Sentences with phrase «felony cockfighting»

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In what Schneiderman calls the largest cockfighting takedown in state history, the attorney general's office rescued 6,000 birds and made nine felony arrests following raids in Queens, Brooklyn and Ulster County.
While cockfighting has been a felony offense in Texas, major loopholes in the law allowed the activity to flourish, and made Texas a magnet for criminal cockfighters who come from neighboring states where the penalties were more severe.
Cockfighting is illegal in all but two states in the U.S., and is punishable as a felony offense in 31 states.
Citizens from across West Virginia participating in Humane Lobby Day 2010 are assembling Thursday at the state capital to rally in support of animal protection legislation and to meet with lawmakers to urge them to pass animal protection bills to make cockfighting a felony and establish standards for commercial dog breeders.
Lobby day participants are urging passage of S.B. 380, a bill that would make cockfighting a felony, make it a felony to provide a premises for animal fighting, possess animals for fighting or animal fighting paraphernalia, require forfeiture of animals for people convicted of animal fighting and prohibit wagering on animal fights.
We banned cockfighting, made dogfighting a felony offense, passed licensing and regulatory control of puppy mills, increased penalties for neglect and abuse, covered birds under cruelty statutes, regulated the keeping of large carnivores, preserved local regulations on farm animals, and most recently, we helped pass the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act which has closed down over 1,200 puppy mills.
West Virginians are gathering in support of animal protection legislation and urging lawmakers to make cockfighting a felony and establish standards for commercial dog breeders.
We take about 70 policy ideas — such as adoption of felony - level penalties for cockfighting, or humane breeding standards for dogs — as our benchmarks.
Under current federal law, it is a felony crime to sponsor or exhibit an animal in a fighting venture; to buy, sell, deliver, possess, train or transport an animal for fighting purposes; to use the Postal Service or other interstate means to promote animal fighting; to buy, sell, deliver or transport cockfighting implements; and to bring a minor to an animal fight.
Cockfighting is a felony, but owning roosters for the purpose of fighting them and attending a cockfight are both perfectly legal.
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