Sentences with phrase «feeling trapped»

For a portion of these people however, their depression is not fleeting and it can become a crippling condition that leaves the person feeling trapped, alone and simply unable to function.
I'd sleep in there if I could, it might be a feeling trapped, don't know.
The best way to prevent crying in the crate is to prevent your dog from ever feeling trapped inside.
If you or someone you know is talking about wanting to die or kill one's self, feeling hopeless or like they have no reason to live, feeling trapped or having unbearable pain, or think they are a burden to others, please reach out for help.
Feeling trapped by your student loans?
Feeling trapped in the vicious circle of borrowing and repayment?
Ellie Mondelli dreamed of buying a home, but was worried about feeling trapped.
Unfortunately, to protect against such revelations and tie sponsors down, plan providers often use back end loads and / or provisions to recapture returns on stable value funds, leaving many plan sponsors feeling trapped.
I've been scraping to survive for the past year, feeling trapped and completely lost with no savings.
They complain about feeling trapped and penniless.
Which isn't to say that writing feels crummy — just the feeling trapped.
Digital publishing lets me just take on a whole new project and put it out there for readers without feeling trapped
Feeling trapped and bored in his normal, peaceful hometown, Jason slowly learns that he and most of the townspeople are aliens.
They give a true buckety feel, and the grippy Alcantara inserts keep you locked in without feeling trapped.
The beauty of fables and stories we were told as kids was that we were learning without feeling trapped.
If that isn't exhausting enough, the No Child Left Behind Act has many educators feeling trapped in a test - driven system that stifles the individuality integral to great teaching.
Abe, depressed and usually drunk, still manages to become an immediate big man on campus, capturing the attention of Jill Pollard (Emma Stone), an impressionable young student, and Rita Richards (Parker Posey), a science professor feeling trapped in her job and marriage.
Soezen's somber, worried expressions routinely imply her sense of feeling trapped by her husband as much as the village locals, so it comes as no surprise when she forges a bond with the child's uncle over the prospects of a philanthropic cause.
The metaphor for minorities feeling trapped by a society indifferent to their concerns resonates with remarkable power.
Also, much of the action takes place in an old lodge, which does give the audience a sense of feeling trapped like the characters, but also slows the pace further.
Feeling trapped, need an outlet, would love to please you... Heart and drive of an 18 year old.
And I can't stand feeling trapped either.
Trust me on that, I am not much fun to be around if I am feeling trapped in an uncomfortable outfit.
Are you overly accommodating at the start of a romance, but then find yourself feeling trapped, used and taken advantage of?
Contemplation Stage - the contemplator is tired of feeling trapped by self - defeating behavior.
To let go of what's been keeping you stuck, or feeling trapped, empty or unfulfilled in life.
However... I wake up feeling trapped if it's too dark and seriously freak out.
Perhaps you can relate to this feeling of feeling trapped inside a body that's just not doing what you want, no matter what you try... and thinking your frustration just can't get any worse...
Many women understand that between feeling young at heart and feeling trapped inside a body that is no longer youthful, there is a world of difference.
I needed to redefine and work myself out of being and feeling trapped.
If the salty crunch of potato chips is tempting you, don't completely deny yourself and end up feeling trapped.
I'm working on getting stronger, and just knowing that I'm capable of committing to that kind of a slow process helps me have faith in myself when I'm feeling trapped by self - doubts.
Approaching change with the motivation of feeling trapped is one of the biggest barriers to actually getting the transformation you seek.
«Most people face the holidays with mixed emotions, which can include feeling trapped and coerced,» says Cheryl Dellasega, author of «Forced to Be Family.»
Even in relationships where baby - led weaning is desired, you will swing between overwhelming love and feeling trapped.
I know I did when my firstborn's late night escapades had me feeling trapped in a cycle of exhausting marathon nursing, messy spitting up, and loud crying.
You are elated for your beautiful new baby, but may also be feeling trapped at home.
Additionally, if pumping outside your home isn't an option, it's easy to start feeling trapped at home and resentful about pumping, especially in the beginning when you need to pump every few hours or so.
Some of the other mothers also talked about additional contributing factors, such as the stress caused by unsolicited advice, feeling trapped with family members who are insensitive to the emotional needs of a new mother, or struggling with loneliness or past history of depression as a new mother.
If the boys fought me to go down for a nap and fell asleep in my bed rather than their cribs, I'd vent my frustrations over feeling trapped in the room with them by running downstairs and grabbing whatever we had in the cabinets — bags of Goldfish crackers, boxes of baby biscuits — gobbling all the candy and then telling my partner we must have left the bag at the store rather than confess that I'd eating it all.
I suppose he's just feeling trapped amongst a sqaud of Sunday league winners.
This time around, I think the combination of having to set aside plans repeatedly due to weather, feeling trapped at home, and the end of a successful training cycle and race (my first marathon), all culminated in a bit of feeling glum and fearful about the what's next — as I inevitably tend to be fearful that there's no way I can possibly live up to my own expectations in each new year.
I receive emails every day from people feeling trapped.
My Sophia series is the story of my soul feeling trapped on its journey to feeling free.
If you are feeling trapped by sin call upon the name of the Lord and repent, confess your sins to your brothers (to church too if you wish to do so) its called being humble and being broken before God, the healer of our souls.
He is drinking more, especially on weekends, to deaden the dull ache of feeling trapped on the job treadmill.
I know what feeling trapped is like.
Suddenly feeling trapped, some have unwisely reacted in antiscience belligerence while others have silently tossed in the towel.
If you are not at a healthy place, if you are feeling trapped, this is the opportunity to do something.
I remember the overwhelming feeling I had at the end of my time in the church was feeling trapped.
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