Sentences with phrase «few cold ones»

Nothing says summer like getting together with friends to grill, eat good food, have a few cold ones and relax.
Get a little kick of caffeine before you pound down a few cold ones.
I enjoy goin» shrimpin», Asian women and kicking back a few cold ones.
Well I got a hot tip on Saturday before the news came out that Gordon failed his alcohol test saying that partyboy Johnny Manziel was tossing back a few cold ones with none other then Mr Gordon himself.
Looks like Johnny Manziel is going to enjoy his wait in the Green Room with a few cold ones.
The overall warming of the atmosphere that has resulted from the buildup of greenhouse gases has generally tipped the odds in favor of more extreme warm temperatures and fewer cold ones.
They had a homemade tarp slip and slide set up, so they could slide down the sand and into the water, giant rubber ducky inflatables to float around in, there was a dog chilling with his ball, good tunes cranking, and the group was sitting around laughing, and sharing a few cold ones.
In my old life, before I got sick, developed a long list of food allergies, and brought three kids into the world all with different medical conditions and food allergies, I would have been doing the same thing on Boxing Day — sitting on the beach, sharing some fish and chips, and a few cold ones, with my nearest and dearest.
Or, if you are really diligent with the rest of your diet, can you indulge on the weekend with a few cold ones?
We've had some glorious days here recently but a few cold ones to remind us that its only March!
Thursday trivia nights are particularly good times to come out and meet people because teams of friends love to compete with one another and compare their answers over a few cold ones.
On fre weekends enjoy sitting around campfire having a few cold ones with friends and family
There is nothing better than kicking back with a few cold ones and meeting women.
The Hookup Bar To End All Hookup Bars Union Pool While the weather is nice, enjoy a few cold ones high above the streets at some of the best rooftop bars and lounges in New York City..
tall blonde and blue that likes to dance, would like to find someone close by and get to know them on a more personal level, shy at times, outgoing, like to toss back a few cold ones from time to time
I could get a house within a stone's throw of the ocean, fill the fridge with some steaks, snacks and beverages, and knock back a few cold ones over the course of a relaxing week or two.
Also fun if you have had a few cold ones and want to have some fun with your buddies.
It shows years early in the record with few three - sigma anomalies, and years late in the record with many warm ones and few cold ones.
But if you happened to see a close friend with the beer Your Emoji, you'd know you could message them to try to go knock back a few cold ones.
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