Sentences with phrase «few big movements»

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Kerr has stressed reducing turnovers (Curry's 294 were one fewer than John Wall's league high), stretching defenses through side - to - side ball movement and exploiting big men Andrew Bogut and David Lee as passers.
Yet the island has had fewer big rumbles than you'd expect from such movement.
Try doing a few explosive sets on the big movements such as bench press, leg press, dumbbell rows, but use relatively light wight — about 40 % of your 1RM.
The exercises can range from very small, exhaustive movements (like pulsing up and down repeatedly in a low lunge) to bigger dynamic movements (like throwing in a few mountain climbers or punching the arms with weights), all set to music.
If you want big biceps, run the rack a few times and incorporate a few peak tension isometric movements, rather than looking to go full isometrics on your arms.
If you don't have time for a class or a multi-mile run, a quick 10 minutes of movement can make a big impact — even if it's jogging in place, some jumping jacks, or a few simple yoga poses.
In choosing the look of their big - budget production, Lord and Miller stick to that aesthetic, using computer animation to simulate the surface texture and slightly jerky movement we might expect if someone had orchestrated the entire experience with plastic toys painstakingly repositioned and photographed one frame at a time (according to the press notes, that would have taken no fewer than 15,080,330 bricks).
That, plus a whole lot of grass - roots organizing for the past few years, is the biggest reason the opt - out movement has gotten so big in New York.
In fact, I'm willing to bet that the majority of gamers wouldn't even give movement mechanics much thought at all, despite a select few high profile titles making some big strides over the past couple of years.
Many of the «big names» in the movement were present including a few old friends we've interviewed on our YouTube channel: Laura and Matt from Life in 120 Square Feet and BA Norrgard from A Bed Over My Head.
A few years ago, when I was first launched into becoming the amateur investigator of what's up with whatsupwiththat, and the flood of really well crafted (certainly not done by ignorant people) anonymous emails conveying little known proof of Obama's secret Islamitude, and other lies that would damage Rush Limbaugh's reputation if he were to personally deliver them... Ah Say, Ah Say (Foghorn Leghorn accent) when I was first launched into all that, from reading prodigious comment - storms in many places, including, but also invading more liberal venues, I concluded what we have here is less a movement for anything, than a massively stroked and stoked «Great Liberal Hating and Baiting Cult», with a very big self - organizing component, but definitely nourished in all sorts of ways by the folks you can read about in Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Meyer (best book yet of its class and I've read many).
Their recent attempts to scare up a few headlines favorable to the movement, such as the big media fuss about 2014 being the «hottest year in history,» have collapsed under scrutiny as exaggerations or outright falsifications.
A few years ago I reported how leadership in the American Geophysical Union had bought into the green movement in a big way.
It might help you if you had a few concepds in mind too when considering this subject, like «space» is the big energy «sink» with old sol (and the internal heat generating processes (including nuclear) of the earth) as sources... any mechanism that results in a delay of energy leaving earth, such as a «bounce - back» or a re-rad of energy (like back radiation) certainly is going to increase the «energy flux» in the system, and this in any way you want to frame the argument translates to a «higher» energy state, and a higher so - called temperature» (movement in matter, velocity of air molecules or oscillations in certain «resonant molecules) as well.
In 1969, an oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara, California released a few million gallons of oil into marine ecosystems — eight months later, it was among the primary catalysts for the biggest pro-environmental movement in the nation's history, starting with the first Earth Day.
«The big stories in the past few weeks have been filibusters in the Senate, Justice Sunday, the alleged Constitution - in - Exile movement, and Tom DeLay's criticism of Justice Kennedy.
Certainly in the past few years, there's been a movement by big brokers to take back control of their listing data.
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