Sentences with phrase «feels good about taking»

Likewise, employees should feel good about taking ownership, which introduces an added measure of accountability and demonstrates the level of trust you have in them.
Miller believes you should feel good about taking risks and daring to innovate, even if it leads to some degree of failure.
You can feel good about taking seconds!
Butterless and healthy so you can feel good about taking another slice.
So in attempt to keep us from defaulting to recipes that rely on the heavily processed stuff, I've created one that you can feel good about taking to your holiday celebrations.
My whole attitude shifted, not just because I finally ate but also because I felt good about taking the time that I needed for myself.
And it can take a while for parents to feel confident in their parenting approach, so that they are able to feel better about taking «me» time.
In other words, if you have a pet you feel good about taking care of, that could be enough of a «life purpose» — you don't have to work hard to save the world on a daily basis to sleep better.
If it makes you feel better about taking the leap, I can assure you that I now do.
For me to see that those other platforms became 50 % of my income, really made me feel good about taking the plunge and going wide.
I must say it does help me feel better about taking the risk of going out of KDP Select when I hear stories such as yours (although I would also love to hear that for some authors KU was really helping out their sales because it would be nice to know someone was benefitting from this all.)
Thanks for making me feel better about taking public transport when everybody else is driving around in the cars that they bought with auto loans.
If you feel better about taking your dog to the vet right away, that is certainly okay.
This allowed players to feel better about taking a break from the game, and this allowance of a «change of heart» if you will, makes the player feel more comfortable, and cooperative with the story.
Understanding when the deductible waiver will apply may make you feel better about taking a higher insurance deductible.
Kaitlyn: The most interesting thing to me was when you were talking about how people have this quote unquote, «distanced attitude,» towards selfies where they don't really feel good about taking them, they don't really have a craving to see them, but if I continue taking selfies, even if I'm doing it ironically or engaging in the classic selfie poses ironically, my selfie still has the effect of escalating other people's selfie behaviors.
We felt good about taking the leasing risk and think we will be able to get paid for that risk in several years time.
We buy for cash flow, not appreciation, but the appreciation made us feel better about taking the lower rents now (and breaking one of the popular investment rules in the process).

Not exact matches

Someone can see what they feel is the greatest advertisement in the world and be dead set on buying from that company, but if a friend tells them good things about another company that offers the same goods or services, most of the time they will take their friends advice and go with the alternative company.
By taking a positive approach, users will consistently relate your company / message to optimism and feel better about you
«It's taken us three years to get to a place we feel good about,» Lowden said about the development process.
The goal of customer service is to transform an unhappy customer into a customer who feels thrilled about how well they were taken care of.
«My philosophy is that if you take an average work force and give them a great process, you can accomplish tremendous things and make them feel really good about what they do,» says Virts Mozer.
True, your gut might steer you wrong sometimes, but if you just have a good feeling about something, try it out and see where it takes you.
While it might be appropriate in some cases to take on the assignment regardless, generally you'll feel better about yourself over the long run if you stick to your guns and don't allow yourself to lower your price.
When emotionally intelligent people feel good about something that they've done, they won't let anyone's opinions or accomplishments take that away from them.
«I felt good about it at the time because Cara collapsed and I got into the tech boom market and that took off,» he recalls.
«A lot of companies talk about «making the world a better place» but I feel like Etsy is one of the few which actually takes into account issues like sustainability, equality, humane treatment, etc. in all of its business decisions.»
«Why don't you buy protection this year, because you'll feel more comfortable about your experience and you'll be better taken care of if, God forbid, a snowstorm actually happens in the winter in Toronto.»
(My suggestion is Justin Cronin's surprisingly well written and totally addictive vampire thriller The Passage, which once made a transatlantic flight I took feel about 20 minutes long.)
The more time I took, the better I felt, and the more I appreciated just why vacations — real vacations, on which you clear your mind and don't think about business at all — are so important.
A few months ago I took an emotional intelligence test (which didn't leave me feeling particularly good about myself) and realized that social responsibility isn't a strong suit for me, especially where the environment is concerned.
Customers who believe companies take action based on the feedback feel better about the company and are more likely to respond to surveys.
Hopefully having a good wallow, really thinking about your feelings and showing yourself some compassion (sadly, there's no word from Gilbertson on whether that can come in the form of chocolate fudge brownie icecream) should help ease your fear of failure going forward, but Gilbertson suggests that you take things slowly as you move on from a disappointment.
By taking advantage of our hardwired tendency to talk about ourselves, and allowing your prospects to really express themselves during the sales process, they're more likely to feel good about the interaction you just had.
I took a moment to feel better about some of the things I've accomplished and my goals for 2016 vs. being too off put by the critics lest they win.
We were about 12,500 employees when I took over, and we're about 10,000, so we feel good about where we are.
«By me taking off my makeup and showing my rosacea or showing that I have no brows, I hope that women feel better about their own issues, because everyone has them — even if they don't buy anything.»
My personal mission enables me to take pride in what I do and feel deeply good about the entire process, not only its results.
Confident people don't pass judgment on others because they know that everyone has something to offer, and they don't need to take other people down a notch in order to feel good about themselves.
What watching Rozovsky on the show made me think more about was the role not only in leaders asking great questions to make sure they have complete information but also the role in team members feeling safe in being able to contribute and the fact that having safe teams produces better results because it fosters creativity, risk - taking, personal ownership and motivation.
There's nothing wrong with feeling good about a branded corporation taking a stand for something you believe in.
As a youth soccer player, I think I had really good coaches, really good role models that taught me a lot about professionalism and taking care of myself and I feel like I did that early on.
Yep, if that's what it takes for you to feel better about your stocks, that's definitely a good idea.
Buyers not only want to «feel good» about the business experiences they undergo, but now also have a higher expectations they will take away knowledge they did not have before.
When you go to bed, before you settle in, take a few minutes to read one story and go to sleep feeling good about the world.
Buffett's stance on taking time to properly allocate your funds is furthered with his comment that it's not just about the best company, but how you feel about the company.
Look for well formed pin bar setups that meet all the characteristics listed in this tutorial and don't take any that you don't feel particularly confident about.
I have slightly mixed feelings about McFarlane's treatment of Hamm — on one hand, Trent seems like a good guy that took the kind of initiative that McFarlane recommends to launch his blog and turn it into a wildly successful site that he was able to sell for $ 1,000,000 +.
I'm never very good at talking about myself, but I feel I should introduce myself as you have taken the time to visit my blog, so firstly, thank you for stopping by.
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