Sentences with phrase «feeling something was»

U were critical just a few weeks ago, what makes u think ur different from some others who still feel something is not done right somewhere or someone is not doing well somewhere.
Although there will always be people who do not feel it is important.
He's attached to both of you and if feels he's in the middle of your dispute, it could make him anxious.
I do feel we are going to go closer this year but I'm not to sure about the luck one needs nor our ability to grind an odd result.
We can not really feel he's gone as long as we see his evil face live on TV.
It's just feeling I'm in control of my own time.
Whether you've never worked with a professional designer before or just feel it's time for a change we can update your brand to something that fits the business you do today.
He didn't feel he was getting good, compatible matches anymore.
Be available to answer questions, but most teachers feel it's best if you don't give answers or actually do the work.
In a few states, however, you can't legally refuse newborn screening tests because health officials feel they're too important.
However, we do still feel it's worth having a closer look at — and especially if you're interested in a less obvious choice for your next sports car.
I now felt I was on a road I would never leave.
The first is wealthy seniors who feel they're just too busy to do the work required to date.
And while I understand that not everyone shares our same belief, I still felt it was important to share this lesson.
This could have been because you took some time out to start a family and now feel it is time for you to go back to work.
I just feel it is more of a summer item.
I definitely feel I'm at a different place than my friends and it's very frustrating and lonely at times.
The letting go I've done already is so freeing that I really feel I'm ready for more.
You have to inspire people to do what they can given their current situation, and not shame people into feeling they are only contributing to environmental or climate - based problems.
I've definitely been reaching more and more for organic formulas lately, I just feel they're so much better for you!
The game audio, and sound effects are awesome, you really feel you are right in the action.
As a yoga teacher you need to have your fingers on the pulse of your students and know exactly what feelings they are experiencing in the classroom.
In short, technology may be changing how we connect with employers, but I'd argue few people feel it's gotten better or easier - it's just different.
She always felt she was missing out and wasn't any good at sports.
We almost feel we're right there with you getting the information.
I have always felt they were made for one another, great pairing.
After I was done, I was amazed at how nice my skin felt it was almost like there was a moisturizer in the cleanser.
«You kind of feel you're bothering people,» he said, referring to his requests to sit in the back of classrooms and ask the teachers questions afterward.
The old pink one was just too girly, and I didn't feel it was appropriate as a reflection of me and my style anymore.
• 3 % of parents think their child is safe when he or she is online, including 37 % who feel they are very safe.
I also feel it is very difficult to get questions answered without making a personal visit.
Obviously, all pupils need to feel happy ideally and also to feel part of the school, and also feel they are able to learn.
I have another question I also feel he is getting ready to potty train, he has shown all the signs should I first potty train him before night weaning?
- and I just don't feel it's quite time for another baby.
The hiring manager may not share your sense of humor, or may feel it's inappropriate in a professional communication.
Also, I couldn't remember at all what the filling was like in these but felt it was like pecan pie.
When such sites disappear, many users feel they are losing more than a photo album.
Talk to the parents ahead of time about this possibility, and feel free to reject visitors if you don't feel you are up to supervising extra children.
The forums, blogs and chatrooms make users feel they are truly part of an online community and also make members feel the whole experience is all the more genuine.
Some owners feel powder coated cages chip more easily than painted cages while others feel they are easier to clean and the material is harder than paint.
The self - described people person feels it's crucial to be true to yourself in online relationships because the truth will come out either way.
It's better if people feel they are part of the change, rather than having change done to them.
At this stage, some professors feel they are finally able to relax after many years of hard work.
Once a prospective client feels we're genuinely on their side, any objections will be easier to overcome.
Some moms - to - be feel it is comfortable when they lie on their back when sleeping.
If your child feels it is too early for him to wake up, you try to extract the reason for his reluctance.
Have you ever felt you were meant to accomplish something significant?
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