Sentences with phrase «feeling uncertain with»

I also feel you on being exhausted and feeling uncertain with things around you.

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For anyone who is feeling uncertain about the upcoming transfer of power, writer and illustrator Christopher Noxon has turned his recent tour of the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis into a motivational text that links lessons learned in the 1950s and «60s with today's strange times.
As the organization grew, Johnson felt a hunger to step out and share his story with people who are uncertain, or ex-Christ-followers, struggling with belief in an age where evangelicalism seems to have given up its core values in the name of bringing alleged child molester, Roy Moore, into the Senate.
I feel right at home with Nicodemus, because I too am uncertain about this whole matter of Christianity.
They added: «This position is not intended to deny, discourage or exclude those with uncertain feelings around sexuality or gender identity from seeking qualified and appropriate help.
Ireland's recent decision to approve same - sex marriage, by popular referendum, has left the country's Catholic reputation in ruins.Of course, this shift didn't come about overnight — secularization has been in the works for some time — but the vote reinforces the feeling of a dramatic break with Ireland's Catholic heritage, and a step into an uncertain future.
Of course, this shift didn't come about overnight — secularization has been in the works for some time — but the vote reinforces the feeling of a dramatic break with Ireland's Catholic heritage, and a step into an uncertain future.
This is something I'm learning with my son - that sometimes when he is «misbehaving» it is because he is feeling insecure or uncertain, and that I should be looking at the root cause of his behaviour rather than attempting to just deal with the behaviour itself.
If you feel uncertain, you're less likely to ask any questions, but with knowledge you can feel confident in speaking up.
Parents can easily feel overwhelmed and uncertain, particularly if they are confronted with contrary opinions such as «all children are gifted.»
One commentator has suggested that, psychologically, the children deprived of contact with one parent may suffer feelings of loss akin to mourning as well as uncertain or conflicting attitudes about men, who most often are the noncustodial parent.
Symptoms for baby blues includes crying, feeling overwhelmed with this new role as well as feeling uncertain, some sleep deprivation and fatigue.
And it has a nice little smiley face, so... Such a positive message especially when so many moms feels uncertain, you know, when they are going out into public, and breastfeeding, as we are going to talk about it today, there's a lot of issues that can come with breastfeeding, and it can be challenging for a lot of moms.
Krueger said she's satisfied with the final agreement on the minimum wage, but she feels «very bad» for upstaters who were hoping they would get to $ 15 an hour like their NYC counterparts, but are now uncertain when — and if — they will get past $ 12.50.
For, the thought of preventing eligible voters from exercising their democratic rights is criminal, and ought to be condemned with no uncertain terms, for every eligible voter must feel free to exercise his / her democratic right without any interference from any quarters.
Instead, this was a guy discussing what he liked and felt comfortable with, in an uncertain, matter of fact tone, while lying back, relaxed, with union jack cushions in the background.
Yes, it's an uncertain number and people can choose to pay more or less tax so it doesn't feel like a tax rise to them (although they may be hit with unexpected tax bill).
But if the participants had a good feel for just how uncertain the odds were — if their measures of stress tracked well with the amount of ambiguity — they ended up with an unexpected benefit: They performed better on the rock and snake task (though they still got shocked for their pains).
He says the law may not effect much change in areas with strong pockets of vaccine - refusing parents, but he hopes more of the parents feeling uncertain about immunization will realize the benefits after getting accurate information from a health care professional.
Feeling uncertain about who you are and what you want to do with your life?
With technologies uncertain, the panel felt the best approach would be to promote a portfolio of vehicle and fuel research and development.
If you're allergic to any of the ingredients or you feel uncertain about using them on your skin, consult with your physician.
Similar effects were observed in another one, where people with a high fat, low carb breakfast reported feeling less tense, not as uncertain, drowsy or muddled, compared to other participants with different types of breakfast.
What's more, men were far more uncertain as to whether or not they could see themselves with a child — 46 % of male members replied «don't know» when asked what they felt about siring children.
By assisting with writing messages to a crush and putting together a date outfit, Laurel makes her clients feel less uncertain as they navigate the dating world.
