Sentences with phrase «feelings someone are experiencing»

It is the responsibility of your divorce coach to help you deal with the difficult feelings you are experiencing.
When couples know that the intense feelings they are experiencing are normal and common, they have no fear that there is something wrong with them.
As a yoga teacher you need to have your fingers on the pulse of your students and know exactly what feelings they are experiencing in the classroom.
Is it possible that the good feeling you are experiencing is a chemical reaction involving dopamine?
That's not a bad thing, yet the changes and feelings you're experiencing matter too.
I think the funny feeling I'm experiencing lately is the baby moving.
The thoughts and feeling we're experiencing while preparing food go into the food.
We can help you to cope with the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing about your train «falling off the tracks».
It's important to keep a close eye on them and help them deal with whatever feelings they are experiencing.
The pay off is soooo great when parents / teachers do not feel they are experiencing this all by themselves.»
Toddlers often lack the language they need to communicate the powerful feelings they are experiencing — like anger, fear, or frustration.
While some may want to use the technique to improve their health, others just want feel they are experiencing the bleeding edge of technology first hand, says Wolfenden.
Finally, by engaging in the emotion regulation skills, Karissa worked to take more control over the intense feelings she was experiencing instead of letting them get the best of her.
When we have a secure emotional connection with our loved one, this temporary feeling is experienced as nonthreatening.
Thereafter, a healing process may occur in which the old avoided feelings are experienced and worked through.
Kids love to hear stories from their parents» childhood because it helps normalize any difficult feelings they are experiencing.
There must be a unified subject to experience the feelings; if the subject first arises in the satisfaction, then that must be where the feelings are experienced.
By looking on the tarnished remains of the past, they feel they're experiencing that past.»
That way I feel I am experiencing all the different aspects of my life without guilt.»
Connecting to my emotions around this event has been an interesting exercise as I try to make sense of the the feelings I am experiencing.
Dressing in layers is quite indicative of how I feel I am experiencing the world right now.
But if you feel alone in your heartache, know that the feelings you are experiencing — however dreadful — are extremely common.
In such a state of mindfulness, people are able to enjoy the experience without judging while remaining mindfully aware of the feelings they are experiencing.
If you feel you are experiencing an emergency — please call us at 562-735-5200 right away.
I feel that are experiences are in some ways, different than other people who travel or stay for long term here.
Share your own feelings of grief and loss with children, as this will help them in their grieving and to understand that it is normal to have the feelings they are experiencing.
I've personally been through many of these life changes myself and understand firsthand many of the issues and feelings you're experiencing.
Do you feel you are experiencing problems in your relationship that you want to avoid getting worse?
For now, I will just enjoy the feelings I am experiencing and ride it out.
For example, it might be necessary for you both to be in different rooms to enable you to manage these emotions and it may be possible to agree a timetable that gives you time to come to terms with what has happened and work on some coping strategies for the feelings you are experiencing.
When these feelings are experienced there is an abrupt drop in tension, anxiety and other physical symptoms and defenses.
During the delicate time following a period of unfaithfulness it is important to guide couples with compassion, enthusiasm, and knowledge of the feelings they are experiencing.
Bereaved parents need a safe person and / or place to talk about their baby and the feelings they are experiencing.
We provide parents a safe place to talk about their baby and the feelings they are experiencing and allow them to be heard without being judged or given unwanted advice.
Using a technique called tracking, I reflect back to your child every action or decision he makes and every feeling he is experiencing.
I will listen closely to what you have to say, and the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing.
EA, defined as the capacity to correctly deduce the intensity and valence of the feelings being experienced by a target (Zaki et al. 2008; Zaki and Ochsner 2011), involves both mental state attribution (cognitive empathy / emotion recognition) and experience - sharing (affective empathy; Zaki and Ochsner 2011).
Families can feel they are experiencing an unprecedented amount of conflict, and arguments seem to arise from even the smallest details of daily life for and with adolescents.
I can not imagine the feelings you are experiencing.
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