Sentences with phrase «felt by children»

A prison record can be a major barrier to employment and families with members in prison are put under tremendous financial and emotional stress with the major impact being felt by children.
While you may be going through a tough time during your marriage separation, remember that the effects of the same are being felt by your children too.
Work with your partner to develop parenting boundaries so that together you relieve intense pressure often felt by children in a new family situation.
It was difficult to tell if the soundtrack was chosen as a feel - good lure to make people watch, or if it was meant to elaborate the excitement felt by the children, who did not despair but in fact enjoyed mugging for the camera and showing off their village.
This is the frustration felt by children, especially babies, when they are held back from the thing they most want to do (usually to put their hand in a fire or to eat a bar of soap).
«Here in Erie County, the injurious effects of this budget will be felt by our children, our seniors, our working families, and all communities, especially in our rural areas.
The tension and stress in the home are often felt by the children.
Reading books that discuss emotions felt by children make you better aware and prepared for handling the different emotions and feelings felt by your baby.
Any societal influence that is strong enough to be «felt deeply» by children who are destined to become homosexual is also going to be felt by children whose sexual orientation is less certain.
The grace and uniqueness of a name is felt by the child and it builds up the confidence in her.
The truth is that the emotional pain of the parent is far worse than any physical pain felt by the child during the inoculation or dental visit.
They must remove the child from the emotional damage being heaped upon it, to a safe place, where the non-alienating parent, with the help of therapy for the child, can have his influences felt by the child.
But above all it is important to define the intervention strategies specifically aimed at reducing the fear felt by the child in the presence of the parent.

