Sentences with phrase «fellow indie author»

Since 2014, I have referred fellow indie authors who have been as pleased as I am.
I have worked hard over the last six years writing fiction, but I want to take stock of where I am, what I learned and share this with fellow indie authors.
I buy and read books from fellow indie authors I «know» through social media all the time.
I come across so many books that I'd like to read by fellow indie authors, but I've never had a way of keeping track until now.
This year I made myself a promise to read more books by fellow indie authors.
After working with fellow indie authors in NIWA for a few years now, I've decided that it's stupid that I don't have print copies of my books available on Amazon (and by extension, a couple other places that carry books published via CreateSpace / KDP).
Fellow indie author Lisa Arrington did this for me, too, earlier this month.
Alison Dasho was highly recommended by a very successful fellow indie author (Denise Grover Swank).
To give credit where credit is due, I totally swiped the initial idea from fellow indie author Michael R. Stern.
This is just my take on things, and how I use Triberr to help fellow indie authors (and others) in my tribes.
In fact, her efforts and success at building an author platform were a huge factor in getting her noticed and approached by an agent, as well as earning her the respect of many fellow indie authors and many, many happy readers.
So we decided to join forces (along with the mad proof - reading skills of fellow indie author Lauralynn Elliott) to create The Forge.
Fellow indie author SR Johannes has organized an auction to benefit the victims and families of the Sandy Hook shooting.
After I launched my book, I received some feedback from fellow indie author Joanna Penn..
I'm pleased to point you over to the blog of fellow indie author Debra Martin, who runs the Two Ends of the Pen blog, where she conducts author interviews and relays e-book news.
And a big thank you to fellow indie author Nick Spalding, author of Life... With No Breaks.
Case in point: Through networking with fellow indie authors on the 20BooksTo50K Facebook group and Newsletterswap, I drove traffic from my Instafreebie promotion to my list and then into my email autoresponders.
Fellow indie author David Bruns and I both juggle multiple projects at a time.
Fellow indie authors who are sharing their launch plans, screenshots from their sales dashboards, asking for advice on covers they are having designed and talk through the most in - the - weeds details about email lists.
Each month I'm joining forces with fellow indie author Michael La Ronn to co-host a new self - publishing show that's part of the Alliance of Independent Authors» weekly broadcast schedule.
However, I'm also experimenting this year with a paid developmental editor (recommended via a very successful fellow indie author and her editor).
I get a lot of e-mails from fellow indie authors, mostly cursing me or telling me I'm a dark stain on the profession, but some discussing trends in the business, such as it is.
As a fellow indie author who makes a living from my writing and publishing, I know that you want a home online — an author website — that:
Fellow indie authors, I urge you to get up to speed on this development, and to stay far away from B&N's Author Services, and from Author Solutions in general.
Every once in a while I like to showcase my fellow indie authors.
Although it was not a waste of my time if it can help some of my readers and fellow Indie Authors to avoid a pitfall or two.
And, fellow indie authors, the same goes for you.
I'm so very happy to be spotlighting my friend and fellow indie author, Adam Dreece.
And I do recommend that fellow indie authors who aren't yet at SFWA - qualifying levels of sales consider checking them out.
#IndieThursday: Tweet a shout or a link for a fellow indie author, or just a link to your own indie - pubbed book.
The first 6 months I had a knot in my stomach that wouldn't go away, thinking about all I had to learn and do, but I've found a true support system in my fellow indie author friends, who have guided me every step of the way.
I celebrate the success of my fellow indie authors, for their success is mine, and mine theirs.
I take pride in my work, and I strive to improve my craft to better serve my readers, myself, my fellow indie authors and the culture of books My writing is valuable and important.
A special thanks to my fellow Indie author Lisa Nowak for her help in compiling this list.
A fellow indie author who shows the promise of indie publishing with this timeless coming of age story.
I'll be following your progress with it and am behind you as a fellow indie author.
Hocking joins author John Locke as a fellow indie author whose works have sold more than one million copies in the Kindle store.
How to leverage blogs to build your author brand and collaborate with fellow indie authors, plus how to organize a blog tour
I learned from my fellow indie authors in the same genre about what works and what doesn't.
Fortunately, I've also been subject to a great deal of kind encouragement and support by my fellow indie authors.
A big thank you to some fellow indie authors who taught me that if you want to have a specific category that's not list in the dashboard selections on Amazon that you then simply need to email Amazon's customer service and tell them what you'd like to change your categories to be.
I've had days where a single bad review comes in on one of my books and then bam, I look and see a fellow Indie author announcing they just hit the NYT Bestseller list, and suddenly my whole writing day is wrecked.
A couple of days ago, a fellow Indie author sent me a private message with a link to a blog post talking about Amazon's latest hijinks.
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