Sentences with phrase «few fragments of»

However, he can only remember a few fragments of his past including the slaying of his father by the monstrous beings.
The sound of a machine breaks into my consciousness, stealing my last few fragments of hope and leaving me with nothing except the unwanted knowledge that I am in a hospital.
Only 1000 or so are left, trapped in the few fragments of forest that remain.
One of the few fragments of genuine information about «The Princes in the Tower» - the sons of King Edward IV of England, widely supposed to have been murdered in the Tower of London in 1483 on the orders of their uncle who became Richard III - concerns the spiritual life of the older of the two boys, the 12 - year - old King Edward V.

Not exact matches

A few days later the truck crashed, scattering fragments of mixers and melters over the freeway.
Your proof of evolution exists in a few bone fragments in boxes in a lab — you own «Real» Scientists admit that.
This is a few hundred years old at best and as pointed out «Because both sides of the fragment have writing on them, King said it could have come out of a book rather than a scroll.»
The number of bones of the Ape - girl skeleton are unique because Lucy had only a few head fragments.
The St. Laurence discovery is technically a fragment, not a Bible, since it is missing a few pages (including most of the first pages of Genesis, up to chapter 4, verse 17) and has been trimmed at the top to fit the wooden cover added in Victorian times.
Unfortunately, the ideas of Heraclitus and his contemporary Parmenides are available to us only in a few fragments, and these provide merely a hint of their thought.
His discussion of several theological points is more assured than nuanced, and any biographer today owes his readers some insight into claims of the late Kathryn Lindskoog that a few of Lewis's posthumously published essays and fragments are inauthentic (and, not to put too fine a point upon it, forgeries).
For several centuries «Christendom» embraced only the western tip of a peninsula of Eurasia and a few dwindling fragments in Western.
Another factor which both fragments the book and is frankly rather irritating is the almost verbatim repetition of passages from one chapter in others and the constant circling around a few central tropes without necessarily adding to their significance (or without having established them securely in the first place).
The site provides new information about the region's sauropods, which were previously known only from fragments of a tail bone, a leg bone, and a few bits of teeth — scraps so small that researchers couldn't assign the fossils to a particular species or even estimate its size.
The Almahata Sitta meteorites, a few hundred rock fragments that rained down on Sudan's Nubian Desert in 2008, included a number of coarse - grained, carbon - rich fragments known as ureilites.
On top of that, few regulations and «fragmented governance» — the patchwork policies across all the countries» waters where sharks roam — impede meaningful shark protection strategies.
The 30 or so bits of bone, none more than 7 centimeters long, have suffered much since they were entombed: Ice sheets have scoured Ellesmere Island several times in the past few million years, and today's freeze - thaw cycles continue to splinter fossils into ever - smaller fragments, Rybczynski says.
Only a few photos and small fragments of bones bear witness today to the original find situation.
Long - range PCR is a method that allows for the amplification of much larger fragments of DNA than is possible with traditional PCR — fragments larger than 40 kilobases have been reported in long PCR, versus fewer than 10 kilobases for traditional PCR.
It is a few shards of beauty that hint at something greater, like a few lines of Sappho on a fragment of papyrus.
But after 8 hours of fossil hunting, the team spots only a few stray bone fragments.
But there are no other artefacts and very few signs of domestic activity in the chamber beyond the presence of a charred bone fragment possibly from a bear or large herbivore.
The number of black lion tamarins in the wild had fallen to fewer than 1,000, with most isolated fragments hosting well under 100 monkeys.
Vaccines made of protein or sugar fragments, also known as subunit vaccines, have been successful against a few diseases, such as hepatitis and diphtheria.
The advent of megaYACs meant that it took fewer DNA fragments to cover a given region of the chromosome.
A few artifacts with features that are reminiscent of this sculpture have been found elsewhere in ancient Malta, such as the fragments of carved beds and the terra - cotta Sleeping Lady of the Hypogeum.
«We show that there are always the same few common species in small, isolated secondary forest fragments, so each time you go to another piece of forest, you will encounter the same common birds, a phenomenon called biotic homogenisation.
The Antarctic Peninsula is among the fastest warming locations in the world and, according to the European Space Agency, the enormous Wilkins Ice Shelf is in imminent danger of collapse, much like the Larsen ice shelf fragmented a few years back.
