Sentences with phrase «few habits»

Meditation and Painting, Reading are few habits which should be Inculcated for Reducing Stress levels
I thought about this question a lot and came up with a list of just a few habits I think are stepping stones:
These few habits keep our eyes on Jesus.
However, it's no harm to get in a few habits at bedtime in the early days.
You're only a few habit shifts away from a bloat - free belly.
Our lives aren't made up of the few habits we do sometimes; they're made up of the lifestyle choices we make all the time.
This particular outcome can be a result of a few habits that one has adopted throughout their life.
You start out by selecting a few habits that you want to adopt from a list of over 100 ideas that come preloaded in the app.
Personally, I've never been one to set New Years Resolutions, but I have set a few habits, hopes, goals and dreams in place that I'd like to achieve this year.
It's been a while since I updated you guys on my travel essentials so today I'm breaking down a few habits and hacks of mine when it comes to packing and hitting the road.
Even though I'm starting to make a decent income with a few habit - related Kindle books, there is a legitimate risk to putting my eggs in one basket.
By paying a bit more attention, and changing a few habits, we're confident Marissa can hang on to more of her hard - earned funds.
Trix missed out on some training opportunities, and has a few habits that need worked on, but she is one smart girl, and is getting better at being a well behaved puppy every day.
When puppies are removed from the litter and taken into their new homes to share their lives with humans, they bring along a few habits they have picked up from interacting with their playmates.
Sometimes kittens are taken from their mom to soon and when they are they come to us with a few habits that are not always appreciated.
Reducing your carbon footprint Increasing the efficiency of our energy use, reducing our energy use and changing a few habits (like eating less meat, eating more local food, not traveling by airplane as much) are some of the quick, easy ways to cut back on the size our individual carbon footprints.
A few habits have helped me with adjusting, hopefully they can help you too.
Here are a few habits of happy couples.
But you'll need to adopt a few habits first.
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