Sentences with phrase «feet on an exercise ball»

Another variation is to place your hands on a bench and your feet on an exercise ball.
For lower chest, the process is exactly the same but this time, you're putting your feet on an exercise ball instead on a flat bench.
Lie on your back and put the outside edges of your feet on your exercise ball.

Not exact matches

You can also use a small playground or exercise ball and place him belly down on there and roll him back and forth bringing him forward to his hands and then back to his knees or feet.
How to: Begin laying on your back, palms down on the floor, with your legs extended and your feet resting on top of a large exercise ball.
Once you get more comfortable with the exercise, try the inclined version by resting your feet on a medicine ball to increase muscle activation.
That includes exercise bands, bodyweight exercises, climbing fake trees, squatting co-workers and challenging crew to balance on the ball of 1 foot for as long as we can.
If you master this stomach exercise and want a greater challenge try oblique crunches on a bosu ball with the feet up or bicycle crunches on the bosu ball with the feet up.
Abs exercises 3 circuits with all exercises done using a medicine ball and for 10 reps. sit up with feet flat on floor, Roman chair sit up, v sit ups, leg raises with medicine ball held by feet, boxing abs tensions (Tense stomach while partner hits abs with medicine ball)
Lay on your back on the back with your knees bent and your feet fairly wide apart - you'll need a good base of support for this exercise so that you don't roll off to the side of the ball.
Personal Training Tips: If you find this exercise for building core strength is too challenging on the ball, you can regress this core exercise and make it easier by performing it on the floor or with your foot on a step.
The 3 abs exercises below focus on the abdominal muscles while you're lying on the floor with the exercise ball between your feet and your knees.
Starting Position: Begin by lying on your back, and place the exercise ball between your feet.
And other ab exercises on the stability ball, such as roll - ins and piques focus on the abs by placing the feet on the ball.
How to do the exercise: Lie flat on the floor and raise yourself up on to your hands and balls of your feet, your hands should be shoulder width apart and your feet should be together.
There are several factors that can be altered during press up performance, including posture (i.e. elevation of feet and / or hands) and hand position (i.e. width of hand placement), instability (i.e. performing the exercise on a stability ball), and loading (e.g. using elastic resistance bands).
You can do this routine at home using a couple of dumbbells on each hand for resistance and a couple of 25 lb plates placed next to each other as a platform to place the ball of the foot on in order to perform the exercise.
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