Sentences with phrase «few contests»

Few contested cases make it that far, however.
«In yesterday's primary with so few contested races on the ballot and no real competition for the Governor's race we saw surprisingly low turnout from Democrats — only about 10 percent of the over five million Democrats registered in New York showed up to the polls,» Paterson said in a statement released by the party.
Sleepy elections occur about once every four years in New York, Unlike the one in 2007, this year's features no ballot measures, fewer contests for the bench and no particularly high profile ones.
Multiple - term Rosendale councilwoman Manna Jo Greene will face newcomer Kevin Hines in what may be the showcase event in a town with few contests this year.
Unlike the Democrats, he says, which have few contested seats thanks to powerful state leaders.
With fewer and fewer contested elections each cycle, today's primary in Ohio is an embarrassment of riches for political junkies.
Maybe this will teach the so - called «centrists» who've led Dems to defeat in the last few contests a little something about where we need to be.
Prior to GO being founded in 2010, there were few contested school board elections in Oakland.
Speaking at the Justice - Thomson Reuters conference last week, however, Eady J said the reality was that there have been few contested privacy claims in recent years and none last year.
Also, while I can not speculate as to what the ultimate objectives of the Commissioner or the Bureau are, there have been rather few contested abuse of dominance cases in Canada and so it seems reasonable that at least one reason the case is proceeding is in an effort to generate more case law in this (in many ways unsettled) area in Canada.
More closely, you would be better suited to wait for Sanders to win a few contests, which will deflate Clinton's odds, giving Hillary backers a better price.
Few contest the need to check urban sprawl, so the main controversy surrounding the Green Belt is the extent to which it is being eroded by planning decisions.
There are only a few contested races in a legislature which many predict could go 12 - 11 either way.
What was supposed to be a rather sleepy election year, with the exception of a few contested legislative races here and there, has turned into something worth watching, thanks to Zephyr Teachout and Tim Wu.
What's more, this race marks one of the few contests where Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is still on offense.
Few contest that Higgs and Englert are worthy winners, but, as often happens with Nobel Prizes, it is the «others» that make the prize controversial.
Also, right now I am in Mammoth, California for a few contests, and I am loving every minute.
I only got a chance to check out a few contest in my lifetime.
Only a few contests are for women, so I am really into those contests and I will use maximum efforts to be the champion.
Some of my stories and essays had won Honorable Mention is a few contests and been published.
I suggest entering a few contests and look for the ones that come with free reviews included in the entry fee.
Yeah, that has a nice ring to it.If you are interested in earning some accolades, here are a few contest and award opportunities for self - published, independent publishers (this is great for Lulus with a «Published By You» ISBN — you're the publisher), or niche books.The 2008 News Generation Indie Book Awards:
A mix of publications, awards, nominations, and even a few contest wins can go a long way.
I had — finally — placed in and won a few contests after years of attending critique group, entering again and again, and plugging away at rewrites.
A few contests to check out, as well as some news including more «Bold 9650» goodness.
A few contests to keep our weekly streak going strong as well.
I've done a few contests or events to promote books, but I don't have any long term courses or things that can allow people to get involved and participate.
However, while a few contests are familiar to readers, the vast majority are not, so it's hard to say how much even a win would help our sales.
I've entered a few contests.
Recently, Gizmodo dug up a few cont...
Fortunately, a few contests are enjoyable, such as the race across a pile of debris, where each player's movements alter the stack of rubble in unpredictable ways.
After I won a few contests, other art students invited me to sit with them.
In a few contests, including in Indiana and Colorado, the Realtors went toe - to - toe with the larger groups backed with much - criticized, anonymous business donations and formed with the guidance of former Bush adviser Karl Rove — and beat them.
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