Sentences with phrase «feminizing effect»

May cause bleeding problems Some individuals may need prednisone administered along with ketoconazole Testicular secretion of testosterone is reduced; may produce a feminizing effect or infertility in males.
Soy proponents also rarely tell men that if soy protein protects them from prostate cancer it is because it has a feminizing effect.
They can amplify the feminizing effect and down regulate the masculine androgenic effect.
In their latest study, they generated three different medaka mutants to demonstrate that the feminizing effect of germ cells is not a result of the progression of gametogenesis or a sexual fate decision of germ cells.
«Inherent feminizing effect of germ cells: New insights into sex determination.»
The pink arrows indicate the feminizing effect from germ cell.
According to some research, regular intake of soy foods has feminizing effects in men due to estrogen - like molecules found in soybeans called isoflavones.
See: Interaction of estrogenic chemicals and phytoestrogens with estrogen receptor β Soy isoflavone genistein has about 4 % of 17β - estradiol's affinity for estrogen receptor α, responsible for estrogen's feminizing effects, and 87 % of its affinity for ERβ, which acts as a tumor suppressor.
The only similar video is a soy video which deals with feminizing effects and safe consumption but it does not deal with the same compound / phytoestrogen as that contained in flax seeds.
But at reasonable doses, or even considerably higher than the one or two servings a day Asian men eat, soy phytoestrogens do not exert feminizing effects on men.»
There are two case reports in the medical literature on feminizing effects associated with eating as few as 14 to 20 servings of soy foods a day.
Soy isoflavones in dietary amounts have a greater affinity for the beta receptor (and hence one can eat soy without feminizing effects), but in a few animal studies, very high (non-dietary) doses of soy isoflavones can also activate alpha receptors.
That said, we don't have a definitive answer yet on the feminizing effects of soy and until we do, I recommend you just choose another source of protein.

Not exact matches

Excessive aromatization, in addition to its «feminizing» effects, may increase prostate cancer risk since estradiol can be metabolized to estrone, which can then be converted to either protective 2 - hydroxyestrone (2 - OH) or Estriol (E3) OR into potentially pro-carcinogenic 16α - OH estrone.
Others have raised concerns about the effect of feminizing hormones on men, such as breast enlargement or dropping semen counts.
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