Sentences with phrase «feeling of fear»

Specifically, parents of AD children were significantly less likely to be aware of their own feelings of fear than sadness.
What The Forest truly nails with the caves is an almost tangible feeling of fear from being in the dark and unknown.
I only discovered this recently when I finally identified a label for the overwhelming feelings of fear that have consumed me whenever life takes a big turn.
For some, holiday seasons can cause feelings of fear and guilt around food.
Most conflict begins with a sense of chaos and uncomfortable feelings of fear, hurt and anger.
Your child is ready to release feelings of fear when she is acting deeply afraid of a harmless situation.
When your child's fears have seized her, she is ready to work through her deeper feelings of fear.
, it was found that rats who were fed trans fats for a prolonged period of time exhibited increased feelings of fear and anxiety.
Or, activities that were once enjoyed, may now bring about feelings of fear.
Anxiety disorders, which are characterized by an inability to control feelings of fear and uncertainty, are the most prevalent group of psychiatric diseases.
Why is it that for many of us and our pets, veterinary visits evoke feelings of fear, anxiety and stress?
By the end of my one - hour ski lesson the initial feeling of fear and frustration was gradually replaced with excitement.
This can sometimes bring up feelings within the child of anger at the people making the decision to change, or perhaps feelings of fear around what lies ahead.
However, angry clients can also provoke feelings of fear or failure, causing the therapist to feel anxious and insecure or perhaps become angry him / herself.
We realize that a trip to a veterinary hospital can cause feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety.
We have been hearing that many people voted the way they did out of feelings of fear and frustration, and it is apparent that at the heart of the issue is the fact that we don't understand each other well.
A choice to create feelings of fear and insecurity in her partner also sabotages her own chance for a rewarding relationship.
The flash of warmth over one's face when walking under a heater triggers feelings of fear as though one has walked too close to a fire; the relentless glare of sweeping spotlights suggests guilt — being caught in the act.
«Neither am I suggesting that animal research is irrelevant to understanding human conscious feelings of fear.
When this flow is blocked, one can experience feelings of fear, restriction, lack of connection and numbness.
I guess Lady Bird had that same feeling of fear — asking her mom how she felt on her first drive alone through Sacramento and telling her she loves her.
In addition, many are tormented by feelings of fear, guilt and shame and become depressed.
«If we claim we are studying human feelings of fear or anxiety when we measure defense responses, we are giving a false impression.
Serotonin is the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of contentment and joy, while reducing feelings of fear and melancholy.
As the artist states, «We all share feelings of fear and loneliness.
Fitz has begun to have doubts, which come from even stronger feelings of fear; he fears for the future, a future that may not correspond with the Fool's ideas.
We understand that visits to the vet may fuel feelings of fear and nervousness.
Unfortunately, we are at our weakest when we can't see our enemies, and this latest attack has incited feelings of fear and unpredictability amongst many of our clients who would rather have a larger percentage of their wealth in something they can see and touch.
In EFT therapy, we would look at the patterns of Anne and Chris in their behaviors, how attachment is being disrupted between them, how feelings of fear, sadness, loneliness and anger expressed by each partner, and look at alternative approaches for them to talk to each other.
It is better to promise your children less time and deliver it consistently than to over-promise and subject your children to anxiety, disappointment, and even feelings of fear, abandonment and unworthiness, if you are unable to keep your commitment to them.
Apparently, the previously predominating feelings of fear had almost entirely evaporated.
If you feel safe and loved, your brain becomes specialized in exploration, play, and cooperation; If you are frightened and unwanted, it specializes in managing feelings of fear and abandonment.»
In some husbands, the pregnancy of their wives stirs up ghost feelings of fear from their early lives — fear that their wives will die in childbirth, for example.
Feelings of security, stability, meaning, affirmation and the like — and feelings of fear if those things should leave.
No piece of kitchen equipment incites such feelings of fear and anxiety (but also love and obsession) as the cast iron pan.
The fastest way to get him to stop the hitting is to heal the festering feelings of fear and sadness that find their way out in hitting, and to avoid creating more of those feelings.
It is our job as parents to identify our underlying feelings of fear, inadequacy or shame — or whatever feelings you keep hoping won't get triggered.
Your loving attention is reassuring enough to let them tackle big feelings of fear and grief.
«Diaphragmatic breathing is the essence of how we can control our levels of emotional wellbeing — stimulating the «relaxation response» (parasympathetic nervous system) that is associated with emotions such as peace, love and joy, as opposed to the «fight - or - flight» response (sympathetic nervous system) which can generate feelings of fear and anger.»
Panic attacks can be terrifying: Picture a sudden, gripping feeling of fear and helplessness that can last for several minutes, accompanied by scary physical symptoms such as breathing problems, a pounding or racing heart, tingling or numb hands, sweating, weakness or dizziness, chest pain, stomach pain, and feeling hot or cold.
In the same study, researchers also found that participants who weren't slouching reported lower feelings of fear and more positive emotions.
Live Your Authentic Life Are you using food (or alcohol) to numb feelings of fear, anger...
Then, as is often the case when things are meant to be, I simply couldn't get her out of my head and had that stomach - gnawing feeling of fear that someone else was going to get my dress.
With all the hassle and strain of getting to know someone all over again mixed in with the palpable feelings of fear, or the fact that things might not go according to plan, puts a lot of us off even trying over 50 dating sites.
Leave fear and self - consciousness behind Feelings of fear and self - consciousness are normal whenever you put yourself up for judgement in new environments.
The dogs eliminate feelings of fear, isolation, and loneliness felt by their companions.
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