Sentences with phrase «few brain scientists»

He and his team expected that just a few brain scientists would tune in, but they were wrong.

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Brain waves usually are monitored in hospitals or research labs, but I'm in a conference room at a company called Emotiv, where a few dozen scientists have developed the gear and software that quite literally read my mind, allowing me to play a sort of video game with nothing but sheer thought.
This is why a few scientists I spoke with think holding my daughter releases a lot of natural opioids in my brain; that'd explain why it feels so good and satisfying.
Scientists have scanned just a few hundred brains on meditation do date, which makes for a pretty small research sample.
The research that came out of the few specimens of Einstein's brain that Harvey gave to actual scientists was sparse, and some of it turned out to be questionable.
The human brain undergoes a remarkable transition in utero, but until recently scientists have had few tools to study how this process unfolds.
Yet until she proved otherwise, few scientists thought MHCI or other so - called «immune molecules» were even present in a normally functioning brain.
Patterson, one of the few scientists who began studying the role of immune molecules in neurons before Shatz, has long focused on cytokines, messenger molecules that regulate inflammation in the body and (as Patterson eventually discovered) act as growth factors in the developing brain.
Scientists from Technische Universität München (TUM) have now demonstrated that already during a few minutes of ongoing pain, the underlying brain activity changes by shifting from sensory to emotional processes.
Much has been uncovered about its role in the brain and nervous system, but few scientists considered how sNGF levels in people's saliva might be related to the behavioral and biological components of the body's stress response.
For U.S. scientists, a loss in scientific prominence would likely mean «fewer U.S. - based science and technology breakthroughs, and fewer U.S. startup companies and jobs,» and even the threat of an American brain drain.
Losing its eminence in science would probably result in fewer foreign scientists coming to study and work in the United States (and even perhaps some «brain drain» of U.S. scientists), fewer U.S. - based science and technology breakthroughs, and fewer U.S. startup companies and jobs.
«The quality of science in Poland has suffered from two main, mutually related problems: catastrophical level of funding over the last few decades and brain drain of young, talented scientists seeking careers in North America and Western Europe,» says Adam Szewczyk, the Nencki Institute's acting director.
About a dozen of us — physicists, psychologists, brain scientists and clinicians, leavened by a French philosopher — introduced quantum mechanics, neuroscience, consciousness and various clinical aspects of meditative practices to a few thousand Buddhist monks and nuns.
Four years ago, when Lawrence Summers suggested that the scarcity of prominent female scientists and engineers was in part because there are fewer women on the extremes of the range of innate math ability — fewer geniuses and fewer duds — he stirred up a lot of misguided arguments about gender differences in the brain.
Seung expects that when scientists scale up to a full human brain, in the next few decades, they'll finally be able to investigate the deep workings of the mind and address questions that, for now, belong more to the realm of philosophy.
A few neurologists and brain scientists are proposing that the secret underlying all conscious activity must lie with the way cells respond to stimuli they receive from their environment.
But in the next few decades, scientists and clinicians may develop sophisticated ways of tapping into certain brain regions to ease bad memories that can contribute to problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder or depression, he says.
Scientists had done a few anatomical studies on the autistic brain, but the results were ambiguous.
Blocking arginase using the small drug difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) before the start of symptoms in the mice, the scientists saw fewer CD11c microglia and plaques develop in their brains.
Scientists have come to this conclusion after finding that smokers who suffered a stroke in the insular cortex were far more likely to quit smoking and experience fewer and less severe withdrawal symptoms than those with strokes in other parts of the brain.
By examining the hippocampus — a portion of the brain associated with the process of learning — after the rats learned to associate a sound with a motor response, scientists found that the new brain cells injected with dye a few weeks earlier were still alive in those that had learned the task while the cells in those who had failed did not survive.
King's College London scientists funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) have shown, for the first time, how our brain «wiring» develops in the first few months of life.
Scientists at the University of Cambridge and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have created a new technique that simplifies the production of human brain and muscle cells - allowing millions of functional cells to be generated in just a few days.
Over the last few years, scientists have been making huge breakthroughs in the field of medicine, but it seems to be on the contrary when one talks about mental or brain health.
Where the brain was once a black box we were trying to influence with magic, a few viewing ports have been created where scientists are taking a peek.
To the horror of conspiracy bloggers everywhere, a team of scientists has developed smarter brain implants that dissolve within a few days of implantation.
A few years from now, in Italy, a gifted scientist discovers links between time and the human brain and between her lover's novel and his life.
Like people, companion animals develop cancer — they get brain, breast, bone & lung cancer; lymphoma and melanoma just to name a few and scientists have discovered that the malignant cells are biologically comparable.
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