Sentences with phrase «feeling sore because»

You would still be using your muscles and doing a proper workout, but you probably aren't feeling sore because you didn't go hard enough.
Some moms are in pain after a caesarean delivery while others feel sore because of a tear in the perineum (the area between the back passage and vagina).

Not exact matches

Why an Atheist would devote so much time fighting this imaginary god makes me feel that this Atheist has a personal connection with this imaginary god, and that he is sore because this imaginary god did not bail him out when he asked for help.
We struggled a lot with his weight when he was itty bity because the cleft palate and having surgeries he would be too sore to eat or not feeling well.
Don't think you've wasted a workout, just because you don't feel sore.
The sore muscles feel great because it proves that I worked hard yesterday.
The first few days are terrible, my husband was like a bear with a sore bum for 2 weeks because he felt so bad.
I prefer to eat them over potato chips now because instead of getting a sore stomach, I enjoy the salty crunchy delicious goodness of chips with a big dose of feel good nutrients.
We've all been there: That terrible and wonderful feeling where the most mundane tasks become difficult because your muscles are too darn sore.
But I won't recommend it to everyone, because is VERY HARD to keep the program, I feel sore in a daily basis... But I can tell to all of you here, it changed my body, my mind and lifestyle.
Hey mike i find it hard to believe some sprints can last up to 90 seconds, because when im biking for HIIT, within 15 seconeds my legs are super sore and i feel ready to die.
Have you ever been at a party or out for a night on the town and feel like a sore thumb because you're the only one not drinking?
As famous strength author, Brooks Kubik, once stated, «You feel sore as you do because the bags (sandbags) worked your body in ways you could not approach with a barbell alone.
Because my mother has been feeding us real, organic / local food since we were little, I could easily tell how artificial «food» made me feel cruddy (i.e headache, sore throat, and toothaches).
If you don't believe me, go do sprints and you'll see how sore you are the next day, it'll feel almost the same as if you did an intense leg workout and that's because you activated and broke down those muscle fibers.
I'm a sucker for tingly creams when my muscles feel sore — say, after getting myself to a Pilates class after a long hiatus — but I hate using them at night because I swear the minty smell and aggressive prickling keeps me up.
Just don't ask me how I'm feeling today because my bones are that sore I could barely put my pants on this morning... Besides the fact that I currently can't lift my arms over my head, today I wanted to talk to you about five...
Just don't ask me how I'm feeling today because my bones are that sore I could barely put my pants on this morning...
Spring allergies are here full force; turns out, I actually ended up having an emergency trip to the eye doctor yesterday morning, because my eye allergies turned into a full - on sore ON MY EYEBALL that left me feeling like a branch was under my eyelid, unable to open my right eye.
If they are bored, staying in bed because of a sore throat, or they just feel like staying at home on a weekend; they can always check if somebody is trying to contact them through their online dating service.
You would think that going back into the famous police station and tunnels would be a sight for sore eyes but because the environments are so bland these areas feel lifeless and unimportant.
Because puppy chewing and biting feels good for those sore gums, these behaviors are ultimately reinforcing during the puppy teething phase.
It was a fascinating process, and our muscles and joints are definitely feeling sore today because of it!
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