Sentences with phrase «few chopped nuts»

I have added a little finely grated lemon zest to the dough which helps cut through the richness, and a few chopped nuts to create a nice crunchy top.
I also like to top them off with a few chopped nuts and some sugar - free chocolate chips (Lily's brand is amazing!)
Most of the time, make dessert a healthy alternative: A baked apple with a small dollop of low - fat whipped cream and a few chopped nuts, a frozen fruit bar made with 100 - percent juice, or low - fat, sugar - free pudding.
I top with fresh fruit, dried unsweetened coconut, and a few chopped nuts.
The nuts nearly killed my blender, used mainly ground almonds in the end with a few chopped nuts for added crunch.
I also like to top them off with a few chopped nuts and some sugar - free chocolate chips (Lily's brand is amazing!)
Add a few chopped nuts on top of the glaze, if you wan na be fancy.
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