Sentences with phrase «few editing errors»

Not exact matches

If you make a few small errors, don't worry — these can be edited later.
Thanks for the Kudos, I actually released this article too early as our editor does not edit until 12 AM and have fixed some of the grammar errors until its properly edited in a few hours
Its well written but the company that published it for her didn't edit her work, and there were a few spelling errors that were distracting.
If you are giving essays to your friends, a few persons have a little knowledge about this and others have no experience about it so they can't edit and proofread your essay and if they did, that essay has a lot mistakes and errors because they are not professional this stage or area.
Following copy - editing, layout, final checks for errors the > full Working Group I report «Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science > Basis,» and its Summary for Policymakers will be published online in > January 2014 (tbc) and in book form by Cambridge > University Press a few months later.
They were able to make the format more understandable and edited a few errors that I made.
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