Sentences with phrase «fermented food substance»

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Brain scientist Professor Thomas Nowotny was surprised to find that the «nose» of fruit flies can identify odours from illicit drugs and explosive substances almost as accurately as wine odour, which the insects are naturally attracted to because it smells like their favourite food, fermenting fruit.
Each region of the world has its own unique fermented cuisine that is a staple in that particular culture, for example, in Asia, foods such as miso, tempeh, kim chi, tamari, and fermented fish sauce are in common use; Europe has sourdough, yogurt, sauerkraut, and American traditions include pickles and relishes, to name just a few.During the fermentation process, an agent (usually bacteria and yeast) reacts with an organic substance to break it down into simpler substances.
Fermented foods retain the nutritious substances entirely, they are still raw foods, but it renders them in more bioavailable forms, that means easier to absorb.
Because of this factor, it is important for mothers to have a healthy microbiome before pregnancy, eat plenty of lacto - fermented foods, and avoid antibiotics, artificial sweeteners, oral contraceptives and other substances that damage the friendly bacteria.4 For those who are lactose - intolerant and can not ingest yogurt, kefir and other dairy products, raw sauerkraut, pickles and other mixtures, as well as kombucha, water kefir and other products containing probiotic bacteria can be consumed.5
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