Not exact matches

«If you have a huge bookshelf in your perception room, you likely weren't very well educated when you were a child, and you want to compensate for that by feeling close to literacy,» he says.
They were designed with kids in mind — scaled so that a three - or four - foot - tall child wouldn't feel overwhelmed by the distance between floor and ceiling.
«Parents shouldn't feel segregated for having children, and they're not the issue — the people who are bothered by the children tend to become more disruptive then the child
Help your children feel capable by teaching them small skills that they can expand on and develop.
It might seem encouraging to applaud your child's intelligence, but tons of research — much of it spearheaded by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck — shows that doing so makes kids fearful of taking risks or pursuing tough goals that might make them feel less than brilliant at first.
Fair warning: Before you even read this post on your phone or device, know that you may feel guilty if you have children close by.
Half of teenagers in the United States feel like they are addicted to their mobile phones and report feeling pressure to immediately respond to phone messages, according to a 2016 survey of children and their parents by Common Sense Media.
The most effective use of reverse psychology for parents hoping to push older kids towards wise choices isn't to actively manipulate them towards your desired aim — i.e. by fake nonchalantly asking if perhaps your child would like to give up a sport or AP class - but rather to hand control back to a kid who feels like they're already being pushed toward a particular future.
Pardon me for being skeptical, but hope is often an elusive and fleeting feeling when you've spent nearly a decade battling to keep a child from succumbing to death by overdose.
Children learn by example, so if they see you struggling with poor body image, they'll almost certainly get the message that they need to meet a certain physical ideal to feel comfortable in their own skin.
South Koreans could be forgiven for feeling nervous living 55 km away from the border of North Korea, 55 km away from a heavily armed and unstable country run by a fat man - child with megalomaniac tendencies.
Critics say electric scooters are essentially overgrown children's toys, ridden solely by out - of - touch tech elites who carelessly dump the vehicles wherever they feel like after riding.
Feelings run high, for example, around a key Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling last year, which found that the federal government discriminates against First Nations children by underfunding family services.
old, and for many of the price to be paid by us and our children was just too high for us to dare to allow anyone to know that we didn't believe, in spite of that I actually have always felt that many people who just went along with «it» to avoid unpleasantness, never believed, as I never have.
But Claire reminds me, now and then, that it is precisely events like these — well - intentioned educational initiatives that explicitly remove sex from the purview of family and religion — that promote the idea that sex can be engaged in without the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases, hurt feelings, and (by the way) children.
But when 1.6 Billion human beings say don't hurt our feelings by drawing cartoons (good or bad) of a person who is closer to our hearts than our own families and children, all the tolerance goes down the you know what.
So we fight against that feeling by continually trying to fill our lives with things, accomplishments, hobbies, relationships and possibly even children.
Ten years ago she felt prompted by God to reach out to the many local underprivileged children who she saw ending up without an education and on the streets.
Another adopted child felt treated differently by her teacher; the teacher made comments like: «You think because you've gone through one experience in your life [the adoption], you've paid all your dues.»
To hold that same - sex marriage is part of the fundamental right to marry, or necessary for giving LGBT people the equal protection of the laws, the Court implicitly made a number of other assumptions: that one - flesh union has no distinct value in itself, only the feelings fostered by any kind of consensual sex; that there is nothing special about knowing the love of the two people whose union gave you life, whose bodies gave you yours, so long as you have two sources of care and support; that what children need is parenting in some disembodied sense, and not mothering and fathering.
When a child is killed by a drunk driver a parent may need to feel solace in the idea that they will be reunited in heaven to ease the pain of loss.
You could feel their love for these children present in the room with us, it was warm and gentle and I think that's sort of what the Bible means when it talks about how we'll be known by our love, everything we do can feel like loving.
The Qur» an illustrates this sudden, instinctive faith in Allah by describing in detail Pharaoh's feeling when he was faced with death by drowning and realized the impossibility of escape, «And We brought the Children of Israel across the sea, Pharaoh with his hosts pursued them in rebellion and transgression, till, when the (fate of) drowning overtook him, he exclaimed: I believe that there is no God save Him in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of those who surrender (unto Him).
If we are struck by Francesca's courteous speech, we note that she is also in the habit of blaming others for her own difficulties; if we admire Farinata's magnanimity, we also note that his soul contains no room for God; if we are wrung by Pier delle Vigne's piteous narrative, we also consider that he has totally abandoned his allegiance to God for his belief in the power of his emperor; if we are moved by Brunetto Latini's devotion to his pupil, we become aware that his view of Dante's earthly mission has little of religion in it; if we are swept up in enthusiasm for the noble vigor of Ulysses, we eventually understand that he is maniacally egotistical; if we weep for Ugolino's piteous paternal feelings, we finally understand that he, too, was centrally (and damnably) concerned with himself, even at the expense of his children.
With extreme sin - think perhaps of the blasphemous horrors and murderous corruption of children perpetrated by the so - called Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda - we feel that the fabric of the universe, the order that underpins the cosmos, has been ruptured.
Now that I am a married woman, I still use birth control because my husband and I feel convicted by God to adopt children.
By her own admission, she had uncontrollable fits of rage, which she often took out on her husband and children, followed by intense feelings of guilt and thoughts of suicidBy her own admission, she had uncontrollable fits of rage, which she often took out on her husband and children, followed by intense feelings of guilt and thoughts of suicidby intense feelings of guilt and thoughts of suicide.
Because they feel that their children are going to be influenced by it and start to think differently than they want them to.
Sad when it comes to the Body of Christ because we really shouln't feel threatened by anyone or anything, especially other children of God.
Yates writes that according to a recent survey conducted by the Japan Institute of Life Insurance, only one in four Japanese between 55 and 64 felt that children should be financially responsible for aging parents.
They know about the anti-Jewish polemics of certain church fathers; about the forced baptisms, especially of children; about the church council decree that sanctioned the removal of such children from their parents; about a papal edict encouraging raids on Jewish synagogues by the faithful; about the expulsion of all Jews from a country like Spain; about Luther's hate language directed against Jews when they did not convert according to his timetable; about the prohibition against Jews living in Calvin's Geneva; and about all the cruelties Christians have felt justified in perpetrating against the people they called «Christ - killers.»
Why can't we all just mind our own business when it comes to peoples bedrooms and wedding albums, neither side get's to preach in schools, though I understand how you would think of it as the atheist getting his way by just not having you preach your God to his children in a publicly funded school, but he's not sending an atheist spokesman to influence your children, he just doesn't feel it's right to allow the religious spokesman into the schools to influence any children on his tax dollar.
Obsessive - compulsive problems are repetitive patterns which can not be changed by reasoning (f) Chronic lying or stealing — A child may lie because he feels trapped between his need for approval and the excessive demands of adults.
Early in development children are taught by example, if not by word of mouth, to conceal their real feelings about many things.
But parents brought up in the lost age of faith still felt it right that their children should be taught beliefs they themselves had lost, but be taught them by someone else.
Here are some of the factors which threaten selfesteem in the classroom: (a) Persistent criticism and shaming — Severe criticism makes the child feel rejected as a person; the need for recognition is so intense that a child will seek it in unconstructive ways if he can not get it by achievement.
I have always felt that this is one area where there Gospels actually go BACKWARDS from what is described by Paul, since he says we are to put aside childish ways, yet Jesus says to come to him as a child.
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