Sentences with phrase «fervor in»

A number of students from universities in Colorado spoke with emotional fervor in favor of regulating carbon dioxide, noting their love of the outdoors, fear of climate change's impact on their future and a robust distaste for Administrator Scott Pruitt's leadership of the EPA.
Discussion about the «hockey stick» is conducted with considerable fervor in the public media, where this curve is often presented as if it were a proof, or even the most important proof, of anthropogenic influence on climate.
Some of these drawings appeared in concert with Marden's paintings at his 2006 Museum of Modern Art retrospective, but I admit readily to being one of those repeat visitors who powered through the drawings, favoring instead bold arrays of beguiling monochromes and the whiplike organic fervor in Marden's Cold Mountain series and later works.
Rossetti and Brown are two of the three founding members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB) that, piqued by religious and Romantic fervor in mid-19th-century Victorian England, renounced classicism in favor of the flattened mystery of quattrocento painting.
Both of these precious metal commodities have generated significant investor fervor in recent years.
That may not mean much to those in the pre-50 age set, but it's astounding when we consider the lapse of time since the previous Jewish state and the constant boil of ethnic and religious fervor in the region.
This will allow the detailed study of religious fervor in Apple and Android users.
With Reform Fervor in the Air, Local School Board Elections See Record Outside Spending This year, huge amounts of money and passion are flowing down the ballot into the school board elections — part of an all - out war over public school reform.
There's revolutionary fervor in the room, and it's not only coming from the image onscreen.
The fervor in the room was contagious, and I jumped in to help.
These are the facts — at least based on Disney's recent press release — but those meager crumbs have inspired a great deal of worrisome Internet fervor in the last couple weeks.
Taking place in the throes of Communist fervor in 1967 China, the film traces the journey of a young man from Beijing discovering the natural, spiritual mysteries of Inner Mongolia.
Later episodes include snippets of reports on burgeoning heroin use and wary Swedish tourists, both in Harlem — anecdotal glimpses that are hardly enough to frame and explain the loss of fervor in the black power movement as U.S. troops prepared to leave Vietnam and Richard Nixon struggled to stay in the White House.
If anything, Scott sidesteps the Christianity vs. Islam debate entirely, instead choosing to uphold a belief in moderation, where people can cut through the fervor in order to see the reason of the situations, and not let blindly religious or vengeful personal beliefs lead them to brutality.
Bailey has noticed environmental fervor in Australia arrive in waves, citing two major crests: the first being the release of An Inconvenient Truth.
The win by Democratic Senate candidate Shelley Mayer in the 37th Senate district showed the power of anti-Trump fervor in the New York City suburbs, the usefulness of a united Democratic state Senate for the party and that the suburbs themselves are highly engaged right now electoral politics.
Take for example the fervor in recent years for local sourcing, sustainable and organic foods.
Hyper - religious fervor in THIS country?
But we need to ask ourselves, given the current hyper - religious fervor in this country, if we can take the chance of having evangelicals in positions of power — particularly the presidency.
In his book, The Timeless Christian (1969)-- written at a time when there was even more revolutionary fervor in Church - related commentary — Erik von Kuehnelt - Leddihn showed how believers could be attentive to their times, without sacrificing their perennial Christian beliefs.
Havana (CNN)- In a rare speech on state - controlled television, Cuba's Catholic cardinal said an upcoming visit by the pope would reignite the religious fervor in the island.
Writing with critical fervor in I Corinthians, the apostle Paul reminds his readers that Christ's resurrection, in its fullest expression, is eschatological, a word spoken in the future; when Christians claim its fullness prematurely, he argues that word becomes illusory and destructive.
Assessments of religious fervor in Iran mark a dividing line in the United States.
The fervor in the new atheists» outrage against faith, and especially belief in God, is as resolute as any evangelist could marshal.
No one knows who composed these songs, but the people sang them with patriotic fervor in much the same mood that now prompts Americans to sing «The Star - Spangled Banner.»
It sum, it would seem that the civil rights movement made a massive error in investing so much time, energy, and moral fervor in such a dubious cause as mandatory school busing.
But the book takes a rather surprising turn when Besançon discusses how icons came to be, in the author's view, fetishized by the Orthodox churches, especially by Russian nationalists» the most flagrant case being Joseph Stalin's order that icons be displayed in Moscow the day after Hitler's invasion of Russia in 1941 to whip up nationalist fervor in his atheist state.
The best we can do is acknowledge, with Kuntz, that there is a sense in which this unbridled and rebellious extremism in Russell's nature stemmed from a secularized Calvinist evangelical fervor in behalf of the quest for Truth, which constituted a venerable tradition in the Russell family (BR, p. 2).
I would dare say his idea of vision in no way resembles the visionary fervor in the church today.
Inasmuch as the growth of religious fervor in élite religious groups may lead to hierarchical development (order, sect), the sociologist of religion may combine his study of intensity and size with that of the structure of the group.
Today's evangelicals rightly identify the loss of conviction about Biblical authority as a major source of the decline of evangelical fervor in the United Methodist Church.
No doubt there is some justification for their belief that the lessening of knowledge and conviction about these doctrines has left a void that leads to lack of evangelical fervor in the church as a whole.
I sense a spiritual fervor in the determination to defend and protect the land.
Nationalist fervor in places as disparate as the U.S., Great Britain, and Germany made closed borders one of the most commonly recurring themes of the year — alarming to travelers who live by the credo of a borderless world.

