Sentences with phrase «feels in all situations»

And then mixing that with, «And I'm going to cook all of you lunch everyday and tell you wonderful stories to inspire you and show you that it's OK, whatever you're feeling in this situation.
Even further, we try to imagine specifically how our colleague feels in this situation.
To truly show empathy, we must try to imagine how our colleague feels in this situation.
Often, I find asking questions about how someone felt in the situation can help bring a conversation to a deeper level.
I can't imagine how a baby would feel in that situation, not even understanding why.
If they become affected beyond the normal jitters of newness one feels in some situations, seek help from your tweens pediatrician.
It doesn't mean your child gets to tell you what to do, it does mean you do your best to understand how your child feels in all situations.
Senior Kundalini Yoga teacher Guru Jagat shares a 3 - breath meditation that promises to change how you feel in any situation.
I have found that often times if I find myself in a situation where I had expectations and they were not met, that I only have control over myself and my feelings in the situation.
«The classic criticism might be to say «you work too much, you're never there, you prefer your work to our relationship,» but if you are honest with yourself, what you are really feeling in this situation is vulnerability.
Bleeding - edge visuals, precise car physics, revamped confidence - inspiring gamepad controls combined with advanced and newly refined tire grip and slip physics that provide drivers with optimised control and feel in all situations, and enhanced, realistic A.I. make Project CARS 2 the most immersive and technically - advanced racing simulation on the planet.
They consider how different people would feel in the situation and how they could manage their feelings to respond in a positive way.
We talked at length about the heartbreak of losing a pet, about how hard it is to make that final decision, and how helpless one feels in the situation.
I look on each matter as if I were the client and how I'd feel in that situation.
The residents found that their pride was injured, but that's a perfectly natural feeling in this situation.
Express how you felt in these situations and ask your spouse similar questions.
Years of building «walls» around our emotions have left most adults incapable of expressing how they truly feel in a situation.
They will likely feel your genuine care and concern and know you are just as thoughtful about them and their feelings in this situation as yourself.
This sentence, otherwise known as an «I» message or «I» statement, is so powerful because the one using it is taking responsibility for their own feelings in the situation.
Loss of trust on the one hand, and guilt on the other, are the primary painful feelings in this situation.
Acknowledging feelings in all situations where emotions are present helps them to feel heard and understood.

Not exact matches

Think of this in terms of a prospecting call: The more a prospect feels that you know his situation, the more likely he is to listen, or, in this case, read.
«Now Mark, I am more than willing to give you my time and really work with you to find out exactly what the best solution for you and your specific situation is, I'm just going to ask for one thing in return... As we go through this, if you don't feel that what we have is a good fit, are you okay telling me that?
In line with the study about stressful jobs, other research demonstrates that similar forms of expressive writing (writing out your thoughts and feelings like in a diary) helps those coping with stressful situations such as unemploymenIn line with the study about stressful jobs, other research demonstrates that similar forms of expressive writing (writing out your thoughts and feelings like in a diary) helps those coping with stressful situations such as unemploymenin a diary) helps those coping with stressful situations such as unemployment.
They use force and threats in order to ward off feeling out of control or unsafe in certain situations.
While in some situations — like workplace safety — individual monitoring has a clear purpose, employees can have mixed feelings about personal privacy.
So when I'm in difficult situations I remember that I came from her and I might not feel it right there in that moment but I'm stronger than I think I am.
Most of us are inherently risk averse; in the face of a risk, or a bad situation, the human brain is wired to imagine worst - case scenarios, which unfortunately stifles our productivity and makes us feel anxious and stressed.
Taking the time to fully analyze your situation in solitude, while focusing on solutions instead of problems, can revitalize your mind and help you focus on where you are headed, how you feel, and more important, how you view failure from that moment on.
In one situation, an investor wanted the right to single - handedly force the company to refuse to take on new money, veto rights that Trabelsi felt were too extreme.
Which puts us in an odd situation, because the money sounds good, yet we all want to feel that our work matters.
But I felt barriers that only slowly went away — at least in my situation.
The end result has left Target's in - store displays feeling deflated — a situation that has only been magnified in Canada.
I felt as though I was the only person in the world in this situation.
In any given situation, you can experience nagging thoughts and feelings of suspicion, anxiety, doubt, curiosity or wonder.
No company can train its front - end people to handle every situation, but you can strive to create an environment in which they feel at ease «doing as they would be done by.»
Tell the story of how it felt to be in the negative position to humanize the situation and highlight the emotional impact of the problem.
«I know it sounds long and tedious and it feels excruciatingly awkward when you do it,» Sinek says, «but it shows the audience you're totally confident and in charge of the situation
In situations where you feel slightly uncomfortable — such as a networking event — you may have a tendency to cross your arms, put your hands in your pockets or exhibit other forms of nervous behavioIn situations where you feel slightly uncomfortable — such as a networking event — you may have a tendency to cross your arms, put your hands in your pockets or exhibit other forms of nervous behavioin your pockets or exhibit other forms of nervous behavior.
Trunk says if you're feeling isolated, the Internet is a useful first stop when looking to find others in the same situation.
What have been the situations in which you've felt most confident?
It's natural to feel tense in certain situations, but if you want to socialize and meet people you should try to conceal your nervousness as best you can.
Habits are important because they engineer how we act, think, and feel in particular situations.
I didn't think too much about how other people were feeling in any given situation.
In a workplace filled with humans, you will invariably run into a variety of situations where feelings get hurt.
It can result in you feeling trapped in a situation that you feel either obliged to stay in or can't easily back out of.»
If you feel that the pause was especially beneficial in this situation, take a moment to write down your experience.
State the facts, tell them you're monitoring the situation and provide the information needed to make your customers feel they're in the right hands.
Often, no matter how hard you work to avoid it, some people feel short - changed in a situation, while others feel they won.
The difference is likely due to testosterone levels: Men who win in competitive situations feel emboldened to try again, even as the odds of losing grow; women don't exhibit the same tendency.
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