Haas and Creamer have found traces of maize in 17 out of 27 pollen samples but only a few tiny fragments of actual corn.
The difficulty in measuring such a small increment in chromosome 21 DNA concentration has recently been overcome with the use of massively parallel genomic sequencing.20 This technique can identify and quantify millions of DNA fragments in biological samples in a span of days.23 Three cohort studies have shown the feasibility of using the technique to identify fetuses with trisomy 21 by analysis of maternal plasma DNA.24 25 26 The sample numbers studied were small because, typically, only a few samples could be analysed in each sequencing run.
Yet what we are likely to get is piecemeal, fragmented stories of «breakthroughs» with incomplete details, more sober publication in science journals that appear later, news commentary that lasts a few days, and very little systematic effort to think through what policy should be.
The higher level of focus on genetic material from the few small fragments from the Central Asian cave shows the people Paabo calls Denisovans — clearly different genetically from Neanderthals but closely related to them and also to our own species — probably to have formed a larger population than the Neanderthals themselves, as they show a higher degree of variation in their genetic makeup.
First, they sheared DNA into fragments that were a few kilobases long, ligated adapters to the ends of each fragment, and did a round of amplification.
Some are recurrently woven into the film's crazy quilt, others feature as stand - alone major panels; a few more are mere fragments, adding to the sense of a chaotic exquisite - corpse story war held together by the thinnest, most tongue - in - cheek pretexts.
The release of Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past is just a few weeks away, and in case you weren't already aware of how many hours you can sink into the upcoming 3DS adventure Nintendo has released a new trailer showcasing one of the game's more open - ended areas...
There were a few fragmented pieces of storyline that didn't quite fit together and I assume are clumsily introducing future sequels but for what is essentially aimed at children it is really very enjoyable.
The teacher unions are trapped in archaic organizational models characterized by buildings and districts that are too large and too fragmented, compulsory attendance, the 180 - day school year, the 50 - minute period, age - grouping of students in 13 discrete grades, few performance or standards - based activities, and inaccurate assumptions about the dangers of privatization.
Canada dared because he was fed up with the «superhero» model, a menu of fragmented programs that help a few children in vast, blighted neighborhoods, leaving the blight intact.
Eleven - year - old Delphine has only a few fragmented memories of her mother, Cecile, a poet who wrote verses on walls and cereal boxes, played smoky jazz records, and abandoned the family in Brooklyn after giving birth to her third daughter.
She was right - handed but her friend Alison had made these mugs on her new pottery wheel a few years back and Sandy had loyally bought them, and there were fragments of grit embedded in a dribble of glaze on the other side, just at the point where you sipped.
Rice fragments contain fewer nutrients than a whole grain of rice.
These fragments contain fewer nutrients than a whole grain of rice but they are not necessarily a bad ingredient.
If the heartworm treatment has been in the past few weeks I would suspect an inflammatory reaction to dead worm fragments causing the fever and lack of appetite.
This protocol initially kills fewer worms at the beginning of treatment which reduces the impact of the worm emboli (worm fragments) on diseased lungs and lung vessels.
Until a few fragments found in an old photo album awoke the memories and mysteries of the past.
Just to give you a few examples: Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, Star Ocean V: Integrity and Faithlessness, Sword Art Online: RE: Hollow Fragment & Sword Art Online: Lost Song, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Tales of Zestiria, Persona 5, World of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest XI, and many others I might've missed, these are all releasing either later this year or next year, none of these are of the 2017 + slated titles.
It wiped out most of Dusty Depot, with a few fragments littering the eastern half of the map.
There's a few «text fragments» that let you peer in on the past of the universe, but they're too few and far between to really make sense.
He strings together thousands and thousands of moments from cinematic history, transforming fragments into a whole or, more precisely — since few witness the complete opus — into a series of «scenes» that somehow tell a story none of them originally set out to tell.
One feels the presence of the boy collector in one untitled work in which detailed printed images of bugs are placed side by side, together with a few other found fragments and much empty space.
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