Not exact matches

Bee launched her show in February after 12 years as a correspondent on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, and the fervor of her advocacy has already outstripped that of her mentor.
Now the company once valued at as much as $ 95 million in market value during the peak of Bitcoin fervor last December is trading 92 % lower on less regulated and less prestigious over-the-counter markets at a value of $ 7.4 million.
Russian women, despite their former revolutionary fervor, typically receive flowers and chocolates from their significant others, having traded Soviet war songs for romantic dinners in the latter part of the twentieth century.
Justin Wolfers, an associate professor of business and public policy at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, argued those working in the field of happiness economics mistakenly imagine that the world is run by legions of politicians and economists whose love of GDP approaches religious fervor.
So, when McDonald's hopped on the Ty's Beanie Baby trend in the»90s, it was no surprise its customers reacted with such fervor.
Titov, who is reportedly a friend of Putin's as well as a «part of the Kremlin establishment,» seconded the president's fervor and opined that there exists «a need for change in [Russian] society» that may be addressed, at least in part, through the «development of the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, IT spheres.»
I remember, for example, the website,, which says it all in terms of the degree of speculative fervor that was evident at the time.
We might consider the speculative nature of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to be a sign of excess, and in the fullness of time, stock investors may find themselves relieved that speculative fervor was channeled into Bitcoin rather than stocks.
They were rallies that would not have happened without the fervor of the students: teenage survivors of last month's massacre in Parkland, Fla., frightened high schoolers in the Midwest, unnerved university students in the Northeast.
Her fervor is fueled by helping youth shift their misfortune into a positive energy, turning trials in triumph.
Increasingly in recent years, Mr. Netanyahu has spoken with almost prophetic fervor about stopping Iran.
They note that the only reason the price of bitcoin actually went up in December of last year — the fervor.
Speculative fervor took a boost in September trading as the Russell 2000 small cap index broke into a bull market, driving penny stocks, according to Investopedia...
The Republican party realized this religious fervor of unquestioned belief and has used it to their advantage beginning with the Christian Coalition in the mid 1990's.
Lithium organically grown and sunnily needed in order to relieve any sun of its hurting feelings is a no brainer among all the various sons of Godly fervors.
The authors usefully highlight the ways in which the evangelical fervor of the nineteenth century gave women considerably expanded space for social leadership, and they view people such as Matthews and Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons, as reacting, at least in significant part, to this challenge to patriarchy.
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