Sentences with phrase «few courses»

We are both students at the same university and I help her with her studies to such an extent that I take very few courses in order to study her subjects and teach her.
But I had no major in history and few courses of relevance.
For example, it is common in many elementary - educator preparation programs to see few courses on the science of reading instruction or on mathematics content.
Students are hearing that they may face larger class sizes, fewer course offerings and a longer time to complete a degree.
The chairman and the partner - in - charge will also obtain commitments from a few thought leaders to prepare and conduct the first few courses.
There are few courses available, but several universities are putting together modules for inclusion in their courses.
You may be able to find psychology courses that talk about groups or discuss using groups, but we have very few courses which actually teach group process.
But perhaps more importantly, very few courses are taught in a systematic fashion.
Golf industry insiders said the strict rules for officials would be a drag on the sport's wider development in China, with fewer courses open and people worried about being tainted by getting involved in the game.
On the advice of a «work - life balance expert,» I had requested to teach one fewer course so that I would have some time for parenting — and who better to do this than a developmental psychologist?
In addition to a significant jump in math test scores, students receiving tutoring and mentoring failed two fewer courses per year on average than students who did not participate, and their likelihood of being «on track» for graduation rose by nearly one - half.
Senate President Joe Negron says students take fewer courses because they can't afford more.
Too few courses in basic ethics are required in Pentecostal colleges (perhaps because many Pentecostals, especially older ones, assume that being Spirit - filled guarantees right behavior), and too many pastors handle the churches» money and travel alone without having to account for their whereabouts or activities.
As a parenthesis, while at table, I chitchatted with some locals at my very long table who were complaining that in the late years the food got more and more expensive even in Germany, as the daily menu that they use to eat although it remained at the same price contained fewer courses and smaller portions;).
There are few courses larger, more tangled, and emblematic of the best and worst of comic book narratives than Cable's.
Chloe learns, however, that taking fewer courses reduces the grants that help cover her living expenses, meaning she'd have to work longer hours to make up for the lost funds and never gain additional study time.
The last few courses I've designed involve learners for whom English is not their first language, so I've used Audacity to narrate readings and create audio files as an alternative to text.
This section is almost the opposite of the list format for relevant coursework; instead, this section delves deep into a select few courses that offer the most relevant experience / exposed you to the most applicable skills
Few courses of antibiotics might result in diarrhea.
Teeing off from the 17th hole will convince you that there are very few courses in which nature and design merge so beautifully.
«There are now fewer teachers, fewer course offerings and fewer students enrolled in academic education programs.»
I prepared the vinaigrette the night before, because vinaigrette's are cool like that, and I chose to do a pork tenderloin on the stove top because it comes together easily and it tastes great when it is freshly made with the pan sauce while guests are munching on the first few courses.
And a recent University of Chicago Urban Lab study confirmed that «students who received tutoring and mentoring failed two fewer courses per year on average,» and «their likelihood of being «on track» for graduation rose by nearly one - half.»
When students struggle with obtaining textbooks or delay their purchases, they take fewer courses and are at higher risk of dropping, withdrawing from or failing courses.
We are proud to announce that we are one of a very few courses in the nation that have undergone numerous independent studies and have proved to reduce traffic crashes and future violations by 64 %.
His dinner guests, a logistics consultant, a Marriott hotel representative and Silverman's new administrative director, eat through a few courses before discussion turns to dessert.
As to curriculum, Dupré points out that many Catholic schools have reduced the ideal of a Catholic liberal education to «a few courses on religion, ethics, and a smattering of philosophy in an otherwise wholly pragmatically oriented curriculum.»
Recently, the requirement was revised again with so many alternatives, some of them serious but many in my opinion frivolous, that the very idea of general education has really disappeared into the widespread «distribution» requirement designed to make sure one takes at least a few courses outside one's major.
Finding myself again is a much harder task than taking a few courses and squeezing in the odd workout.
Transport guests to the breezy beaches of Maui by pairing it — and maybe a few other Hawaiian - brewed beers over a few courses — with a luau - themed spread of grilled fish, salads, poke, roast pig, and tropical fruits.
He's got a huge driving distance advantage over Spieth, but Sawgrass is one of the few courses left in pro golf that can inhibit that length.
Few courses in the world boast a closing stretch as stirring as this 1994 Jack Nicklaus creation.
I have a bachelors degree, but there are a few courses that I managed to skip over during that process.
The Music Class offers a few courses within its early music education curriculum.
Novices interested in copy editing are well advised to take a few courses in order to «break in.»
I enrolled in a few courses that began to stimulate my mind in ways I had never felt before.
For those interested in getting involved in CAM, I would recommend taking a few courses at different institutions.
So I might quietly go back and pick up a few courses here and there to get back into it.
Here are a few courses of action to consider if you suffer from eczema:
However, between Mario Kart, the New Mario series, Mario Party, Mario & Luigi, Mario vs. Donkey Kong, Luigi's Mansion, Paper Mario, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, and of course the core Mario series itself, I'm a bit burned out on both the look and sounds of Mario, and a few courses based on something else would be welcome at this point.
While the first few courses were simple enough, it doesn't take long before they all start to feel tooth - crackingly taxing.
After I graduated from Trinidad Garza ECHS in the summer of 2010, I remained at Dallas County Community College and took a few courses at UT Arlington before I transferred to Southern Methodist University (SMU) in 2012.
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