Sentences with phrase «feeling of superiority»

This guy has an ego or some kind of feeling of superiority over other players.
I myself have had to struggle against feelings of superiority and prejudice in regard to gays.
I feel legitimately sad when I learn that someone's self - worth comes from feelings of superiority about their parenting choices.
They are communicating feelings of superiority by showing that they feel that you are inferior to them, below them, and undeserving of respect.
Get over yourselves and your smug feeling of superiority over people that have religious convictions.
Keeping the few good things about faith (helping others, feeling a connection to the Universe, trying to understand yourself and your place in the universe) while dumping all of the negatives (dogma, intolerance, that undeserved feeling of superiority) is beneficial to society in a way that organized religion never has been and never will be.
As a matter of fact, their conversations gave the oyster a definite feeling of superiority.
It is an authority that should lead to mutual respect and affection between priest and parishioners, not feelings of superiority and inferiority.
Now that Catherine has won the U.S. Amateur, let's hope the U.S. feeling of superiority disappears.
In Broken Genius (Macmillan, $ 27.95), Pulitzer Prize — winning journalist Joel N. Shurkin describes a life of science gone sour, a scientist whose feelings of superiority drove the creation of his own legend and the collapse of his career.
This culture would include Shakespeare and Darwin, together with myths about tolerance and kindness to animals, imperial memories and a certain feeling of superiority to those unfortunate enough not to be British... Equally it could be said that Britain is multicultural: a diversity of regional varieties in modes of living and speech, enlivened still further by ethnic imports from the aforesaid former empire, and so on.
If our lives look «better» than someone else's, we can assuage our own insecurities with a temporary feeling of superiority.
Free the soul by being who YOU want to be and not use power positions to further enhance your own egotistical feelings of superiority, or conversely, speak up for yourself when confronted with these kinds of demands.
I liked how their plan starts to unravel when a deep - seated jealously or feeling of superiority begins interfering, and both Ryan Gosling and Michael Pitt are natural and compelling in their respective roles.
Burnett was just what Salinger needed for continual encouragement, tolerance for Salinger's biting sarcasm, and vacillation between feelings of superiority and hopelessness.
The NES — and console gaming in general — wasn't exactly killed by home computers, no matter what feelings of superiority some PC gamers express.
Adults» feeling of superiority concerning children, or «adultism» (Bell, 1995), prevents adults from viewing children as social equals.
The nationalistic attitude subscale (α =.89) is composed of eight items and taps into feelings of superiority and dominance of one's country.
Taking each of the tetrad in turn, narcissism is associated with feelings of superiority and ego - inflation; psychopathy is linked to impulsivity and callousness; Machiavellianism is associated with manipulation and exploitation of others; and sadism is defined as the enjoyment of inflicting pain on others.
The Oxford dictionary echoes, noting nationalism's «feeling of superiority over other countries.»
I pay my ticket price, in part, to enjoy the smug feeling of superiority I get in condemning the heroes» cowardliness, a cowardliness you would never see me guilty of in a similar circumstance» which is what I tell my buddies as we leave the theater.
Feeling attractive gives both men and women social clout and a feeling of superiority.
According to Kiker, companies can better adopt design thinking by providing a safe space for designers to work independently and creatively, and creating opportunities for collaboration by enabling both business and design teams to challenge each other, without a feeling of superiority on either side.
The basic reason for this feeling of superiority is the fact that most influential classical theists — e.g., Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin — have affirmed «I» omnipotence.
Do they contribute to feelings of superiority?
I know Christians believe in certain absolute truths but for that to lead to feelings of superiority is just wrong and flies in the face of scripture... at least that is how I see it.
congratulations on you feeling of superiority, «my love».
You're simply a hateful person who interprets the Bible to say what YOU want it to say in order to excuse your prejudice and feelings of superiority.
In liberated marriages and other male / female relationships, men lose their feelings of superiority, control, economic advantage, and the practical satisfactions of a servant - satellite relationship.
In the self - image of males it takes the form of a feeling of superiority to women; in females it expresses itself in the feeling that one is worthwhile only in relation to a man or men.
This approach is often used to gain power, control and a feeling of superiority over others, either in the church or in personal relationships, especially the family.
It is more like some thing Blo - odline, Ra - cial, Zio - nism or New advanced Hi - tler tea - chings that gave a feel of superiority filled with ego & hatred over others that are not of same while we see that this scheme is heavily financed internationally for the system to confiscate lands of those considered outer of the Seal & Ring that gather and lead them!??
Searching for that feeling of superiority, when if the team in question drops off the supposed «support» will dry up, and on to the next club primed for success.
That feeling of superiority can be intoxicating, especially when you're covered in someone else's puke and you've been doing the boob dance all night.
Other issues might be at play, too, she says, «such as giving children a feeling of superiority that gives them a sense that they are above the rules.»
They can hit a high - status individual without repercussions, she says, and that gives them a feeling of superiority, even if it's only temporary.
I've gotten over the whole toilet issue which has been replaced with comfort and feelings of superiority that doesn't usually come with the height 5» 4.
Some of that is in director Todd Strauss - Schulson's approach, which, with its camera gymnastics and overly bold palette, is too polished by half for the movie - within - the - movie to come across as the brand of schlock he's trying to recreate (again adding to a feeling of superiority over material that the movie claims to respect — or at least like).
In doing so, parents often help their gifted child develop a sense of humility and compassion, and decrease any feelings of superiority.
A deep - seated fear of women is more common to the rapist than a feeling of superiority, and this may well lie in early failure to make successful relationships.
Martin's story (written for the stage) is much more elaborate, a dramatic monologue delivered by a teenaged baton twirler who desperately wants the audience to admire and envy her but who can not quite stifle her feelings of superiority — racial, athletic and spiritual.
None of us are perfect, so any feelings of superiority or entitlement are unjustified.
But to become too familiar would cause serious risk, so the pieces remain untouched, imbued with a feeling of superiority in their make up.
A very human stranger who is, not unlike you or I, prone to mood swings, illogical thinking, feelings of superiority, and contempt for anyone that stands before him or her.
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