Sentences with phrase «feels in your mouth»

Take a bite and savor the taste, texture, even how the food feels in your mouth.
This wine has a soft feel in the mouth with distinctive taste of tangerine, peach grapefruit, and rose that has a light tart finish.
She says she'll still have a few despite the itchy / tingly feeling in her mouth!
It was the perfect combination of snap in the mouth from the currants + sesame seeds and a sweet (currants) + savory feel in the mouth.
Hachiya persimmons are the persimmons you see pictured in this post, they are acorn - shaped and have to be completely ripened before consumption (unripe hachiya can cause an unpleasant, astringent feeling in your mouth).
«Lots of people immediately say, «Oh, I don't like gluten - free things,» because things that they've tasted that are gluten - free might be heavy or crumbly or just not fulfilling that bite, that proper texture - feel in the mouth
But me personally, I've never much been into greens The urge for a green salad almost never hits me, and cooked greens can leave a strange «chalky» feeling in my mouth, which makes eating cooked greens unpleasant for me.
«Defective, lower - quality oil tastes unnatural, and usually leaves a slick or greasy feel in your mouth,» she says.
The feel in the mouth is velvety.
Has a big, full feeling in the mouth with tastes of apple, papaya, Assam black tea, and sweet lemon.
Lovely feel in the mouth and a big hit at the party where I served it.
The mushrooms are quartered rather than sliced, so they have a more toothsome feel in your mouth.
The first solid foods your baby eats have a smooth texture and feel in the mouth, similar to milk.
The sensations they are feeling in their mouths are completely new and most likely quite confusing.
Food play helps them learn how food works and breaks apart in their mouth, how it might feel in their mouth, and other textural properties that can help describe the food.
For example, a child may look at a sliced tomato and notice that there is a sold part, and a runny part, and little seeds, and they feel overwhelmed about how it may feel in their mouth.
With teeth coming on and the biggest part of the brain devote to the feeling in the mouth, this age group automatically put everything in!
In that way, minerals from high - quality salt actually help give the water some «data» or «structure» that can make it more hydrating and provide a better feeling in your mouth.
But me personally, I've never much been into greens The urge for a green salad almost never hits me, and cooked greens can leave a strange «chalky» feeling in my mouth, which makes eating cooked greens unpleasant for me.
The first time you try this product out, especially in the first week, you may experience an unpleasant feeling in the mouth, bloating, mild nausea, and even diarrhea.
The overly - minty - fakeness of it, the soapy weird feeling in my mouth, the slimy residue left over... disgusting.
i love it when u kiss me, ur kisses i love the way your tongue feel in my mouth i love it oh baby how i...
While the game certainly brings back some of what we loved in the first two titles, the «in - your - face» IAP and other freemium elements leave a wistful feeling in your mouth.
Then you begin to notice a strange feeling in your mouth.

Not exact matches

Go with your gut feeling and steer clear of retweet foot - in - mouth tweets about sensitive topics that could be interpreted as offensive by your followers — especially your current and potential customers and business partners.
Use that one tip to focus on what you put in your mouth and how your body will feel.
Furthermore, those who feel we resolved in their favor quickly are actually likely to recommend us to others, to become our promoters who spread positive word - of - mouth (Source: U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs).
In times of tension, keeping a smile on your face — especially a genuine smile that's formed by the muscles around your eyes as well as your mouth — reduces your body's stress responses, even if you don't feel happy.
But as soon as you slap the steak out of someone elses mouth or thrown rocks at a Planned Parenthood, you have crossed the line in America and you are now the criminal regardless of how you «feel» about it.
It was fairly miserable and all I could think about it how I wanted to be dry and in bed and how I felt bad for Hailey that she was stuck in a closed park with no access to rides and that's when I noticed that she was having the most fun she'd had all day just jumping in the enormous puddles and catching rain in her mouth.
Also, the author and a couple of others said in the comments on that website, [quote] «i feel very uncomfortable putting words in gods mouth» [unquote].
Rev Tinnings said: «We're fortunate to own a flat that just coincidentally had a tenant moving out at the time, and we felt inspired to put our money where our mouth is... and invite the family to live in the church's house.»
I certainly feel compassion for the family, for James, and for the other hostages now in harms way because this liberal president can't keep his mouth shut.
Seems like I feel the same way about you — there is so much that has been dug up by biblical archaeologist and ignored by your type — every time someone like you opens their mouth a biblical archaeologist shoves another spade in it.
I thought it felt right but that right was wrong All caught up in the eye of the storm And trying to figure out what it's like moving on And I don't even know what kind of things I've said My mouth kept moving and my mind went dead So, picking up the pieces, now where to begin?
Early in development children are taught by example, if not by word of mouth, to conceal their real feelings about many things.
i didn't like what they were saying and it made me feel like hitting them so i did, i was not in the right or the wrong just in the moment when the were running their mouth about all the women they raped and children they killed they deserved it in my opinion.
There is a hungry baby, blinking eyes at the light of life and a mama longing to nurse, open mouths and wonder at what you have just done, arms that suddenly don't feel quite attached to our body unless there is that little person in them.
Suddenly a word came into my mind Cuumara it kept repeating itself to me, I mouthed the strange word, suddenly before I knew it I uttered it out loud, Very Loud, then I said another word like buunara, I carried on for 30 minutes speaking not only the words the Angels use, the heavenly language, but German, Russian, Chinese everything I did not want it to stop, I have never felt so good in my whole life and it has never repeated itself.
It's simply ridiculous to say that it was his followers who actually felt this way, unless you want to argue that the gospel authors put these words in his mouth?
Orwell thinks that from Shakespeare's writings it would be difficult to know that he had any religion» whereas in fact the placing of truth in the mouths of babes is one aspect of the Christian respect for all human life; that same profound feeling is what inspires us to protest loudly when health authorities take a mental defective off dialysis machine because they consider his «quality of life» too low, in defiance of Christ's words in the Sermon on the Mount.
They mouth along to the words in the worship songs, but it all feels hollow to them.
I felt like slapping them in the mouth... do you know how long we have recorded history since?
Hallucinations are unusual sensory experiences or perceptions of things that aren't actually present, such as seeing things that aren't there, hearing voices, smelling odors, having a «funny» taste in your mouth, and feeling sensations on your skin even though nothing is touching your body.
And you won't know how to explain why, in that moment when the whisper rose out of your mouth like Jesus from the grave, you felt more alive and awake and resurrected than you have in ages because at least it was out, at least it was said, at least it wasn't buried in your chest anymore, clawing for freedom.
Some who object to this public recital say: «You are manipulating me and putting words in my mouth which I do not believe, have not experienced, or do not feel
To all who are feeling overwhelmed & even angry about the article and / or the responses here... I can see why some are leaving a sour taste in your mouth!
«Pasteurization is fairly new to the industry, and there is a dramatic difference in the appearance, texture and mouth - feel of seeds pasteurized in our facility versus what's done in some other facilities around the country,» Dick adds.
Made this last night; really enjoyed it except for the massive amount of garlic — feel quite sick this morning from the taste in my mouth Will definitely make it again but with a lot less garlic next time.
im not great with the feel of oil in my mouth
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