Sentences with phrase «few critical points»

However, a cover letter can be made almost exactly what is required by the employer — that is, if you keep in mind a few critical points.
I also think that a few critical points on the nature of short - term and long - term chaos in the climate system have been lost in the present rambling discussion, and I hope to provide a little focus below.
For me, this gives me an opportunity to praise the second most important person in my life, my wife, who typically has no impact on financial decisions, but at a few critical points did very well for me and the family.

Not exact matches

Customer service has a clear impact on a company's overall identity and bottom line, but too few businesses place enough focus on this critical consumer touch point.
In addition to the lighting devices that immediately come to mind in the wake of a power outage and the tools highlighted in «Island Without Power,» Arteaga also pointed to glucose monitoring devices for diabetics, hearing aids and blood pressure monitors as a few other critical devices that needed power to function.
Since a history of Faith Church had just been finished a few months before he arrived, Landry invited the committee to begin its work with a study of this history; the story of the church's founding, its significant experiences in the past, critical turning points, its line of important personages.
(Note: Wright's understanding of «the word» from Chapter 2 is critical to understanding his next few points.)
While there are numerous points of disagreement in detail among source critics as to what is or is not J, he follows a fairly standard breakdown, such as can be found in any of the critical Introductions to the Old Testament, with a few modifications of his own, especially in the Joseph story.
Its economic woes aside, the horse racing industry has reached a critical state in regard to public confidence — that is, among the millions who watch it more for pleasure than for profit — and it has reached that point over the last few years because of the near carnage that has been taking place during some of the game's most celebrated events, most notably in the nationally televised Breeders» Cup itself and the Triple Crown.
On another point, while I strongly support electoral reform, it continues to alarm me that a few others do not appear to consider the proportionality (and thus the fairness) of the electoral system to be of over-riding or critical importance.
We have reached a point in our history where we need to flash out the minority few whose penchant for corruption and self - enrichment at the expense of the state has stifled our resolve for growth, this creates the urgent demand for proven patriots to take up such critical positions.
Hey, get them to the point where they are so metabolically flexible to where they can adapt to different nutritional practices and go low carb for a few weeks at a time or maybe even do a high carb week right and not have the delirious effects that come with that and being just able to adapt is so critical.
As one might expect, the film details the multitude of ways in which these characters are different and the few but critical ways in which they are alike, but it doesn't satisfy itself with those points.
Though Oscilloscope had only one out - and - out critical smash (Stand Clear of the Closing Doors, a Kickstarter - funded, award - winning drama from director Sam Fleischner), it was just a few points away from achieving a perfect 100 % success rate.
Mr. Gray points to «Ratatouille,» the animated comedy about a rat who aspires to be a chef, as one of the few movies of 2007 that was both a box - office and critical success.
Third, by prepackaging the prompt in visual form, helping interactions can be brief — usually a few seconds as you point out some critical feature.
He points out that children of low socio - economic levels often have fewer opportunities to engage in learning experiences that will develop critical and creative thinking.
The Department's most recent projections show the shortfall will reach a critical point in the Trust Fund's Highway Account in just a few weeks, requiring the Department to institute cash management procedures for highways at that time, with a similar cash management plan to follow for the Trust Fund's Mass Transit Account when it is expected to reach a similar point this Fall.
To point you in the right direction, you first need to answer a few critical questions:
What Reggie is really saying here is that when sales really dip down to a critical point, Nintendo won't mind slashing a few more dollars off the Wii's price to boost»em right back up again.
The article was directing this point at medical studies that focus on an obscure or rarely studied disease, where there are few researchers, and so fewer «peers» to undertake critical review, and those few that there are may either be close colleagues or rivals.
The industry - leading tools are decidedly not designed to facilitate collaboration on the important documents, organization or visualization of the few handful of significant documents into different perspectives of the case story, or facilitating the legal team's ability to see and exploit the critical leverage points to reach a faster, more favorable outcome.
And by «relatively,» we mean a few legal interns in a file room working through a thousand files to grab some critical data points.
Well you know, I had an opportunity to listen to a podcast that the Digital Edge had a few weeks ago in which one of your guests spoke about optimizing for mobile and I strongly recommend every listener to go back and listen to that if they haven't already done so because I think the points raised there are critical.
Sona Pancholy: Well you know, I had an opportunity to listen to a podcast that the Digital Edge had a few weeks ago in which one of your guests spoke about optimizing for mobile and I strongly recommend every listener to go back and listen to that if they haven't already done so because I think the points raised there are critical.
Although it's important to target the final decision - makers in your sales process, as noted above, it's often critical to find and win over someone at the firm (or potential strategic partner) who is a few rungs below because she not only truly understands the pain point you're trying to alleviate, but she's the one for whom that pain is a meaningful and present part of daily life (e.g., the senior associate whose life would be immeasurably improved by having your product or service).
Keep these few points in mind and you will surely be able to get a fruitful Critical Illness Policy.
For the past few years, our relationship got to a point where it wasn't working anymore and after 8 years of being in a relationship, we were at a critical point.
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