Sentences with phrase «few attendees»

The phrase "few attendees" means that there are only a small number of people present at an event or gathering. Full definition
CES is reportedly expecting significantly fewer attendees this year.
This may sound massive, but each Tuesday or Thursday evening finds us at Panera Bread with many fewer attendees than invitees.
Dog training is less about dogs and more about people, training dogs is simple, demonstrating to others the best methods to employ for the required results is not quite so straightforward as few attendees have dog training as their sole agenda when they come to classes.
Like Stephen, I also observed that there were few attendees there from large law firms at a place where their corporate clients (or potential clients) were eager to learn about any efficiencies that attentive law firms were willing to offer.
A few attendees asked Gillibrand questions about the Trump's administration science policies, including the decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accords.
At the Rubin, Obama recognized a few attendees, including New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who he recently appointed to head a joint task force on the mortgage crisis.
In conversations with a few attendees they spoke nicely about Malliotakis, but didn't express an intention to vote for her over Dietl in November.
Occupy Return We thought a few attendees were ready to shout «may day» at last week's Community Board 1 meeting when two members of Occupy Wall Street said they would be back in Zuccotti Park May 1.
But a few attendees raised one objection to the plan — partly to cut costs, the project does not call for any parking spaces at the proposed Bronx train stations.
(Introducing permanent «enhancements» into the human genome was largely deemed off - limits, although a few attendees rejected that general consensus.)
The American designer decked out quite a few attendees in his designs last night, including Scarlett Johansson in an 80s power suit redux.
Silver siren: She was one of the few attendees who opted not to wear a black gown to the event, per the Time's Up protest
-LSB-...] Noticed Changes in Self - Publishing's Favor at RWA: A few attendees posted their informal observations on a writers» message board, but Barbara O'Neal includes a detailed observation of the winds of change in the Romance Writers of America «s world blowing towards self - publishing.
I applaud the Book Expo people for trying to offer a program for the self - publisher but judging from the lukewarm response I heard from the few attendees I talked to, the program will have to be tweaked if it's going to be successful.
Unlike conferences, where large amounts of money are required to participate in all the events taking place, including hotel costs, and airfare charges, I find retreats offer cozier accommodations and fewer attendees that make the atmosphere warmer than conferences will.
A modest percentage of Fine's audience in Los Angeles appears to follow easily — a few attendees are published already; one talks during Q&A of having had a book orphaned in staff changes at a major house.
Both facilities were home to two Sprint Cup race weekends, although New Hampshire International Speedway seats roughly 40,000 fewer attendees.
The meeting hadn't started but a few attendees had arrived.
Like more than a few attendees, both Creed and 2 Live Crew seemed sleepy and uncomfortable in the dim spotlight.
So instead of having a formal presentation, the panellists decided to sit down with the few attendees and have more of a back and forth discussion.
There were also quite a few attendees from outside of Florida, from areas as far away as Erie, Pennsylvania and Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
OneNote became a useful tool after that, and a few attendees I talked to after the session said that it came with their Office bundle and, though they hadn't used it, were in the midst of composing an email to the IT department asking to implement it.
To gain a better understanding of how employment professionals differentiate between sourcing and recruiting, we interviewed a few attendees.
A few attendees only knew of him by reputation.
A few attendees asked for reminder emails.
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