Sentences with phrase «fellows at different schools»

Groups of fellows at different schools around the state also meet on their own.

Not exact matches

I have had conversations with fellow moms and felt that my kids are not only in a different classroom, but that they are not even at the same school, because I have only a peripheral interest in their homework.
«In the Cretaceous amber we examine, the ants and termites represent the earliest branches of each evolutionary tree, and the species are wildly different from what their modern relatives look like today,» said co-author Phillip Barden, a recent graduate of the comparative biology doctoral program at the Museum's Richard Gilder Graduate School and a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at Rutgers University.
Previous research by Burger and Stefan Oline — a former Ph.D. candidate at Lehigh, now a postdoctoral fellow at New York University Medical School — demonstrated for the first time that synaptic inputs — the messages being sent between cells — are distinct across frequencies and that these different impulse patterns are «mapped» onto the cells of the cochlear nucleus.
«Since I believe that teaching and learning is, to a great extent, working with the experience and prior knowledge of the learners — and of the teachers — the opportunity to work with the fellows will give me access to a very different range of experiences than I normally have in the courses I teach at the Ed School
David Osborne, senior fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute, completed an analysis of D.C.'s two sectors, documenting how competition led the district sector to emulate charters in many ways, including more diverse curriculum offerings; new choices of different school models; and reconstituting schools to operate with building level autonomy, especially giving principals freedom to hire all or mostly new staff.
Brian Gill, a senior fellow at Mathematica Policy Research in Cambridge, MA, looked at 11 studies in 11 different states which compared the effects of charter schools on traditional public schools and found that six studies showed «some evidence of positive effects, four found no effects, and one found negative effects.»
In the past he has worked as a Teaching Fellow at Breakthrough Greater Boston where he taught literature to a class of seventh grade students, he has worked as an assistant special education teacher in an elementary school in Massachusetts, and he has tutored students of many different ages in the DC Reads program.
Before the march, Lofton and his fellow Peace Warriors at North Lawndale College Prep High School had already met with the Florida students — young people from different worlds, but both impacted by gun violence.
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