Sentences with phrase «few efforts exist»

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But an even bigger concern, and a much greater exposure for our entire economy, relates to the efforts we're making to upskill our existing workforce — especially the folks in their 40s and 50s — who basically lack the digital smarts needed to be valued contributors to their businesses in the next few years.
The enhancement benefits to your content and SEO strategies alone make social media worth the effort — but add in the customer service angle and the community building power, and you'll calculate that even a few hours of work per day can be enough to earn you thousands of new visitors per month (and strengthened relationships with your existing subscriber base).
Contract sales were also affected by fewer sales to new customers in the third and fourth quarters of 2010 as the sales force continued to focus on efforts to educate existing owners about the benefits of the new product.
In the mid-1960s fewer than 500 nesting pairs of bald eagles existed in the continental U.S.; today, thanks to the DDT ban and other conservation efforts, some 10,000 pairs of bald eagles inhabit the Lower 48 — that's a 20-fold population increase in just four decades!
Yet despite volumes of policy guidance, on - the - ground effort and research over the past decades, few comprehensive and representative portraits of teacher and teaching quality in U.S. mathematics classrooms exist.
Technology continues to be used primarily for administration rather than instruction; there is little systematic professional development for pre-service or in - service teachers on ICT - based instruction and few accountability measures exist for reporting on teachers» efforts to integrate ICE in instruction; initially cited by Larry Cuban in his 2001 publication of Oversold and Underused: Computers in the Classroom.
The two Panasonic reps that spoke with us, mentioned that this was their effort not to go after a broad tablet market, but to instead offer their existing customer base a few different options for a tablet that integrates with their television line.
I've heard from a few who've been able to get copies shipped their way though so the books undoubtedly exist, they just take a bit more effort than many it seems.
The next step for Java EE 6 was planned to be cloud support but the collapse of ambitious developer plans has meant Java EE 7 arrived with few fundamentally new aspects, representing more a consistent effort to round off existing features more»
There exist some strategies that, over the long term, lead to a consistent, small margin over market, but fewer work than most believe, and our own efforts to cherry pick the model inevitably lead to underperformance.
A variety of efforts have been undertaken over the past few decades to create a platform for shelter data reporting, yet no national or centralized system exists for consolidated shelter data until now.
Without context, the airlines» twin announcements on Saturday morning might look trivial: The end of a discount program for NRA members, which few outside the gun rights organization likely knew existed before the boycott efforts.
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