Finally, I had enough and let him know in no uncertain terms that I wasn't his toy and that he needed to stop playing around with my feelings.
If you feel uncertain of him and how he spend his leisure time with others and what he does with his extra time, basically contact his friends and get some data.
But Forster's meticulousness — coupled with ample excuses to blow stuff up — isn't enough to turn World War Z into one of those class - A end - of - everything movies that leaves you feeling just a little bit queasy, momentarily uncertain of your own small place in this unmanageable world.
These dizzying moments assault the viewer with its unnatural trigger finger to move from one shot to the next — something that made the rest of the movie feel technically uncertain.
Again, the expectation you feel when you fight the same boss each time alongside a repetitive routine means that each fight brings with it only a small change, which plays well into the uncertain gameplay that makes a roguelike so much fun, and without doing it so drastically that it makes the experience unfair and unpredictable.
A relationship that starts with uncertain bonding in their first night as title compadres, and then becomes plainly antagonistic right to the very end, leaves something to be desired, other than feeling that Efron is playing a villain from The Karate Kid, and needs a bit of a real - life lesson from Rogen.
Its soundtrack dominated by Simon & Garfunkel and Elvis standards that unforgivably obscure another fine score by Carter Burwell, Intolerable Cruelty is marked by a tossed - off feeling: a distinct impression that America's most viable auteur brats had taken an unfamiliar path with minimal investment for uncertain gain.
Handheld camera shots in the first half of the film create an edgy, uncertain feel, as the Foxfire group become dangerous and giddy with its own potential.
It's uncertain what more could be mined from this formula and these characters, and with that last scene, it feels as if writer / director Michael Winterbottom is admitting his own doubt about a future for these movies.
Even in as little as two days, I felt less alone because here were 11 strangers from all over the world grappling with the same questions and concerns, feeling just as uncertain and confused and overly sure of themselves and inspired and scared and passionate and vulnerable as me.
Getting involved with AdoptaPlatoon alleviates some of the helplessness students might experience during uncertain times, and makes them feel that they can make a difference.
However, research undertaken by Ofqual last year suggested the vast majority of students, parents and professionals felt confused about the new grading system, with many left uncertain about the value of the grades compared with the traditional system.
Also, with Distronic engaged the steering feels very vague and uncertain at times, not what I'm used to from Mercedes.
But even once they admit their feelings, they still have to deal with their pasts as well as their uncertain future.
Perhaps she's picking up on how uncertain Harumi feels, certain that he's under - qualified for his new responsibilities and unfamiliar with taking care of a young woman.
Do you leave him with a friend or drop him off at the kennel where he will spend the whole week feeling anxious and uncertain of himself and his surroundings?
When on walks, the leash restricts Freddie's option to move away from another dog if he feels uncertain (unlike when he is at daycare or at the dog park, where he is free to move away from dogs he doesn't want to interact with).
The veterinarians felt Squish would need extensive jaw surgeries and ongoing treatment but, even with that, it was uncertain if he would regain enough function of his jaw to chew food.
As with most short - nosed breeds they can be prone to snoring and have a variety of grunts and snorts to let you know in no uncertain terms how they feel.
I come away with the distinct impression that this has been a draining process for Ueda, promotional responsibilities includes, and that he now feels uncertain of what his next move should be.
While the word «home» typically connotes a sense of welcoming or warmth, in this context Frandsen inverts that notion, creating a feeling of foreboding with abstract figures and a central focal point that guides the viewer into uncertain territory.
While I'm sure a number of folks will disagree with me on what is spurious vs. substantive, I think it would be useful to outline which parts of the debate I feel are relatively certain, are somewhat uncertain, and quite uncertain.
Remember that it doesn't do any harm to to speak with a legal professional even if you're uncertain that you've got a good case or if you're feeling that you might be partly responsible, we're going to help you to see whether you have a case.
If you come away from your meeting with your perspective lawyer feeling worried or uncertain, they're probably not right for you.
You fail to consider that students from lower - income families might feel more trepidation at the prospect of incurring a large debt with uncertain employment prospects.
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