research also provides tips for educators to help students deal with feelings of failure — and help them to fulfill their true potential.
It represents significant change and loss, and triggers in most people, deep feelings of failure, lack of control, rejection and abandonment, and can cause anxiety and depression in children.
I had a strong feeling of failure for having given birth too early and for not being there for Mare all the time she was in hospital.
What a pity that the other side has such a very sad tale to tell — of grief and bitter regret at worst to disillusion and feelings of failure at best.
Yet another tantrum can cause all sorts of feelings of failure, frustration, anger, and more.
His poor marks, rejection of religion, and dabbling in drugs cause feelings of failure and anger in his parents.
It is vital to learn these lessons in high school as the adult world is much less forgiving than high school — and young adults with behavioral or developmental problems often experience deeper feelings of failure as they move into their adult identity.
Because many moms have been physically compromised themselves during the pregnancy or birth, and because they have such strong feelings of failure or shame about not being able to produce a «perfect» baby and protect him / her....
Evangelical fitness maven Stormie Omartian led the way (even while plugging her own diet and exercise plan) by addressing, in 1984 and again in 1993, the tyranny of contemporary body standards and noting that most dieters carry on a self - defeating battle with food and exercise that is «a prelude to the most intense feelings of failure
Lack of personal achievement feeds feelings of failure, which in turn suppress motivation, and the cycle begins again.
What is the difference between hopes and dreams for our new child and expectations that maybe will be unfair and become burdens to them and ourselves (how many feelings of failure do you think we can possibly bear)?
My first birth was complete with a reluctant epidural and inept education in feeding babies with tongue ties and having inverted nipples and loving my child but so not loving being a mother with this looming feeling of failure and just being utterly lost and then realizing four months in to this journey of hot mess, surprise, I was pregnant again and terrified.
It doesn't matter which mother you are, as long as you accept that this is a part of your journey and you don't feel guilty about it, and you forgive yourself for whatever feelings of failure you may have.
The idea was that by pushing myself for a short period of time to change a habit, I wouldn't face that horrible feeling of failure when I'd revert back to my old ways.
I prayed for self control, but almost daily I'd fail and drown the ever familiar feeling of failure with more food tranquilizers.
Gilbert, one of the original show's most striking presences, has seasoned Darlene's awkwardness to reflect the character's ongoing sense of misplacement and newfound feelings of failure.
When he takes his son on a tour of colleges on the American East Coast, he finds himself face to face with them again and must confront his own feelings of failure, which leads to... Well, we'll have to see, won't we?
Moreover, how many children in Connecticut schools destined to fail the SBAC will have similar feelings of failure as Common Core takes the joy out of learning for many Connecticut children?
But my envy and feelings of failure quickly turned into «You got ta be kidding me!»
The emotional rewards of fathering gave some men new meaning to their lives after the loss, loneliness and feelings of failure engendered by the divorce.
Although these kinds of rewards may encourage progress in the short run, the concern is that for some children, the pressure of «success» in the form of the reward creates anxiety or feelings of failure when they have a (very normal and even expected) potty accident.
This misunderstanding can have tragic consequences, as it can cause feelings of failure and increased stress as you worry that your baby is not being properly nourished.
An English government study says that marriage counselling — actually, counselling for those in «long term relationships» of at least three years — is «intrinsically linked with feelings of failure and defeat».
It usually precipitates significant change and loss, and triggers in most people deep feelings of failure, lack of control, rejection and abandonment.
The weight of the financial burden is often multiplied by feelings of failure and discouragement.
Being hard on yourself only perpetuates your feelings of failure, which does neither party much good.
That's a dangerous path to take because it can easily set you up for anxiety, overwhelm, unhappiness, and a feeling of failure.
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