Sentences with phrase «feminine roles»

If you don't understand the dynamics of masculine and feminine roles in the relationship, you're not going to be happy.
In my experience some Christian teachings had offered a religious resource for resisting the demands of cultural feminine roles.
Played by Daria Nicolodi, Argento's muse and lover in their first celluloid collaboration, Brezzi is one of the auteur's women investigators — woman racionators bridging the traditionally feminine role of intuitors (like our graphically - dispatched psychic) with the traditionally masculine role of perpetrator and discerner / judge / punisher.
Likewise a trinitarian liturgy offers the full blessing of the nurture of the Godhead although some may be ready only for the masculine or feminine role equivalents of God's parenting and partnering.
RESOLVED, That we affirm distinctions in masculine and feminine roles as ordained by God as part of the created order, and that those distinctions should find an echo in every human heart (Gen 2:18, 21 - 24; 1 Cor 11:7 - 9; Eph.
It recognises that feminine hormones play an important role in your metabolism and gives you the tools to balance them yourself
«Who says they're not writing good feminine roles anymore?»
The fact that some have felt the need to assign her a specifically feminine role, and the confusion over how to characterize that role, speak to just how unique her place in this hallowed cinematic movement — defined by such decidedly masculine artists as Jean - Luc Godard and François Truffaut — is.
Through her adept brushwork and layered meanings, Qureshi's reinterpretations provide an active voice for an otherwise passive historical feminine role.
Rothen, too, plays feminine roles, while looking so doll - like at time that I mistook her for a toy.
Indeed her adoption of male garb was an attempt not to be raped, occupying as she did an unfamiliar feminine role in a man's world.
Trockel has become best known for her machine - generated «knitted paintings» — knitted woollen material placed on a stretcher — in which she challenges traditional notions of painting, feminine roles in society and culture at large, as well as art making itself.
But surely, feminist scholars say (and I think rightly), bourgeois Vienna with its official Hapsburg ideology of duty and hierarchy and its rigid assignment of masculine and feminine roles must be the real culprit, and not some jerry - built theory cobbled together from Freud's schoolboy Sophocles and Comte's dreary one - dimensional positivism (Wittgenstein called Freud the «great mythographer of the twentieth century»).
Our understanding of Mary, or the feminine role in rebirth, must go beyond the traditional church piety.
I do not propose or intend to ground the conception of relational power on the possible distinction and relations between masculine and feminine roles.
But in our day definitions of masculine and feminine roles are changing dramatically.
Is this a feminine role model that today's young women will or should follow?
Pentecostalism, then, seems to redefine the masculine and feminine roles in the public and private spheres by opening space outside of the home for women and by «domesticating» the masculine sex.
In order to help you unpack some of the preconceived notions and deep - seated fears that led you to your wallflower status, here are some common reasons women hold back — and how you can adjust to become a more proactive dater who gets men to pursue you WHILE staying in your feminine role.
The dating expert explains that single women often become too self - sufficient, taking on both masculine and feminine roles.
These kinds of presumptuous statements often dispute holistic, empowered viewpoints of what the masculine and feminine roles are.
These ambivalent reversals of power harness a new potential, creating new ways of looking at masculine and feminine roles.
These ambivalent reversals of power harness a new potential and that creates new ways of looking at masculine and feminine roles.
When Picasso called Braque his wife in Cubism, he accepted a feminine role for the artist.
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