Sentences with phrase «few bitcoins»

The phrase "few bitcoins" refers to a small or limited amount of the digital currency called Bitcoin. It means having only a small number of Bitcoins in your possession or account. Full definition
Very few bitcoin wallets can say they've been in the game since the very beginning.
As the argument goes, prevailing demand for bitcoins will stay constant, forcing the price higher once fewer bitcoins are being generated on a day - to - day basis.
However, very few bitcoin startups are based in Africa or pursuing the use of bitcoin there.
As the Bitcoin network gets bigger, the hash gets more complex, and miners get fewer Bitcoins for their trouble, hence they always need better hardware and higher Bitcoin prices to make it worthwhile.
«So many bitcoin skeptics yet so few bitcoin future shorts.
When it comes to brand appeal, very few bitcoin wallets can compete with Copay.
Not least because the comparatively few Bitcoin outlets will have (hopefully friendly) staff who can advise you on the currency and how it all works.
It is unclear if a Pirate default is good or bad for the Bitcoin price; on the one hand, it reduces confidence in Bitcoin as a whole, while on the other hand, it means that many wealthy depositors suddenly have far fewer bitcoins than they thought they would have, and would thus need to buy more (or sell less) to compensate.
When it comes to security, few bitcoin wallets can compete with Armory.
There are myriad questions that have yet to be answered, which is why it is hardly surprising that so few Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investors have paid taxes on their holdings.
Obviously I've got a few bitcoin, Litecoin I've dabbled in as I've learned more.
If properly done and willing to take the investment risk, you could wind up with a few bitcoins of your own — which currently have an average weekly price of $ 945 on the largest bitcoin exchange.
Pouliot said a few Bitcoin mining operations have already been established, and Hydro - Quebec is analyzing dozens more requests.
However, nearby Turkey, Israel and Dubai all have a small but flourishing Bitcoin community, with a few Bitcoin ATMs available.
Check here for a list of a few Bitcoin merchants.
Once the above process is followed and everything is done right you are set to go for buying a few Bitcoins until you raise your end - point.
It does a good job of introducing the technology at a high level, discussing the potential social and economic impacts of bitcoin, weaving in the story of a few bitcoin startups, and telling the personal story of an early bitcoin miner.
Unlike other digital currencies such as BitShares (BTS), Cardano (ADA), Dent (DENT), and etc., Decred is the brainchild of the few Bitcoin developers who desired to come up with an absolutely decentralized cryptocurrency where certain people couldn't influence others.
Today, it's one of the few bitcoin exchanges regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS).
Also, I've noticed quite a few Bitcoin «hodlers» advocating a carnivore lifestyle.
While that's great for their portfolios, it means that there are fewer bitcoins available to trade on exchanges, meaning that relatively minor amounts of Bitcoin changing hands will have a major effect on Bitcoin's market price.
The two main issues he sees in bitcoin are in environmental impact and the instability that arises from the few bitcoin miners with the cheapest access to electricity exerting outsized influence.
As there are fewer and fewer Bitcoins to be mined, transaction fees will increase to pay miners for the computing power they need to spend to keep the system going.
A few Bitcoin price analysts are calling a new bottom in price after the biggest cryptocurrency lost 20 % against the dollar in 36 hours.
If you are interested in investing in a cryptocurrency, do not be discouraged that you can not afford a few bitcoins.
There are a few bitcoin exchanges now in Japan, and one of them, Zaif, recently secured a $ 6.2 million investment, and has started a coin reserve program for Japanese exchange users.
Most Australian Bitcoin startups offer bitcoin exchange services and merchant bitcoin payment processing; two of the few bitcoin - related services which require banking or credit card support.
MultiBit is one of the few bitcoin wallets to feature support for multiple languages and, in its latest release, it supports more than 35.
Today, it's one of the few bitcoin exchanges regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS).
2017 may be the last year middle - class people will still be able to afford to buy and hold on to a few bitcoins.
But more importantly, I believe 2017 will be the last year middle - class people will still be able to afford to buy and hold on to a few Bitcoins.
If you only have a few Bitcoins or need to have them ready to spend quickly, then a less secure wallet whether online or paper - based is an option.
XBT Provider, one of the few bitcoin ETN providers, has been operating in the Swedish Nordic Nasdaq, providing liquidity to professional traders and institutional investors.
Russia's media watchdog has blocked access to a few bitcoin - related sites, citing a court order from 30th September.
Also, There are only a few Bitcoin Cash Wallets and we hope many other wallets open doors for BCH very soon, thus allows users to store their currency safely.
I know I cashed out a few bitcoin at 10k because of it.
On a few Bitcoin exchanges, the price topped $ 5000 USD per unit (per bitcoin).
We have already located a few bitcoin users, and are on the hunt for more, along with a few web pages which are being checked for authenticity.
The actual monetary value for a single «ETH» however, is less than five percent of bitcoin, so owning a few Ether is no way near as pleasant as owning a few bitcoin.
These are the few bitcoins they unlock every time a transaction is completed.
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