Sentences with phrase «feeling they understand»

Trust and warmth are created when people feel understood, and they need to be doing a lot of sharing for that to happen.
He speculates it's because clients felt they understood the government's rationale and «didn't find it unsettling.»
«When we feel understood, we're more confident.
In other words, the ability to read others emotions and make them feel understood will earn you cold, hard cash, as well as making work (and life) more pleasant for everyone.
Agreement in this instance makes the kid feel understood and when people feel understood they normally move their position and to do what you want.
«Most customers [63 %] don't feel understood» as another chart illustrates.
When the people with the problem hear them, they feel understood and become helpful.
A survey released last month by the Association of National Advertisers and Forrester Research of ANA members, a group dominated by brand advertisers like P&G, found only 28 % felt they understood programmatic well enough to use it, while another 10 % understood it but still wouldn't use it.
As we laughed together I felt we understood one another despite the language barrier.
And there's nothing wrong with wanting to feel understood.
If you don't feel understood, chances are you're not.
No one can develop freely in this world and find full life without feeling understood by at least one person.
For the first time, I felt I understood the true meaning of faith, as hope in things unseen.
There will be times you won't feel understood no matter how much you explain your feelings.
The real inheritance handed on by a good family is the memories it creates: memories of Mum's and Dad's goodness, of a place where one could take refuge, where one felt understood and learnt to understand others, of quarreling with one's siblings and making up, of forgiving and being forgiven.
, I just generally feel understood by this book.
Since I, like the rest of you, am not a doctor, I feel I understand his injury as well as everyone else, which is, not at all.
The way a teenager might feel understood, might appreciate the direction given.
A lot of their frustration can come from not being or feeling understood, but like you said, he's still developing his speech and emotions, so it's hard for both of you!
«I feel I understand more about father figures in society, I found through discussion there were things that we perhaps notice but don't think about properly.»
Having empathy for your children allows them to feel understood and therefore connected.
Your intention is to listen so they feel understood.
The truth was, I escaped my reality through my online communities and chats with other moms who I felt understood me.
Make them calm down a bit because they feel understood.
As I often say: When you hear me, I feel understood.
It is so important to me that you feel surrounded with care, feel understood and encouraged, and know that someone is rooting for you.
Personally, I know how important it is to feel surrounded with care, to feel understood and encouraged, and know that someone is rooting for you.
I think we all know how important it is to feel understood and acknowledged because we know how important it is for us.
Just be careful to empathize, not analyze — so he feels understood, not invaded or lectured.
His self control will increase because he feels understood, cared for, and close to you.
That will help your child feel understood and safe with the caregiver.
She says parents need to remember to listen closely to their kids and acknowledge the difficult feelings they are expressing so they feel understood.
As your child feels understood, she'll gradually become calmer and more open to explanations and suggestions.
When kids feel understood, they're more able to accept our limits.
Feeling understood defuses the angry energy and puts your child in touch with the more threatening feelings that always hide behind anger — sadness, hurt, fear, disappointment, powerlessness.
When we endeavor to understand baby's cues for starting and stopping feeding, they feel understood.
This allows the child to feel understood by you, maintains a connection, and helps assuage the fear of rejection and abandonment.
As the husband feels more in control of the situation and his wife feels understood and cared for, symptoms improve and recovery is augmented.
They need to feel your understanding.
So I think trying to make your child feel understood, and taking the focus off the kids he hits and more onto his own emotions just might help.
Later, there will be many misunderstandings, or lost opportunities for being in sync with each other — for feeling understood — as there are conflicts between the interests and imperatives of children and parents.
Don't worry if he cries harder at that — we all feel safer to «let it all out» when we feel understood.
When he feels understood by you, he'll be more receptive to your help and any advice on coping that you offer.
I felt understood and safe.
When we feel understood, we can hear and process NEW information.
Not only does this reduce their sense of isolation, but parents who feel understood by their peers are then able to offer deeper understanding, as well as firm but caring limits, to their children.
Validating the feelings of your children helps them to feel understood.
They must feel understood in order to understand.
Feeling understood and listened to helps kids feel connected to you, and that is especially important in times of stress.
Sometimes talking and listening and feeling understood is all that's needed to help kids» frustrations melt away.
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