Sentences with phrase «fellow doctors»

The phrase "fellow doctors" refers to a group or assembly of medical professionals who have earned a degree in medicine and are practicing as physicians. Full definition
The chart can also be handed to fellow doctors who may assist you with second opinions or extra items.
Jeff Gavin conducted the study along with fellow doctors Adrian Scott, also of the University of Bath, and Jill Duffield, of...
Meanwhile, Dr. Jekyll is conducting the usual lab experiments on animals before injecting himself with serum, transforming into the vicious Mr. Hyde and launching a killing spree against fellow doctors who scoffed at him.
Dr. Jeff Gavin conducted the study along with fellow doctors Adrian Scott, also of the University of Bath, and Jill Duffield, of the University of the West of England.
Invisalign Faculty have completed additional, specialized training that enables them to instruct and mentor fellow doctors on the Invisalign system.
Bernays helped jump - start sales of bacon, a breakfast rarity until the 1920s, by enlisting a prominent doctor to solicit fellow doctors» opinions on the salutary benefits of a hearty breakfast and by arranging to have famous figures photographed eating breakfasts of bacon and eggs.
One fellow doctor took to social media to say she was no longer prepared to put her life at risk without the government providing proper protection equipment:
There have also been a few medical textbooks, co-authored with fellow doctors and published by Wiley.
The young doctor, son of a recent acquaintance of mine, along with his fellow doctors in residency had just heard a presentation addressing the negative physiological effects of sodomy and how they might be treated.
you trust your god; don't trust your fellow doctors, police, firemen, soldiers, teachers, nurses ect.
When a fellow doctor talked to me, that was too much.»
His fellow doctors may look askance, but Piatek doesn't really care.
He travels the globe to speak to fellow doctors...
On neonatal infection rounds last summer, a fellow doctor brought up a troubling story.
Your fellow doctor at the last TTAC conference Paul Barattiero explained alkaline water with H2 (how do you feel about it, by the way?)
But when a devastating car accident leaves him without the use of his hands, all of the things going on in his life that once held so much meaning now begin to evaporate as if they never existed, including a close friendship with former girlfriend and fellow doctor, Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams).
Though the Sherlock star arrived on set a mere week ago, it appears as though he and his fellow Doctor Strange actor, Benedict Wong, have settled in nicely with their new teammates — off - camera at least.
But two people in particular throw wrenches into her well - laid plans: Stella (Jasna Fritzi Bauer), a young patient whose unborn child is threatened if she's to return to the labor camp from which she escaped, and Andre (Ronald Zehrfeld), the fellow doctor who gradually takes a liking to Barbara in spite of her surface frigidity.
Kidman, as stated before, has never been better as the up together wife, a fellow doctor and equal, but it is the younger cast who also impress, particularly the formidable Barry Keoghan as Martin, the absolutely terrifying young man who threatens to inflict huge supernatural damage unless his demands are met.
This time around, Farrell plays Dr. Steven Murphy, a cardiologist married to a fellow doctor, Anna Murphy, played by the incomparable Nicole Kidman (The Beguiled).
Much of the film deals with McGarry and his fellow doctors navigating their new world between the immediacy of their old ways and updated regulations.
At home, Dr. Strange leaves behind a fellow doctor, Christine Palmer (McAdams, who incidentally also played a prominent character in Robert Downey Jr's Sherlock Holmes), nursing a broken heart.
With his supreme skills come a massive ego, one that he has no problems wielding around his fellow doctors, such as -LSB-...]
With his supreme skills come a massive ego, one that he has no problems wielding around his fellow doctors, such as on - again, off - again lover Dr. Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams).
He and his fellow doctors, Lino Giampaolo DVM, Laura Tancredi DVM, and Alison Messina DVM stand at the cutting edge of veterinary care.
I have consistently been a respected leader, a source of good - humored wit, and a team player alongside my fellow doctors and staff in my previous practices.
This can be a daunting task, as very few esteemed medical professionals wish to testify against a fellow doctor or nurse.
Since hiring a medical doctor to testify against a fellow doctor is very expensive, medical malpractice injuries have to be very damaging, and thus be «worth» a significant sum of money, to justify the cost.
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