Sentences with phrase «female editors»

A is now the first female editor of Y, a major metropolitan newspaper.
For female editors, the trend was opposite: The older the editor, the more likely she was to invite women reviewers.
This trend was largely due to a similar increase in female editors.
Female editors tend to work on topics like the arts and philosophy, but their lower participation may be making these articles shorter than others.
«[T] he number of women on the editorial board increased and female editors invited more female reviewers than did male editors,» the authors write.
Meryl Streep is Katharine Graham, the first female editor of a major American newspaper.
For example, it maintained a respectable record of placing women on the editorial staff; when Margaret Frakes was hired in 1949 she was the publication's fourth female editor.
There aren't many female editors and writers; look at these stats he includes about the demographics of the sports media industry:
«Male editors selected < 25 % female reviewers even in the year they selected the most women, but female editors consistently selected ˜30 — 35 % female reviewers.»
Gunning believes that many male directors actually favour female editors because of the maternal guidance they provide.
Even though women are in the minority now, there are a lot of famous and sought - after female editors in Hollywood, probably more so than in other important behind - the - camera positions like directing or cinematography.
Written and directed by Olivia Milch - the only credited woman screenwriter on the upcoming all - female Ocean's 8 - Dude boasts a predominantly female cast and a credited female editor and cinematographer.
Last week, as though the news for feminists and women of the art world (s) wasn't grim enough (the Weinstein allegations of abusive horror ballooning into overwhelming quantities; Artforum publisher Knight Landsman served with a damning lawsuit followed by the resignation of longtime female editor Michelle Kuo, not to mention the daily obscenity of our never - to - repent pussy - grabbing President), we learn of the passing of Linda Nochlin.
Wente was not only the magazine's first female editor, she was also only the second woman to hold a senior editorial position in the magazine's 54 - year history.
It includes an audiotape of Winkler screaming at a female editor who was trying to explain away the mistake of a reporter he'd fired.
Ms. Rosado brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to New York State government, having recently served as the first female editor and publisher of the oldest Spanish - language newspaper in the country, El Diario - La Prensa, for nearly twenty years.
McNutt, who became the first female editor - in - chief of Science in 2013, will also be the first woman to lead the Academy when her six - year term...
«Thus, the gender ratio of selected reviewers differed little between early - career male and female editors but differed a lot between late - career (more senior) male and female editors,» the authors write.
The authors also note the «intriguing» fact that the four journals that had «female editors - in - chief for all or most of the 2009 - 14 period had the highest unadjusted rates of female first authorship» — 45 %, 44 %, 42 %, and 36 % — while the remaining two journals «had considerably lower rates» of 20 % and 35 %.
Have you thought much about what it means to be the JBC's first female editor - in - chief?
«All the testosterone can get in the way while a female editor can be maternal or sisterly,» she explains.
Speaking of inclusion, you've worked with Kay on this, and Minhal Baig on Hala, which I'm told featured female department heads and a key crew that was 65 percent women, including a female editor.
When interviewer Elvis Mitchell praised him for working with female cinematographers and female editors for all three of his films, which also include «Fruitvale Station» and «Creed,» Coogler said, «It's not something to brag about.
For Novitiate, opening Friday, writer - director Maggie Betts hired a female editor, female cinematographer, and a largely female crew.
a majority of female editors but almost no women writers or artists on mainstream books.
Hagino cited the specific example of Hataraki Man, Moyoco Anno's non-erotic manga about a female editor.
The NYLS survey asks whether the low percentage of female Editors - in - Chief foreshadows the low percentages of women on the bench, in law firm partnerships, and in the general counsel's office of Fortune 500 companies; after all, if women are not attaining leadership positions in law school, how will they fare in the leadership ranks in the profession?
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