Sentences with phrase «feeling out what»

We're feeling out what everyone's comfortable with and what we can do with the future.
After that, it really was just feeling out what artist seemed to both be able take my direction while still having their own point of view.
Whether you're just feeling out what KIPP New Jersey has to offer or are already part of our extended community of charter schools, everything you need can be found below.
«We're feeling out what things need to be taken care of, because this is going to be a political issue,» he said.
As far as trolls go, we seem to be feeling out what the best solution is.
Just use your instincts and feel out what your child can handle, but make sure you are comfortable with your answers first, as kids can pick up on all of your emotions about a subject if you are uncomfortable.»
An early pending code could let you do some research to feel out what may be going on.
Goals can change as a salon owner feels out what advertising works best.
While nothing has been substantiated as of 2017, the fanbase has attempted to feel out what may be in store for the next title.
Hire agents who listen carefully to what clients are saying and feel out what's just under the surface.
Sometimes it can take me awhile to make up my mind on something and talking it out with others can help me feel out what I really want to do in a space.

Not exact matches

That meant acclimating to the team, getting a feel for team dynamics, figuring out the story for that team, that race, what makes it different... we have to figure all that out on the fly.
Ever felt your BlackBerry buzz with a «phantom vibration» from what felt like an email that turned out not to exist?
«Now Mark, I am more than willing to give you my time and really work with you to find out exactly what the best solution for you and your specific situation is, I'm just going to ask for one thing in return... As we go through this, if you don't feel that what we have is a good fit, are you okay telling me that?
Say, «Thanks for figuring out how to expedite shipping on that late order... feel free to do what you think is best whenever something like that happens again.»
And I felt bad the police supervisor (it turns out that's what he was) had to stop me.
Take time out of your day to ask your employees how they feel about their assignments, what they think of the new company direction, or if they have any standing concerns.
Each one has a unique approach to making the most out of their 24 hours, ranging from ultimate list - making strategies to what may feel counterintuitive: stepping away from their business and taking a break.
Whether or not it's funny, whether or not it's thought provoking, as long as I'm being honest, I feel good about what I put out.
As detailed in a study by Harvard Business professor Dennis Campbell, TD revolutionized the way it measured the in - bank experience, streamlining its customer satisfaction survey and using a massive pool of customer data to find out not only how customers felt about their banking experience, but also what specific elements of «satisfaction» mattered most to them.
Managers need to communicate with their people to find out what makes them feel good (for some, it's a raise; for others, it's public recognition) and then to reward them for a job well done.
What's more is that Eisenberg failed to have a commanding presence on screen, feeling too much like a spazzed out tech genius with serious inadequacy issues than anyone who could exhibit the confidence it takes to rule over Metropolis.
«I know this is a personal thing, but it feels more intentional, to go into a place and pull out a $ 5 bill, pay for what you want and have an exchange with the barista,» says Trey Wrage, a manager at Ninth Street Espresso.
Create a list and keep it handy, so you don't have to figure out what to do when you feel mentally exhausted.
Figure out what you need to know, what kind of experience and expertise you need to develop to do the things that you feel in your heart you will enjoy and that will sustain you both mentally and economically.»
But according to new research out of Yale and recently published in American Psychologist, this common intuition just might be wrong when it comes to understanding what others are really feeling.
«What you should begin to notice if you're doing it correctly [is that] you'll feel like things are a little bit more slowed down, you'll feel a little bit less stressed out, you'll have a larger perspective on things,» he says.
The app lets users write out what they are feeling, set goals and read articles about general health and depression.
The key is for advisors to turn the conversation around and show the Gen Xers how they can get what they want in retirement without having to feel like they are missing out on today.
It's different for everyone, so figure out what you need in place to feel well taken care of.
Making it a point to give detailed instructions on tasks at hand, coupled with pointed questions about how the new hire is feeling and what they think would help them out in their job are keys to making them feel comfortable and useful.
Figure out what makes these people your business heroes and try and inject some of the way they make you feel into your daily interactions with people.
In that case, you need to dig deeper into your feelings and figure out what's going on in there, what you're afraid of.
Interesting people are interesting because they feel out their conversational partner to see what sparks that person's interest.
According to Regan Hillyer, author of Be Your Brand, when you are writing out your reality of exactly what you desire, allow yourself to tap into the feeling associated with achieving or receiving what you desire.
And what may feel a bit risky for the one turns out to have a big positive benefit for the many.
The man who made Las Vegas what it is today knows people will pay for anything they believe is «the best,» anything that makes them feel special, unique or important, anything that makes them stand out from the crowd.
Now, of course it's up to both the entrepreneur and the spouse to determine how that support plays out, but, «Asking pointed questions like, «When you're stressed out because of the business, what can I do to make you feel supported?»
I had no idea what I could do to help them... so I brought some autograph cards and walked in the room feeling totally out of place.
Everybody wants to get paid what they deserve, and when an employee finds out they are getting paid lower than the market value, this person feels undervalued and wants to leave.
If they feel like their salary only increases nominally, they're going to step back out into the market and try to get their base salary to what your peak is.
His words testify to the strong psychological truth that people tend to seek out and feel best with what is familiar.
It was offering them precisely what they wanted, like Netflix figuring out what viewers feel like watching next.
«That way, the recipient will not feel like a nameless, faceless cog in the wheel but rather, will appreciate that someone took the time to find out what happened,» she says.
Find out what's missing in your organization to make Millennials feel as if there is nothing to be excited about.
I looked at the menu and had a different reaction: I didn't know what to choose because I felt way, way out of my league.
If you are new to negotiation, or feel it is an area where you can improve, check out these tips on precisely what not to say.
Minutes after Morneau strode out of the meeting — ignoring shouted questions about why he hasn't put his own extensive business holdings in a blind trust — Long held forth on what he clearly felt was his moment to savour.
A first - time visitor won't necessarily feel enticed to provide their name and email addresses if they don't know why they're providing them in the first place or what they can expect to get out of it.
The secret is to become more empathetic and stay out of judgment, by acknowledging what others are feeling.
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