Sentences with phrase «female eyes»

Hanging above, at the upper corner of the shot, is a billboard of two provocative female eyes that appear to be looking down at a coach bus that is getting gas.
Susan Wloszczyna: As an ardent admirer of Chilean filmmaker Sebastian Lelio's Gloria, about a mousy 50 - ish divorcee and office worker who yearns for romance but only on her own terms, it was no surprise that his A Fantastic Woman similarly managed to take my breath away while viewing the world through female eyes.
The screenplay is credited to Refn, Mary Laws and Polly Stenham, so he had help from two sets of female eyes while co-writing the script.
Playing against type, he is the weaker of the two brothers, and he is excellent, showing that he is not mere female eye candy, and that turns in stinkers, like Oliver Stone's Alexander, are not the best he can do.
Suffice it to say, they're all given their due: Willem de Kooning with a wall full of his extraordinary «women paintings» in which female eyes, teeth and breasts are clearly discernible through blurs of ferocious brush marks.
Even as this comedy strains to be goofy and transgressive, it catches us by surprise simply because it dares to explore first - time sexual experiences through female eyes.
The orange background color is a purposefully jarring arthouse choice, and the female eye — at once lurking and alluring — is too esoteric a thing for Joe and Jane Popcorn.
As an ardent admirer of Chilean filmmaker Sebastian Lelio's Gloria, about a mousy 50 - ish divorcee and office worker who yearns for romance but only on her own terms, it was no surprise that his A Fantastic Woman similarly managed to take my breath away while viewing the world through female eyes.
But then his female eyes may turn into breasts and back again, too.
and Daisy -LRB-,) are female eyes, disembodied.
Would male conspicuous consumption capture the female eye?
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