Sentences with phrase «female community»

And more than happy that we have formed this little female community here — thank you for being part of it!
I feel that I am now part of a genuine and supportive female community from across the globe.
A number of female community leaders were honored this past Saturday at a breakfast ceremony at F&J Pine Restaurant in the Bronxdale section of the Bronx.
Women of Distinction Honored in the 80th Assembly District by Koi Germany A number of female community leaders were honored this past Saturday at a breakfast ceremony at F&J Pine Restaurant in the Bronxdale section of the Bronx.
Although I initially felt awkward being a male in a predominantly female community, it was soon aleviated after the amazing acceptance I felt.
TARRYTOWN — Over 500 women and men gathered on Friday for a luncheon supporting local female community members across Westchester County.
At their extremes, utopian alternatives capitalize upon romanticization of a female essence and idealization of female community.
«The Vatican is throwing a life line to the leadership of female communities that are not thriving and attempting to facilitate a reform that will allow them to rediscover their initial calling and draw young vocations into the future,» he says.
Therefore, the more forward - thinking among the female community elected to try and -LSB-...]
These new arrivals and enhancements of garments have become a source to create a desire to get the designers gallery among the female community.
With this sudden and unexplained absence, the women regroup as an isolated, all - female community and wait, hoping for news.
Stolz paints a vivid picture of an all - female community and a young woman's coming - of - age in nineteenth - century Libya, in a story that follows 11 - year - old Malika as she questions the restrictions that she encounters as she approaches marriageable age.
Their weave catches added dimensions, female communities, private writing, and the viewer.
The «Ladies First» contest was a very misguided effort by a few isolated employees to do just that, however there is no question the post not only failed to better include our female community but actually perpetuated a stereotype that OnePlus in no way supports or condones.
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