Sentences with phrase «fellow leaders»

You'll reflect upon what's driving this change and how you can lead fellow leaders in discussion around the trends that will impact their districts in a major way.
Still, he acknowledges he's been flooded with entreaties in recent months, from fellow leaders of the city's black community as well as wealthy white donors, that he's got the best shot at spearheading a coalition to oust the embattled de Blasio.
Dr. Hyman also works with fellow leaders in his field to help people and communities thrive — with Rick Warren, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and Dr. Daniel Amen, he created The Daniel Plan, a faith - based initiative that helped The Saddleback Church collectively lose 250,000 pounds.
As was the round of applause she received from fellow leaders on Thursday night.
Britain's role in the world has rarely been under such scrutiny, and the PM must seek to cement diplomatic relationships with fellow leaders if we are to be taken seriously.
David Cameron has sought to put a good light on his fabled EU negotiations by claiming his first formal discussions with fellow leaders got a «very good reception».
Mr Cameron also called for international action to secure humanitarian access to war zones... Mr Cameron announced Britain's new aid contribution - bringing the total UK funding for assistance in Syria and neighbouring states to # 400million - at a meeting he called to urge fellow leaders to dig deep to fund a $ 3billion (# 1.9 billion) shortfall in the United Nations appeal for Syria.»
As Mireles loses control of his outfit to criminal membership elements and fellow leaders intent on embracing the government's efforts to integrate the group into a state - sanctioned unit, what emerges is a case study in the various ways in which virtuous independent movements are corrupted from within and coopted from without.
His highness will reveal further insights into the strategy for Ras Al Khaimah, one of the world's fastest growing tourism destinations, and share anecdotes that will inspire fellow leaders at AHIC.
When I attend formal full uniform functions, I find myself scanning fellow leaders» square knots to note their status.
Dr. Hyman also works with fellow leaders in his field to help people and communities thrive — with Rick Warren, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and Dr. Daniel Amen, he created
For woman entrepreneurs, leadership that embraces its own imperfection is strangely the kind that inspires the most loyalty from employees and fellow leaders.
Help a fellow leader out - which hack of yours is so good it makes you feel a little guilty every time you use it?
Whether you're in charge of a startup or run a team at a bigger company, you need to stay unified with your fellow leaders during times of turmoil.
«We are pleased to provide our cutting - edge research technology to a fellow leader in innovation and transparency for investors like Interactive Brokers.
However, the prejudice was accepted by that pastor, and perhaps by his fellow leaders.
Her track record of following the Lord's call to unchartered territories has led to an equity of trust and respect among her fellow leaders.
«I am very sensitive to the feelings of the families of victims of 9/11, as are my fellow leaders of many faiths.
The Wine Tourism Conference serves two needs: 1) It provides hard information about the important and growing industry of wine tourism that you can bring home to affect your local business or organization and 2) It provides a forum for meeting your fellow leaders in the wine tourism industry.
Find out what your fellow leaders had to say on topics like mentorship, teamwork and the importance of working your way up.
It is such an honor to be your fellow Leader!
11:22 a.m. Senate Democratic Conference Leader John Sampson takes the floor, greets his fellow leaders and is careful to welcome «Leader Kolb» (last time, he butchered that, calling the assembly minority leader «Cobb,» causing Kolb to shoot back: «How would you like it if I called you Senator Simpson?»)
«Funny» is not the word usually used to describe the slow - talking speaker, who is more often deemed «reticent» and sometimes even «obstinate» for his close - to - the - vest, wait - you - out style that has proved equally maddening to both members of the press and his fellow leaders down at the Capitol.
Namely to stare at the camera and address «the people at home» rather than his fellow leaders in the studio.
But now, perhaps in a belated bid to make it up to his fellow leader of the Vote Leave campaign, Gove has jumped to Johnson's defence.
Quirk recalled yearly union summits in Puerto Rico, where Seabrook refused to stay in the same hotel with his fellow leaders — favoring instead a more luxurious resort with a casino, where Seabrook spent much of his time instead of going to meetings with his colleagues.
Unlike his fellow leaders, H - Rod hit a whole bank of hot buttons, ranging from national healthcare to immigration to «creating criteria for measuring economic success in this county,» and to pledging a close watch on county construction projects.
David Cameron took Britain closer to the exit door of the European Union last night following a tumultuous EU summit at which his fellow leaders inflicted a crushing defeat on the prime minister by nominating Jean - Claude Juncker for one of the most powerful jobs in Brussels.
His analysis of his fellow leaders is not charitable.
Leaders from around the world descend on London en masse to mourn the loss of their fellow leader after the security teams of each individual country were hard - pressed to do thorough preparations for the trip.
After being selected by the Consortium for School Networking as a 2016 Next - Gen leader, Eaton remained active with her fellow leaders and has helped build a professional network among winners.
Change also means counting on you and your fellow leaders to follow through.
What advice would you give a fellow leader or teacher?
Following his first book on leadership, Leaders Who Last, Dave Kraft consulted with colleagues, readers, and fellow leaders to generate a list of the top ten fatal mistakes leaders make — fatal in that they can be the end of ministry effectiveness, relationships, and God's blessing.
«It is indeed our pleasure to extend our rich tradition of hospitality to our fellow leaders of the travel industry.
President Bush pledged last year to forge such a plan with his fellow leaders by the end of his term.
Obama reminded his fellow leaders that the industrialized nations are also dependent on the will of their citizens to contribute to saving the climate.
Together, Marx and his fellow leaders drafted a ten - point specific policy proposal for, as the document says that «those negotiating the COP 21 [United Nations climate conference] in Paris,» November 30 — December 11.
World leaders will only act, be ambitious, and sign a deal if they are held to account by their citizens, not just their fellow leaders
In his inaugural speech at the COP21 climate change summit in Paris, President Obama acknowledged the terrorist attacks that occurred in the city earlier this month, but warned his fellow leaders not to be distracted from the supposed looming threat of global warming.
Diana herself was thrust into the spotlight in 2014, when her father and three fellow leaders from the remote Ashéninka community of Saweto, near the border of Peru and Brazil, were murdered while attempting to defend their forest and obtain legal territorial recognition.
«I'm thrilled to be here in New York with Climate Week NYC with my fellow leaders of Québec, California and Hawaii,» says Governor Inslee.
Did this managing partner knowingly lie and deceive his fellow leaders?
Management / Coordination — I'm able to build great working relationships with my associates and fellow leaders.
It savages the mind that one could tolerate the inhumanity that befell him and his fellow leaders.

Phrases with «fellow leaders»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z