Sentences with phrase «few conversations»

The first few conversations with someone can be incredibly awkward, and what about that first date?
Making nice conversation with gay personals partner and meet them in just few conversations.
A very few conversations I had felt as if I was talking with a bot.
But a few days after allowing myself the raw emotions of grief, I started to replay some of our last few conversations.
You can exchange your pictures with few conversations whenever you feel comfortable.
Over the next few conversations, your advisor will explain your plan in detail and answer questions until you're comfortable.
For example, having fewer conversations with your boss over email and instead meeting them in person might not solve a fundamental disagreement in how you two operate with each other.
If you are making conversation with someone than never ask for private details in just few conversation.
We had very few conversations, and many of our interactions were quite short.
Few conversation topics elicit such highly charged emotional reactions as divorce.
He's going to godfather us, be involved with this movie creatively, and in the initial few conversations that we've had with directors, they've felt the same way we did: No one wanted to do this without John.
«The ideal solution, if you have a choice, is a unitised approach, because it's easier to manage and each unit is then largely self - managing, and there are far fewer conversations which have to happen,» he says.
The last few conversations we had kept replaying in my mind.
It's interesting to think about morals and how we are such moral creatures.There are very few conversations, especially when the subject is about a particular behavior in ourselves or others, that don't involve a value judgement.We're even willing to bend the rules as to what is right / wrong... sometimes stealing and lying can be good things....
With all the buzz surrounding iOS8, it's Apple's health app that's getting quite a few conversations going.
This should provide you with a few conversation starters.
Each one sports a unique, slick design that is sure to start a few conversations.
If you are very clear about what you do well and not so well, you will need to have fewer conversations that waste your time.
After only a few conversations it was evident that a catechetical approach — one in which I would ask what an informant understood about some credal tenet such as the Trinity or salvation — did not plumb the richness of that member's perception of life.
I've had a few conversations recently about «friend purges» with a few different people.
We had had a few conversations about Malala last week.
Below are just a few conversations, stories, ideas, and tips that caught my eye recently.
From the few conversations we'd had on set, I knew this guy was amazing.
At this point, many of the next steps in the process — while so seemingly complicated from the outside — will boil down to a few conversations they planned to have after Malik returned home from Las Vegas on July 26.
Not sure if I am one of those people but regardless, message received — Have a few conversations to wrap up.
As reported by Goal, when questioned about the talks with United, Willian responded «there were a few conversations with my agent.
«There were a few conversations with my agent.
«There were a few conversations with my agent,» said Willian earlier this month.
Only a few conversations have gone far enough for the parent to realize I paid for their child's lunch that day but when they do know they pay me back.
I had to have a few conversations with different people, but I finally got approval for a Medela pump.»
Here are a few conversation starters that can help your child think about her ethics:
I've had a few conversations − they tend to be in the tearoom or in the lobbies which I think tends to be a good way of doing it rather than a more formal meeting.
The bills» sponsors, Assemblyman Al Stirpe and Senator Joe Griffo, told Capital on Thursday that they did not know of any particular opposition to the bill and that in their few conversations with Cuomo's office about it, they received no indication it would be vetoed.
I've had a few conversations with Long, trying to understand what harm they think they are defending marriage from.
Apart from bitching about the Lib Dems, I had quite a few conversations with Labour activists about the state of the Labour Party.
After that, the filmmakers and I had a few conversations about how we could reroute it.
A few conversations with my head coach helped me realize that my competitive spirit will help bring results for any goal, but that when it comes to heavy lifting, there's a cardinal rule: Technique first, consistency second, and intensity last.
Despite this line that's made its way into more than a few conversations in our lives, the premise is true.
Recently, after a few conversations with my clients, I realized how significantly my attitude towards my body and scale shifted over the past years.
When embarking on a sugar detox, you can't help but have at least a few conversations with people about healthy eating.
I've had a few conversations recently about introverts and extroverts.
This pink sneakers outfit isn't really out of my safe zone, but there is a lot in life that is... I've had a few conversations recently about introverts and extroverts.
After a little «knock, knock, whose there» and a few conversations with some friendly neighbors... freedom!
Lately I've had a few conversations amongst friends about what they feel is justifiable to spend more money on: everyday basics like tops and jeans, or on the contrary: items that will likely get worn once or twice such as dresses.
We had a great first date, a good second date and then a few conversations on the phone with no definite plan to see each other again.
«Some people don't know how to invite someone in, but it's as simple as knowing a few conversation starters.»
Here are a few conversation starters...
You can find someone with the same interests you have and after a few conversations, you can quickly determine whether the two of you click or not.
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