Sentences with phrase «fellow politicians»

This would probably be welcome news for the former MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, who revealed to the audience that her appearance on that iciest of reality contests was «the most fun I've had in my adult life» — potentially to the dismay of fellow politicians in the audience and the long - suffering Tiberio.
Albans), who danced with fellow politicians in a rendition of «Dreamgirls,»?
City Council Speaker Melissa Mark - Viverito received a wealth of support from fellow politicians Monday for her decision to announce personal health complications on Twitter.
A member of the European Parliament (MEP) has urged fellow politicians to support his objections to new rules on the marketing of baby foods, formulas and foods for special medical purposes in a vote today, which he says fails to safeguard the practice of breastfeeding.
Her family, her employer (the Thomson Reuters Foundation), and fellow politicians including Zaghari - Ratcliffe's MP Tulip Siddiq, Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry and former Conservative Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind all called on Johnson to retract his words.
In an outburst of what Mr Gogwarty referred to as «unparliamentarily language», the enraged my Gogwarty shouted at fellow politician, Emmett Stagg, «f *** you Deputy Stagg.
Ex-Army Joyce, who has been expelled from the Labour party for his behaviour, made the news last month when he began attacking fellow politicians in the House of Commons» Strangers Bar.
«After 3 years in politics, she is leaving Italy and going back to science, frustrated by what she says is an antiscientific attitude among fellow politicians
Trudeau — for at least his first visit — will be able to summon a horde of photographers, both amateur and professional, and that commands the respect of fellow politicians.
The Labour leader is facing a huge backlash from fellow politicians and the Jewish community over perceived failures to root out antisemitism... More
Juncker reached into his pocket while apologizing to his fellow politicians and journalists in the room.
In short, they must «teach reality» While Hargrove concedes that presidents must bargain, manipulate, control and maneuver, their first task is to «teach reality to publics and their fellow politicians through rhetoric.»
Nonetheless, it's amusing political theater to watch the President and his fellow politicians dance around and arrange all the smoke and mirrors.
Fellow politicians, civic activists and various well - wishers crowded into the lounge at 20 - 30 Steinway St. to hear the nine - year Council veteran play the guitar, as well as the musical stylings of his father, former City Council Speaker Peter Vallone Sr.; his brother, lawyer and former City Council candidate Paul Vallone; his daughters; his nieces; and his mother Teena Vallone, who played saxophone.
Indeed, the tragic death of Jo Cox was a reminder that within Labour's ranks there are many younger MPs who, if thrust into the spotlight, might inspire the party, the public and fellow politicians.
Days after the revelation that former state Sen. Shirley Huntley secretly recorded some of her fellow politicians launched a new wave of headlines, a crowd in St. Albans voted on a debate about whether corruption or conspiracy played a role in the -LSB-...]
Monserrate also faces scrutiny from his fellow politicians, who did not approve his impromptu appearance at recent Ecuadorian events in Queens, and from the Senate leadership, who want him to return his Senate - issued parking placard.
His fellow politicians are calling for more.
Our billionaire Mayor, having bribed his fellow politicians to overturn the people's will (and vote) on term limits, gives his bag man, I mean consultant, a million dollars or so in small bills to «give» to the Independence Party to spread around on election day (how much per voter?).
Keep your stakeholders informed through the maximum of direct contact - whether they are your association, shareholders, fellow politicians, voters, staff, customers, regulators or government.
Tom Precious says the wiretapped conversation between former Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and his son, Adam, about the relationship between the GOP and the IDC proved «Albany politics are raw, alliances and friendships are highly fleeting, and even worries about the health of fellow politicians are not always centered on empathy but political survival.»
Fellow politicians, civic activists and various well - wishers crowded into the lounge at 20 - 30 Steinway St. to hear the nine - year councilman play the guitar and drums, as well as the musical stylings of his father, former Council Speaker Peter Vallone Sr. on the cow bell; his brothers Paul Vallone on tambourine and Perry Vallone on guitar; his daughter and his nieces, who sang; and his mother Tena Vallone, who played saxophone.
The governor's office maintained it was more important to bring its agenda to the public rather than to fellow politicians.
At one point, Diaz and Crespo got on the mic and sang «Feliz Navidad» — which was then followed up by an original rap performance by the Bronx BP, who spit some bars about his fellow politicians.
I want you to arrest me so that you can unite me with my fellow politicians in Lagos»», Abubakar said.
But many of his fellow politicians in the area questioned whether doing so would stop the violence.
Price said «he wanted his fellow politicians to have a lighter touch in steering research dollars to one disease or area of medicine versus another, noting that the long - standing NIH set - aside for HIV / AIDS lasted too long before its elimination last year,» according to the Emory Report.
He continued, saying that he wanted his fellow politicians to have a lighter touch in steering research dollars to one disease or area of medicine versus another, noting that the long - standing NIH set - aside for HIV / AIDS lasted too long before its elimination last year.
Two House members are hoping that their fellow politicians can put their partisan issues aside in an effort to tackle the student loan debt issue.

Phrases with «fellow politicians»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z